If she died now, she would be damned, because she is according to Martina's words in the state of mortal sin. She can be saved, if she (animal) will leave current male (animal) and become woman (human). If she loves more man-animal (who wants her due her sexuality) than God, how could she be saved?
Martina, again Clare above has given a good response. Living as brother and sister if there are children to care for is the best answer for now. The secular divorce isn't the problem as much as the subsequent "marriage" when she already has a true sacramental first marriage. As David says, she is not lost! The fact that she is alive and is being called to repent is an act of God's mercy. Only God can give someone the desire to repent, so this is a direct grace from Him. Martina, Note: I am not saying she should not approach the priest in confession. I don't have all the facts and this is just a second hand story in brief form, so please don't take this as me playing "priest" and saying what she can and can't do. I am just telling you the Catholic teaching on this matter. It sounds like she is confused, ill informed and in emotional distress. Who knows she could be suicidal or something. If she is talking to a good priest then I would let them handle it.
Dolours, if you reject the Pope as a guide then I suppose you are left looking for guidance from virtually anyone who looks interesting or who happens to say things that you like! Not a good way to become holy I suggest...
LV, you are so mistaken in your views. This is particularly disappointing considering the writers you treasure. But you seem to interpret things with a lack of humility and a certainty that you cannot be mistaken. Have you forgotten all the dates of 'events' that you were recently so certain about?
Regarding the original topic of this thread: https://abyssum.org/2017/01/03/no-mercy-for-sex-abuse-victims/
Remember Martina God loves every soul so much that He would die for each of us individually if necessary. That is from a revelation to a saint I believe, I cannot remember which one right now. Each and every soul is so precious to Him, He loves it as if it were the only one He ever created. We are incapable of understanding this type of love. It is so powerful it would crush us if we could. It sounds like God is moving in your friend. Hopefully she will respond, even if it is in baby steps at first. Pray for Her. That is truly the best thing you can do for her. Many souls are lost because they have no one to pray for them.
OK Little Voice you need to chill and stop attacking. Why dont you go about making more predictions about the date being I so agree.. But remember Little Voice was also making predictions just 4 days ago about how 12/31/16 would be the date the events happened
I condemn sin! Who agree with adultery is guilty too. If you love MV, why not quotes I posted? Yes I was certain of dates because I believed in another authorities. But between defending moral criteria and guessing the dates of events is great difference. And you called me once the pseudo-scientist. I was the pseudoscientist only from one reason: I didn't accept a part of AY's hypothesis, because I wanted the Warning in even-numbered year. The Astero have 3 motions. I discovered 2 AY one. He calculated the too late date, I too early. Now if would be our hypotheses connected, the week of the Warning could be known.
Thanks to everyone here. She has lived as brother and sister for the past few months and is wanting to carry on like this until everything can hopefully be put right. I tell you this she is like me clueless at times on what to do she came up with that one herself about abstaining from relations that way so yes I do believe that it is God advising her and giving her an opportunity. It's all she thinks about these days trying to get it right. And as someone said earlier I think it was David said she did not choose to be lost she made some desperate mistakes in a desperate desperate situation.
Martina, that is wonderful that she is able to live as brother and sister!!! I know that is difficult. With prayer and trust in God she will sort through her situation. Don't worry about being clueless, we all are at the start. No one was born with a copy of the Catholic Encyclopedia in their hands I am clueless about a lot of things, but then again I am a guy and that seems to be part of the job description
LV, when giving personal advice to people about a delicate situation it is best not to throw hellfire and brimstone at them. You can make them aware of the facts in a gentle way. You never know who you are talking to, especially on the net. Sometimes a person's "friend" is actually them. As far as being certain of where someone will wind up, remember the story of The Cure D'Ars. A woman came to him fraught with despair that her husband was in Hell because he had committed suicide by jumping off of a bridge. St. John Vianney told her that her husband was saved at the last moment because he had repented before he died.
This looks appalling, but not surprising. I don't know how much guilt rests upon Pope Francis. There certainly seems evidence of a lack of enthusiasm for dealing with child abuse, but this is hardly a novelty in the hierarchy. It could be that he has been compromised and brought under the control of a paedophile circle within the Vatican-more echoes of Fr. Malachi Martin's allegations. Julian Assange asserts that this year will greatly supercede the last for explosive revelations. Pope Francis needs our prayers more than ever, it appears. Indeed, we ourselves need our prayers now.
Here I am alone merciful. To say to sinner that he will be damned if he will not leave the state of mortal sin, is the greater mercy. All here are guilty adulterers, if they allow our poor sister adultery! they were so more impure than she, because she maybe now hasn't power to leave current man, but they were Satan's prostitutes! It is not allowed to man and woman to live as brother and sister outside of marriage! Not allowed! Our pure sister needs only your prayers and sacrifices, so that she was too strong to leave his current partner. The sweet words of few people here are full of Satanic poison.
Just to clarify it's not me I was talking about in the posts.....my friend and I turned back to God around the same time and We help each other on our journey. But yes you are correct you never know. And yes I was scared for my friend reading some posts especially as the damage is done now but I see how hard she is trying, so for her sake I trust in God that he still wants her. I'm still not going to read some of the posts here as it would scare the begorra!!!! outta her.
No, this is just more of the desperate search for something to 'pin' on the Holy Father. I read the piece carefully and the only actual 'news' in the piece is in the following quote from it: Recently, Pope Francis had the Vatican's secretary of state, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, request an opinion from the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts, led by Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, regarding the possibility of transferring competence to deal with abuser priests from the CDF back to Clergy and the Rota. Coccopalmerio's office responded with a positive answer. Big deal! Of course the traditionalists would much prefer the CDF ran the whole Church but fortunately Pope Francis has other ideas.
I use hard words, ever. The hard ones against sinners in the state of sin. The mild ones to penitents. God used my hard words converted few people I know. Have your words served to convert a soul?
Frightening article.... Sacramentalizing climate change may land the Pope on the cover of Vanity Fair and Time magazine, but exposing predator priests saves lives and souls of the earth’s most precious resource, children. If this happened on Benedicts watch Im sure it would have been all over the Media.