Discussion in 'Church Critique' started by BrianK, Jul 13, 2017.

  1. davidtlig

    davidtlig Guest

    Oh dear, this really is an example of why these 'to and fros' are generally a mistake!

    How can you think that I am viewing John Paul II in the way you put it here!

    Let's just be clear, I believe all the recent Popes (including Francis) were and are equally saintly and spiritual figures despite their very different characters and natures and I believe their understanding of the faith to be virtually identical.
    Jeanne and fallen saint like this.
  2. Blizzard

    Blizzard thy kingdom come

    Jan 4, 2017
    It's not my forum but given the depth of your comments I would urge you to please post more often!
    SgCatholic, Dolours and Carol55 like this.
  3. Blizzard

    Blizzard thy kingdom come

    Jan 4, 2017
    I am sometimes in awe of the wisdom I find on this forum. This is one of those moments. Thank you.
  4. Blizzard

    Blizzard thy kingdom come

    Jan 4, 2017
    Very good point. And if the message of Akita does not pertain to our times it must be describing a later time. This, however, is not likely because this is the eleventh hour. Multiple prophecies and messages, both approved and not approved (but credible) confirm this.
    SgCatholic likes this.
  5. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014
    Their faith is virtually identical??? Wow! The past popes spoke with such clarity that no one misunderstood them. Pope Francis speaks with such ambiguity that one has to twist like crazy what he say's to mean what the past popes have clearly stated. And actions speak louder than his words. Does anyone think the past popes would have strobed the Vatican in rainbow colors and with animals? Does anyone think Pope JPII would have accepted a communist crucifix? Does anyone think any of the past 7 popes would have kicked out of the highest offices in the Vatican those who lived and taught the fullness of the faith and replace with with known LGBT advocates? One could go on and on, with things this pope has done that speak as loud as his words against traditional Catholicism.
    Byron, SgCatholic and Pray4peace like this.
  6. Jarg

    Jarg Archangels

    Jun 28, 2016
    New York
    I wish it was you viewing it like that David, unfortunately that kind of manichean dichotomies ("followers of rules" vs "followers of Christ", "doctrine"vs "praxis", "fundamentalists" vs "moderate", etc) are coming from those in high places who pretend to be the voice of the pope and the Church.
    Don_D likes this.
  7. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Dec 30, 2016
    This is a true gem of a post if I ever saw one.:);):D
    Byron, SgCatholic, AED and 1 other person like this.
  8. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    Nov 30, 2008
    Akita is now because Sister is still alive -- it is living prophecy -- cardinal vs cardinal.

    The Church will be full of those who accept compromise --

    But there are those on this forum who will not accept compromise with the world or with the truth.

    And the proof is that we are prepared to shed our blood for the truth, praise Be Jesus Christ, Allelulia!
    Byron, DivineMercy, sterph and 5 others like this.
  9. davidtlig

    davidtlig Guest

    What is missing in all these comments is an understanding that the Apostasy has been progressing for a long time. The Akita meesages are about the past, present and future. Most here pay no attention to the amazing messages of True Life in God but in the hope that maybe one or two guests viewing the forum might recognize God's voice in these messages, let me copy one of them.

    Note the following message was given in 1988!

    June 4, 1988

    My Church today lies in obscurity and confusion; this is the heresy that penetrated into My Sanctuary, inducing errors upon many of My priests; the Spirit is calling and telling to all churches: refute falsehood, correct error, call to obedience, but do all with patience and with intention of teaching, 3 the time has come; far from being content with sound teaching, 4 people are avid for the latest novelty and collect themselves a whole series of teachers according to their own tastes, and instead of listening to the Truth, they turn to myths; 5 tell Me, Vassula, can the Gospel be taken apart and separated?

    No, Lord, it is impossible.

    take this as an example for My Body too; My Body too cannot be separated; yet, they have separated It ... rebellion penetrated into the very heart of My Church, first an interior rebellion sank into some of My priest's souls, bishops and cardinals, infused by Satan, obscuring them; shadowed under Satan's wings, they fell into his traps; this rebellion is now among them, lacerating My Sacred Heart;

    in the beginning these sacerdotals, having absorbed the Rebellion Seed from Satan, brooded over this seed, brewing evil designs, scheming; they brewed Opposition, contradicting the successor of Peter, this Peter-of-My-lambs selected by Me; this Rebellion Seed now fully grown gave them the force to openly declare their rebellion, to split again, throwing venomous arrows on My Church .... they betrayed6 Me ... they betrayed this Heart-full-of-Love, just like Juda in Gethsemane ... they are dragging Me to be scourged ... they are scourging Me, O Vassula, how I suffer ...

    O Lord, no!

    (I could see Our Lord, in an interior vision, being scourged, tied to a column, and with every scourge that tore His Body, He shook, panting and breathless. His Body was one big wound.)

    Oh Lord when will they ever stop?

    they are not stopping, they are savagely scourging Me, drunk with Vanity and Disobedience, they are obeying and are loyal only to My foe! they are ruining My Foundation, they are dispersing My sheep, they are treading on Peter's feet pushing him aside, they are trying to silence him...

    Cain never understood My Abel; oh Abel ... I will not forsake you; your God is near you; your God is coming with a legion of angels to defend you and tread on My foe who is your foe; I am preparing My angels, and Cain will not strike you; he will have to raise his hand against Me, his God; I, the Lord, will surprise him;

    My Church will be united by My Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of your Holy Mother; as both Our Hearts are united so will My Church be united; My Church will be One;

    1 God seemed amazed! (by our stupidity).
    2 See May 16, 1988.
    3 2 Tm. 4: 2-3.
    4 Jesus asked me to open the Holy Bible and write this passage.
    5 2 Tm. 4: 3-5.6 When Jesus said "betrayed Me", He said it very hurt.

  10. Dolours

    Dolours Guest

    k k
    For any guests viewing this, be aware that these "prophesies" come from a lady named Vassula Ryden who is not Catholic and has disobeyed her superiors in the Orthodox Church of which she is (or was) a member. It should be easy enough for anyone interested to do an internet search on Ms. Ryden and decide for yourselves whether there is any value in her messages. My search produced this website: http://www.pseudomystica.info/tligbiography.htm#churches
    DivineMercy, SgCatholic, AED and 3 others like this.
  11. davidtlig

    davidtlig Guest

    Here we go again, one has only to mention Vassula and the devil gets to work!

    The forum has argued endlessly about Vassula and most of the arguments are in this thread on this forum:

    The most accurate website of the situation regarding Vassula and the Church is at:
  12. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Pulaski, NY
    I most certainly will join you in this request, Padraig!

    Into your hands, Dear Lady! Come O healing balm of the Holy Spirit! Jesus, mercy!

    Safe in the Father's Arms!
    padraig and AED like this.
  13. Dolours

    Dolours Guest

    What devil? The one in the Vatican?

    From the Vatican: http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/c...con_cfaith_doc_20070125_vassula-ryden_en.html

    From the Vatican, 25 January 2007

    Your Eminence / Your Excellency,

    The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith continues to receive requests for clarification in relation to the writings and activities of Mrs Vassula Rydén. These requests address in particular the import of the Notification of 6 October 1995, and the criteria to be considered by the local Church in judging whether the writings of Mrs Vassula Rydén may appropriately be disseminated.

    In this regard, the Congregation wishes to state the following:

    1) The Notification of 1995 remains valid as a doctrinal judgment of the writings examined.

    2) Mrs Vassula Rydén, however, after dialogue with the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, has offered clarifications on some problematic points in her writings and on the nature of her messages which are presented not as divine revelations, but rather as her personal meditations (see Vassula Rydén: Letter of 26 June 2002, published in True Life in God, vol. 12, XXI-LI). From a normative point of view therefore, following the aforementioned clarifications, a case by case prudential judgment is required in view of the real possibility of the faithful being able to read the writings in the light of the said clarifications.

    3) Finally, it remains inappropriate for Catholics to take part in prayer groups established by Mrs Rydén. Concerning the question of ecumenical meetings, the faithful are to follow the norms of the Ecumenical Directory, of the Code of Canon Law (canons: 215; 223, ' 2 and 383, ' 3) and of Diocesan Ordinaries.

    Thanking you for your attention and with sentiments of esteem, I am

    Yours sincerely in Christ,

    William Cardinal Levada
    SgCatholic, BrianK and HeavenlyHosts like this.
  14. davidtlig

    davidtlig Guest

  15. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    this particular priest when he was young was an alchoholic he used to sleep in the streets when he was young. Then he converted. He is very, very special.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2017
    BrianK and HeavenlyHosts like this.
  16. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Dec 30, 2016
    Joining in prayers for his miracle from God
  17. Dolours

    Dolours Guest

    "We" aren't into posting material about Vassula.

    You posted this: "What is missing in all these comments is an understanding that the Apostasy has been progressing for a long time. The Akita meesages are about the past, present and future. Most here pay no attention to the amazing messages of True Life in God but in the hope that maybe one or two guests viewing the forum might recognize God's voice in these messages, let me copy one of them." Then you went on to post messages while making no attempt to give the "one or two guests" any background to the person whose messages you were quoting.

    When I pointed out that the messages which you claim contain God's voice talking about "My Church" actually came from a non-Catholic and that people should check her out and make their own decision about her messages and linked to a website giving some background, you made a disgraceful comment insinuating that I was doing the work of the devil, whereupon I supplied a link to the Vatican website and the statement by the CDF giving the Church's official position on this lady's messages.

    It's deceitful to portray as bona fide messages from God what the messenger herself has told the Church are her own private meditations. That you intimated the devil is behind the warning to be cautious about her messages should tell any guests all they need to know about followers of this lady and her messages.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2017
    DivineMercy, SgCatholic, AED and 2 others like this.
  18. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    No miracle ever happened , but someone prayed for it.

    AED and HeavenlyHosts like this.
  19. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014
    With all we have learned over the many years and all the prophecies that were told to come, I feel so blessed to have had the internet and a place like this MOG forum to make me aware of the many errors, false teachings and an overall awareness of the apostasy that scripture said would come. If I had not had all this information that is unfolding within the Vatican and within the various diocese and parishes around the world I may have easily been sucked into following a bad pope, cardinal, bishop or priest with what little information may have traveled our way. I think of all the bad periods of time throughout the history of the world and one had to wade through a lone messenger coming your way and with the little information people had back then they had to discern what is true and what was not, which must have been very difficult.

    Perhaps even though we have this means of instant communication of words spoken from the highest levels of our faith, the sad thing is maybe only 5% or less have any clue what is taking place in the Church at this time and will be caught up in the great confusion not knowing what to think or what to do as it all unfolds quickly. So very few faithful left, who see clearly what is happening through the eye's of faith and what has been handed down to this moment. Without this instant means of communication, I may not have considered that apostasy would come from the head of the church and those within the Vatican. If not for the internet and places like MOG the news we could have received may have been so confusing we would not have know what to believe either. I give most of the credit to St. Pope John Paul for clearly teaching the faith for over 2 decades of countless speeches, encyclical's, documents and of course the Catholic Catechism he commissioned, which at least some in the Vatican want to modify to soften the language towards those living in Sodomy. If God had not allowed for all this to take place before the great apostasy, I don't know if anyone could have held to his truths. I also give the utmost thankfulness to our Triune God and our Blessed Mother who have not left us orphaned, but have given us ample messages and prophecy to see our way clear. But, as scripture teaches, "to whom much is given, much is expected". Those who know the truth and have held on to the fullness of it will have a huge task in evangelizing and educating as the world collapses around us in the very near future, just as it has done on this forum for many years now. Jesus said, "the truth shall make you free" and that it does. It brings a peace of heart and joy the world does not know. Many on this forum know this peace and joy. Many outside this forum do as well and for that the remnant are blessed. I believe God has put his foot soldiers, 'Gideon's army' in places all around the world for these times. In the end, we have been told many times from heaven that the rosary is the answer the only weapon against evil that will stand along with the sign left in the sky. Pray, trust and don't worry, as the world enters deeper into its darkness.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2017
  20. Praetorian

    Praetorian Powers

    May 25, 2015
    This is a very, very special place. I have not found another on the net that even comes close. I have no doubt that this forum and the members here have some special purpose. I don't know exactly what that means but it is just something I feel.
    Byron, DivineMercy, Blizzard and 8 others like this.

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