Yeah, as a hobby, a game among friends is OK. I would think the under belly of professional gambling would be horrid. I am just remembering playing poker one night-rotten luck-and I said-I'd sell my soul to the devil for a good hand. Guess what hand I drew next.
They have Poker Tournements down in Dublin twice a year and loads of people travel down, I think you would need about £2000 pound to compete really. They save up for it. It reminds me of Chess you need to keep studying it forever and ever and just keep learning. I am too lazy. It is just a little fun. I am too tight to loose much money. If I lost more than £20 I would probably fall on the ground and die. I think that is why I could never have been an Alchoholic , Drug Addict or Gambling Fiend. I would scream at spending all that money, throwing it down the toilet. Also I love my home comforts too much to be sleeping on the streets. All souls are different though. For many addiction a hole they go down and never come up. I have heard of people who take heroin and never become addicted, but why take a chance? As someone said to me at first you think you own the monkey. But then the monkey gets on your back and the monkey owns you. I don;t have any Moral problems with Poker of Drinking. But there are people with highly addictive natures who maybe shouldn't even dabble. Many Protestant Evangelicals regard gambling and drinking as the work of the Devil. But this has never been a Catholic view, certainly not in Ireland. Nor do I see any harm in doing it professionally either. I would not like to own a Pub or Casino though. It would trouble me. Some things , though not sinful are very best avoided. I notice Fr Rippenger enjoys a whiskey after and exorcism...and a cigar.