I’m glad you’re at least on the mend Don. My son is just recovering from Covid and got it after having been vaccinated twice. The only blessing is now that he’s had Covid, he’ll not get any worthlessness boosters. I don’t think he was going to get them anyhow. It’s takes a few weeks to develop the natural antibodies, but you’ll at least have that. But I’m sure you really had a round with Covid considering all of your other health issues. Prayers for continue recovery Don!
Fr. Kunz Was a exorcist and good friend of MM. He was murdered in a satanic style. MM spoke of him in a radio interview. MM was also a exorcist.
Yes. I too would like to know. Fr. Malachi is a peculiar character for sure but those I know who knew him are pretty much in agreement of his orthodoxy and fidelity to the Faith.
From what I know MM did know Father Kunz and strongly advised a number of priests some of whom I know to leave the US and go elsewhere. Stranger than fiction
Just looked backed through this thread and realised a lot of points have already been covered. The ever elusive Fr. Martin. It is what it is.
This was a wonderful post from Dolours….at the end, she mentions that she was resuming her break from the forum. I missed her post and wondered where or why she wasn’t active here….now I know…
Me too. It costs 190.00 dollars from Triumph Communications, and at Amazon where they are also selling it. I just never get around to buying it because other needs demand that I spend it on some other medical necessity.
As far as I recall it centered in the first place on his leaving the priesthood. He invited Malchi to a meeting which Malchi never showe dup for, Fr Hardon suggested that this was because he was afraid to do so because of what Fr Hardon had to say to him on a number of issues including what he calimed was going on in the Vatican. Fr hardon as far as I recall was implying that Malachi was making things up. Fr Hardon is on course for sainthood so I trust him. If I get a chance I will try to find the conference, but Fr Hardon gave so many... cf: https://www.fisheaters.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=77056
I wouldn't say everything Malachi said was wrong. But I would take a lot of it with a large pinch of salt. Maybe some it's true, maybe some of it's not. Who knows?
I guess we will probably never know the full truth. Given the corruption in the Vatican, I found MM’s stories credible because he actually worked there and left I believe because of its corruption. So much of what he discussed appears to be validated….but, only God knows. Both men have passed.
With Windswept House, Fr. Martin has proven himself. Trying to warn the faithful about a resignation of the Pope and what is behind this 15 years before it actually happened.
I think Fr Malachi is someone whom one should approach with a degree of caution, but not dismiss entirely. One should read him, but with the words of Fr Hardon ringing in one's ear. Nevertheless, much of what he has written is very orthodox and traditional and he certainly unveiled shocking aspects of the Church that only came to light afterwards. I read his book on the Jesuits and I thought his critique spot-on. Perhaps, Fr Malachi was not perfect, and few approach the degree of sanctity of Fr Hardon, and he could probably have done with an editor, but I think he was on the side of the good angels.
That episode in the Church in Rome, at the beginning of the book, was the most chilling thing I've ever read. I find it hard to believe it wasn't based on truth.
Yes DeGaulle, I would agree. Listening to his interviews from the 90’s was riveting. For me personally, it gave me the depth of understanding of what was currently coming from the Vatican and the history that preceded it. Pretty spot on most topics I believe, albeit not perfect. I think I’ll go back and revisit his interviews. It’s been a few years and I need a refresher. It feels like we are living in “ those times”….
Glad to hear your son is on the mend Beth, what a relief that must be. I have never gotten the dreaded Corona and go figure that the only people I know who have were all vaccinated when they did. All of them have recovered, a few were hospitalized but pulled through. My wife has joked that maybe we are immune or something because she and my oldest daughter have both been exposed several times now to others with it due to their jobs, had to test and self quarantine, but only recently were vaccinated because of the requirements here in WA. My doctor and I both believe but can't prove that I was hospitalized due to an allergic reaction to a medication I was taking but had stopped just prior to this episode. It remains in your body for weeks so a delayed reaction is possible and in the absence of a diagnosis on the part of the doctors at the hospital there really is no other plausible explanation. I will join my family and get vaccinated when I am able to get off the steroids due to the steroids interfering with the process of creating antibodies with the vaccine. When I was hospitalized I made the decision that I would do whatever I can to try to protect and put them at ease if I am able. My health has been very precarious for years now and has had a very profound impact on their lives so I just believe it is for the best in my case.