ThNk you for posting this Padraig. Another sign. Just like the crow attacking the dove. Just like the lightning strike.
Thank you, but I should have been more specific. I meant the significance of these events in relationship to Marian prophecy.
It is expensive for families to pay for child care when women are working outside the home, hence the use of contraceptives and, dare I say, abortion.
I have heard Fr. Hesse and I think someone else mention this, but this has never been a part of the LaSalette message to my knowledge. I don't know where this originated from. Some have said there is a connection with LaSalette, but I have never found one.
Apparently Verrichio is being disputed (link below). Sometimes he has good information, but sometimes he really stretches things too. Plus Verrechio rejects Pope Francis. So there's that...
Apparently they weren't disturbed enough by this Earth-mother pagan idol to prevent them from bringing it right inside St. Peter's
This was wonderful! Fr. Mark is a true shepard, and he was spot on about that pagan ceremony in the Vatican garden..." You don't touch stuff with a ten foot pole unless you know it's in the name of Jesus." AMEN. This priest is a very holy man, and I could listen to him all day. He is a hero, and I pray for his protection.
No mention yet in this excellent exposition of the Quito apparitions of the heartbroken 'prisoner Pope in the Vatican' mentioned by Our Lady of Good Success. Along with several traditional Catholic bloggers, I believe that this prisoner is Benedict (bless him).
Fr Hesse said they refused to publish it with the rest of the message. The interview is somewhere on line. But where I cannot recall.
I remember going into my sisters house years ago ,who is a widow with a large young family and seeing s statue of the Buddha there. I warned her that she should loose it because as St Paul warns , 'Many who worship idols worship demons unaware.' 1 Corinthians 10:20 Flee from Idolatry …19Am I suggesting, then, that food sacrificed to an idol is anything, or that an idol is anything? 20No, but the sacrifices of pagans are offered to demons, not to God. And I do not want you to be participants with demons. 21You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too; you cannot partake in the table of the Lord and the table of demons too.… Deuteronomy 32:17 They sacrificed to demons, not to God, to gods they had not known, to newly arrived gods, which your fathers did not fear. But my sisters statue of the Buddha seems very small potato's indeed compared to bring a Pagan Idol into the Holy of Holies, St Peter's itself and the Holy Father and the Church Leaders showing respect and reverence towards it. When the Holy Father does such things as Head of the Church he does so on our behalf and so when he does this we do it do. Just then as the Holy Father suffer chastisement for this so we will also as a Church. I think a very good example of people worshipping idols when they were really worshipping demons was the Aztecs. 10 Aztec sacrifice facts – Human Sacrifices
The Jews of course experienced demon worship in Scripture and Demons to whom human sacrifice is paid. The Demon Beelzebub's name means , 'Lord of the Files'. He is called this because the flies were attracted in such huge numbers to the blood of those who were murdered. There is also the demon Belliol, who asked for the Sacrifice of children and babies and whose children abortionists today are. A priest one time told me this story, which I believe to be true. One night he was sitting in his Presbytery when the door was knocked. The visitor was a gentleman who appeared frightened and nervous. He had been a Satanist who had been a Catholic but wanted to go to confession. The reason why he wanted to convert was because a Sacrifice at a ceremony of a baby, the child of one of the Coven. They had thrown the baby on an urn or red hot coals and the cries of the infant haunted the poor man. It, was he said the agonised cries of the infant that forced him to repent. When the priest held out Holy Water to the man to bless himself that man could not touch it and when after repeated attempts he did so the lights in the Presbytery dimmed and went out. But Pope Francis bringing such idols in the holy of holies reminds me of the Jewish religious leadership facing death rather than to permit such a thing. https://hermeneutics.stackexchange....ation-caligulas-proposed-statue-in-the-temple I think St Peter's needs to be solemnly reconsecrated after this desecration and atonement made to withhold the wrath of God, which will be swift in coming.
I will have to go back and read these Prophesies over again. There is no doubt they are being fulfilled before our eyes. I have forgotten half of them. “Unbridled passions will give way to a total corruption of customs because Satan will reign through the Masonic sects, targeting the children in particular to ensure general corruption. “Unhappy, the children of those times! Seldom will they receive the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. As for the sacrament of Penance, they will confess only while attending Catholic schools, which the devil will do his utmost to destroy by means of persons in authority. “The same will occur with Holy Communion. Oh, how it hurts me to tell you that there will be many and enormous public and hidden sacrileges! “In those times, the sacrament of Extreme Unction will be largely ignored.… Many will die without receiving it, being thereby deprived of innumerable graces, consolation, and strength in the great leap from time to eternity. “The sacrament of Matrimony, which symbolizes the union of Christ with the Church, will be thoroughly attacked and profaned. Masonry, then reigning, will implement iniquitous laws aimed at extinguishing this sacrament. They will make it easy for all to live in sin, thus multiplying the birth of illegitimate children without the Church’s blessing…. “Secular education will contribute to a scarcity of priestly and religious vocations.” “The holy sacrament of Holy Orders will be ridiculed, oppressed, and despised, for in this both the Church and God Himself are oppressed and reviled, since He is represented by His priests. “The devil will work to persecute the ministers of the Lord in every way, working with baneful cunning to destroy the spirit of their vocation and corrupting many. Those who will thus scandalize the Christian flock will bring upon all priests the hatred of bad Christians and the enemies of the One, Holy, Roman Catholic, and Apostolic Church. This apparent triumph of Satan will cause enormous suffering to the good pastors of the Church…and to the Supreme Pastor and Vicar of Christ on earth who, a prisoner in the Vatican, will shed secret and bitter tears in the presence of God Our Lord, asking for light, sanctity, and perfection for all the clergy of the world, to whom he is King and Father.” “Unhappy times will come wherein those who should fearlessly defend the rights of the Church will instead, blinded despite the light, give their hand to the Church’s enemies and do their bidding. But when [evil] seems triumphant and when authority abuses its power, committing all manner of injustice and oppressing the weak, their ruin shall be near. They will fall and crash to the ground. Our Lady of Good Success who appeared to Mother Mariana of Jesus Torres y Berriochoa, a nun of the Conceptionist Order, in Quito, Ecuador. “Then will the Church, joyful and triumphant like a young girl, reawaken and be comfortably cradled in the arms of my most dear and elect son of those times. If he lends an ear to the inspirations of grace–one of which will be the reading of these great mercies that my Son and I have had toward you–we shall fill him with graces and very special gifts and will make him great on earth and much greater in Heaven. There we have reserved a precious seat for him because, heedless of men, he will have fought for truth and ceaselessly defended the rights of the Church, deserving to be called ‘martyr.’” “At the end of the nineteenth century and throughout a great part of the twentieth, many heresies will be propagated in these lands.… “The small number of souls who will secretly safeguard the treasure of Faith and virtues will suffer a cruel, unspeakable, and long martyrdom. Many will descend to their graves through the violence of suffering and will be counted among the martyrs who sacrificed themselves for the country and the Church.