Are sins completely forgotten once forgiven?

Discussion in 'The Sacraments' started by Florida Panther, Dec 18, 2015.

  1. Marie-Lou

    Marie-Lou Guest

    Well said Florida Panther. There is nothing compared to His Mercy :)
    Florida Panther likes this.
  2. Joe Crozier

    Joe Crozier Guest

    I have posted this before but it's worth another post. My old dad was nearing death. His friend Fr Eustace came with the last rites. He asked dad, "Are you sorry for all the sins you have committed during your life?" Dad said "Yes". Fr Eustace spoke the words of absolution. Dad then looked around at everyone and said "Now I am ready for the road." After these last words he went to heaven. This was reported in the Catholic papers. Another example of His Mercy.
  3. Marie-Lou

    Marie-Lou Guest

    That is beautiful Joe. As sad as you all must have been, this must have given you all an inner peace that your daddy was away to a far better place :)
    Florida Panther and Joe Crozier like this.
  4. Florida Panther

    Florida Panther Jesus through Mary

    Sep 11, 2015
    South Florida, USA

    Attached is an audio of a sermon I found given on a Divine Mercy Sunday. It really brings it home for me and reinforces much about God's Mercy which I finally felt for myself and many have already posted about here and on other threads. Thought others might like to hear it.:)

    Question which I asked before- as it sounds like you can receive relief of all temporal punishment on this day, similar as when you receive a plenary indulgence for going through the Holy Doors this year; would these sins which have been forgiven and temporal punishment now gone, still appear during the Illumination of Conscious or when you die and are at the Judgement Seat? Similar question about previous sins for someone Baptized as an adult? :unsure::unsure: I know I over analyze but it's always been my nature....:rolleyes:

    May the Peace of Christ be with you all.
  5. Julia

    Julia Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

    Jan 13, 2015
    Berkshire, UK
    Very informative about temptation and confession.

    Florida Panther likes this.
  6. Florida Panther

    Florida Panther Jesus through Mary

    Sep 11, 2015
    South Florida, USA
    Interesting timing- just after I noticed this thread pop up again, Father Mitch Pacwa was answering a question on the EWTN show Threshold of Hope about plenary indulgences, and he stated that God's Mercy will forgive us of our sins but that He never forgets them or the after effects they cause...... we can still be relieved of the temporal punishment though.
  7. Julia

    Julia Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

    Jan 13, 2015
    Berkshire, UK
    You gotta watch Father Peter Glass Video. He is an exorcist. He speaks about the devil in a blunt way.

    He is the Priest who got a miracle cure from Medjugorje for a boy from the south of England a few years ago.

    That boy's father I believe is now a deacon in the Church and I understand the boy is going for the Priesthood, I saw it on a later video.

    There is also another video on Utube with Father Glass giving a talk in polish (I think) with English subtitles. And it is also mind blowing like the one linked above. A must see. :eek:
  8. Julia

    Julia Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

    Jan 13, 2015
    Berkshire, UK
    here is the Father Glass healing testimony.

    Florida Panther likes this.
  9. Julia

    Julia Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

    Jan 13, 2015
    Berkshire, UK
    Here is the talk by Father Peter Glass with English subtitles about how evil possession or more commonly oppression happens to people. And how to deal with it.

    Jeanne, Florida Panther and Serena like this.
  10. fallen saint

    fallen saint Baby steps :)

    May 31, 2014
    This is interesting. I have always stated our sins are forgiven but during judgement we will see all our sins, what our sins caused and all the world sins. My spirituality believes that God has to show us everything because we are being judged for eternity. At judgement we will be either sent to heaven, sent to hell or sent to pay for our sins. People have always debated with me that once you confess your sins they are forgotten (Cleansed from your soul) and that God will not see them anymore. My opinion is that Our Lord needs to see them for Perfect Judgement. He saw them before, during and after. Once Judgment has been handed down then the soul will be wiped clean. But what Father Glass says makes perfect sense. When we stand before the Judge, we will have God in front of us, Our Loving Mother to the right and "the Created One" to the left. The created one will be the accuser asking for our/your soul. This is one place where confession wipes all sins away. When we confess it takes us away from evil. Therefore, the accuser/liar, cannot use your actions to ask for your soul. The act of confession blinds the accuser of the sins that have been confessed. Fr. Glass states it well "Yes, Satan knows the past, but only this past you didn't confess".

    May Gods Will be Done
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2016
  11. Yellowcoffeecup

    Yellowcoffeecup Angels

    Mar 22, 2016
    Florence, South Carolina (USA)
    My mom sent me that very video! With Father Glass, in Polish with english subtitles, and It was absolutely amazing. I think I will re watch it. It reminds you that the devil truly exists.
    Scary stuff! The story he told of the teenager pacing around the outside, came into the church and went crazy, Father crawled to the tabernacle, held up the HolyEucharist and it knocked the boy backwards. Also, that the demons aren't permitted to ever say anything bad about Our Blessed Mother. God doesn't allow it.
    People who think the devil doesn't exist, I pray! I pray The Angel at Fatima prayer at least 20 times a day.
    My God, I believe, I adore, I hope, and I love Thee, and I beg pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope, and do not love Thee.
    A must see to anyone who needs reminding that prayer, sacrifices, fasting and penance are all necessary, especially now. Time is running very short.
    Last edited: May 26, 2016

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