Sg......... 'a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth'. ....could be any number of things including a heresy introduced to align souls with the new world order or new age theory! Don't you think? To infer that it must be the Norus Ordo Mass that is referred to, is a stretch in my opinion! Especially when we see such great saints like Saint Mother Theresa, who attended and assisted at the Novus ordo Mass daily! In the chapels of the Missionaries of Charity, they do penance constantly, they have no pews nor kneelers and in fact everyone kneels on the floor for the Consecration and the solemn rites and they sit on the floor for the homily! and all receive Our Lord reverently amd on the tongue and kneeling! Does the TLM devottees discount all Catholics who attend the Novus Ordo Mass, including such people as Saint Mother Theresa of Calcutta? I attend the Novus ordo Mass and I know my Lord Jesus is present in the Blessed Sacrament! And He Is My All! I am hopeful that with my offering of my insignificant presence, somehow this consoles Our Lord Jesus most Sacred Heart, that I recieve Him worthily and that I do not displease Him or spoil His work. The Parishes I attend are very devout and are nothing like the German parishes that were displayed here on the MoG forum! May God Have Mercy on us all. Amen.
Lest I misunderstand what is being said here, please explain what these mean: "play by play" "knees have to hit the floor"
The following from Mother Teresa has been quoted on another thread: Mother Teresa did many good things, but in this quote of hers, there is obvious error, which can be verified if one looks at Scripture as well as the teachings of many Popes, which DivineMercy has kindly listed on another thread: Whatever happened to Jesus' command to "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all whatsoever I have commanded you."? How can this be disobeyed?
Let’s set aside our differences regarding the Liturgy for the time being. Satan is using it to divide a wonderful forum that had achieved a remarkable unity. Those of us who embrace the Traditional movement understand that intrinsic to the Warnings of Our Lady of Fatima is a warning about changing the Church’s Liturgy and theology. Folks of good will that don’t (or won’t) currently grasp this central element to the Fatima message will in due time, and that will happen by Divine Intervention, not our own efforts, no matter how reasonable they may seem to us right now.
Something is up, you can see it yesterday and today in the divisions on the MOG forum. Instead of contributing to it, please take the time to say an extra Rosary for all the forum members and lurkers, past and present, on MOG, and that diabolical disorientation in the Church be completely defeated.
I’m in the middle of driving a couple hundred miles from New England to Harrisburg PA. However, I really felt a compulsion to pull off at a rest stop and post this, on several threads. As I said, I really feel “something is up” and we need to step away from our keyboards, reevaluate the direction of our posts the last 72 hours, and PRAY. No idea why, but I figured I better post this nonetheless.
Wise words Brian, thank you. I have felt this tug to pray for this remnant on MoG. Sometimes it's easy to get sucked into which is the better road and harder to stand back and pray with humility. Mary most humble, pray that we too have your quietness, your joy, your tenderness and compassion towards our brothers and sisters in Christ here on the forum and within the community. We ask for this with you and through your son our brother Jesus, we present this prayer at the feet of our heavenly Father. Amen An Appeal to the Cardinals of the Catholic Church | Various Pope Francis has revised the Catechism of the Catholic Church to read, “the death penalty is inadmissible because it is an attack on the inviolability and dignity of the person.” This statement has been understood by many, both inside and outside the Church, to teach that capital punishment is intrinsically immoral and thus is always illicit, even in principle. Though no Catholic is obliged to support the use of the death penalty in practice (and not all of the undersigned do support its use), to teach that capital punishment is always and intrinsically evil would contradict Scripture. That the death penalty can be a legitimate means of securing retributive justice is affirmed in Genesis 9:6 and many other biblical texts, and the Church holds that Scripture cannot teach moral error. The legitimacy in principle of capital punishment is also the consistent teaching of the magisterium for two millennia. To contradict Scripture and tradition on this point would cast doubt on the credibility of the magisterium in general. Concerned by this gravely scandalous situation, we wish to exercise the right affirmed by the Church’s Code of Canon Law, which at Canon 212 states: The Christian faithful are free to make known to the pastors of the Church their needs, especially spiritual ones, and their desires. According to the knowledge, competence, and prestige which they possess, they have the right and even at times the duty to manifest to the sacred pastors their opinion on matters which pertain to the good of the Church and to make their opinion known to the rest of the Christian faithful, without prejudice to the integrity of faith and morals, with reverence toward their pastors, and attentive to common advantage and the dignity of persons. We are guided also by the teaching of St. Thomas Aquinas, who states: If the faith were endangered, a subject ought to rebuke his prelate even publicly. Hence Paul, who was Peter’s subject, rebuked him in public, on account of the imminent danger of scandal concerning faith, and, as the gloss of Augustine says on Galatians 2:11, “Peter gave an example to superiors, that if at any time they should happen to stray from the straight path, they should not disdain to be reproved by their subjects.” (Summa Theologiae, Part II-II, Question 33, Article 4, ad 2) Hence we, the undersigned, issue the following appeal: To their Most Reverend Eminences, the Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, Since it is a truth contained in the Word of God, and taught by the ordinary and universal magisterium of the Catholic Church, that criminals may lawfully be put to death by the civil power when this is necessary to preserve just order in civil society, and since the present Roman pontiff has now more than once publicly manifested his refusal to teach this doctrine, and has rather brought great confusion upon the Church by seeming to contradict it, and by inserting into the Catechism of the Catholic Church a paragraph which will cause and is already causing many people, both believers and non-believers, to suppose that the Church considers, contrary to the Word of God, that capital punishment is intrinsically evil, we call upon Your Eminences to advise His Holiness that it is his duty to put an end to this scandal, to withdraw this paragraph from the Catechism, and to teach the word of God unadulterated; and we state our conviction that this is a duty seriously binding upon yourselves, before God and before the Church. Sincerely, Hadley Arkes Edward N. Ney Professor in American Institutions Emeritus Amherst College Joseph Bessette Alice Tweed Tuohy Professor of Government and Ethics Claremont McKenna College Patrick Brennan John F. Scarpa Chair in Catholic Legal Studies Villanova University J. Budziszewski Professor of Government and Philosophy University of Texas at Austin Isobel Camp Professor of Philosophy Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas Richard Cipolla Priest Diocese of Bridgeport Eric Claeys Professor of Law Antonin Scalia Law School, George Mason University Travis Cook Associate Professor of Government Belmont Abbey College S. A. Cortright Professor of Philosophy Saint Mary’s College Cyrille Dounot Professor of Legal History Université Clermont Auvergne Patrick Downey Professor of Philosophy Saint Mary’s College Eduardo Echeverria Professor of Philosophy and Theology Sacred Heart Major Seminary Edward Feser Associate Professor of Philosophy Pasadena City College Alan Fimister Assistant Professor of Theology St. John Vianney Theological Seminary Luca Gili Assistant Professor of Philosophy Université du Québec à Montréal Brian Harrison Scholar in Residence Oblates of Wisdom Study Center L. Joseph Hebert Professor of Political Science St. Ambrose University Rafael Hüntelmann Lecturer in Philosophy International Seminary of St. Peter John Hunwicke Priest Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham Robert C. Koons Professor of Philosophy University of Texas at Austin Peter Koritansky Associate Professor of Philosophy University of Prince Edward Island Peter Kwasniewski Independent Scholar Wausau, Wisconsin John Lamont Author Divine Faith Roberto de Mattei Author The Second Vatican Council: An Unwritten Story Robert T. Miller Professor of Law University of Iowa Gerald Murray Priest Archdiocese of New York Lukas Novak Lecturer in Philosophy University of South Bohemia Thomas Osborne Professor of Philosophy University of St. Thomas Michael Pakaluk Professor of Ethics Catholic University of America Claudio Pierantoni Professor of Medieval Philosophy University of Chile Thomas Pink Professor of Philosophy King’s College London Andrew Pinsent Research Director of the Ian Ramsey Centre University of Oxford Alyssa Pitstick Independent Scholar Spokane, Washington Donald S. Prudlo Professor of Ancient and Medieval History Jacksonville State University Anselm Ramelow Chair of the Department of Philosophy Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology George W. Rutler Priest Archdiocese of New York Matthew Schmitz Senior Editor First Things Josef Seifert Founding Rector International Academy of Philosophy Joseph Shaw Fellow of St Benet’s Hall University of Oxford Anna Silvas Adjunct Senior Research Fellow University of New England Michael Sirilla Professor of Dogmatic and Systematic Theology Franciscan University of Steubenville Joseph G. Trabbic Associate Professor of Philosophy Ave Maria University Giovanni Turco Associate Professor of Philosophy University of Udine Michael Uhlmann Professor of Government Claremont Graduate University John Zuhlsdorf Priest Diocese of Velletri-Segni Become a fan of First Things on Facebook, subscribe to First Things via RSS, and follow First Things on Twitter.
Poverty and obedience were the 2 vows he did not have to follow if i recall. He was still a priest. I have watched many a show and listened to many radio shows where he was introduced as Father Malachi Martin. he could still say Mass .
I believe if anyone wants to understand the problems affecting the vatican they should read Fr Martin's book, Windswept House. It is 96% true, only the names have been changed. There, you can read about the satanic handler of the most powerful catholic ( supposed child molester/predator Bernadin) in the USA for 30 years. His handler was Cardinal Maria Martini of Milan, Fr Martin and Fr Fiore told me this personally, and PF has praised this leader of the St Gallens group by singing his praises in an autobiography of this supposed satanist. The head of the Jesuits, a Fr OKeefe has publicly confirmed what Agnes has stated about his canonical status which Martin also confirmed to me.
Didn’t Malachi Martin indicate that Bernardin was being groomed for the papacy but then he got stomach cancer.
Cardinal Martini was a Jesuit. It was strongly rumoured that he was also a Freemason. The Freemasons in Italy issued a statement saying very nice things about him after his death. Cardinal Martini was one of the infamous St. Gallen group. He also told Pope Benedict to resign. From something Pope Francis said in an interview with his atheist friend Scalfari, it appears that Scalfari was something of a fan of Cardinal Martini. Pope Francis has made no secret of his admiration for Cardinal Martini. Fr. Malachi Martin did use his previous rather privileged position in the Church to his advantage after he left the Jesuits. Hard to blame him for that. He was wrong about Maciel, but so were others, including Pope John Paul. I suppose that the longer he was out of the Jesuits, the less insider knowledge he had about what was happening in the higher echelons of the Church, but he was very intelligent and knew enough about the movers and shakers in the hierarchy to make some very accurate educated guesses. Like the rest of us, he was human. May God rest his soul, and may God have mercy on the soul of Cardinal Martini.