Just me thinking, I don’t believe there will be a schism. Not in the historical sense - one side will not leave the Church because it is the Church established by Jesus and to leave would be wrong. The other side will not leave because they are set in tearing the church down. There will be 2 side by side which is why there will be more and more confusion and as the next generation comes in will there yet be (true) faith on earth?
I think a few of us see the big picture. As Catholics, our life in God, starts with baptism. That starts are purification process. It is not symbolic...but we are actually marked as Gods Children. Then we prepare and given the gift of reconciliation. Again the purification of our soul, our temple of God. We clean our bodies from sin. And finally we are allowed Holy Communion...which is the actual Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus. If we follow our Spiritual Tradition, we accept our Lord in the Eucharist as a sin free vessel. By allowing those, not of the faith...Our Lord is entering a body the is not prepared for Him. He is entering a body that is not part of Him. It is a sacrilege by the anointed shepherds to allow this to happen. There is no rhyme or reason to allow. In my opinion its a sacrilege to God. Just my humble opinion
As has been said here previously the time of Francis is coming to an end. If the next Pope re establishes the true teachings of the faith then the liberals will reject him and we will be into schism. Likewise if the Mass and the Eucharist is changed faithful priests and bishops will be thrown out and we will be into schism. Jesus is the truth and where Jesus is there is the church. The church is not tied to church buildings.