Moscow looks like it is northwest of Mongolia and it is not far away. It appears to be accessible to Mongolia by the Trans Siberian Railway. It connects with the Trans Mongolian Railway. It’s all of a piece. I agree with Any Name You Wish that having the flight number is the way to track the route. The Pope can enter Mongolia both arriving and departing through China, but after that, all bets are off. I’m still thinking there’s a refuel in Moscow. Edit: the plane will have to refuel somewhere. Moscow is in close proximity. Where else would it be? Probably not China.
Pope Francis departing today 6pm Rome time (12 noon EDT) from Fiumicino Airport in Rome. He returns Monday, September 4.
Thursday August 31 and Friday September 1, 2023 On August 31, the Pontiff will take off from Rome-Fiumicino airport at 6:30 p.m. (UTC+2) on an ITA Airways flight to Ulaanbaatar. After a flight of more than 9 hours, he will arrive at his destination the following day, on September 1, at 10 a.m. (1) local time (UTC+8) – or 4 a.m. Rome time. Monday, September 4, 2023 September 4 will be the Pontiff’s last day in Mongolia. At 9:30 a.m., he will meet with charity workers and inaugurate a House of Mercy (9) in a location yet to be specified. He will also deliver his fourth and final speech. Then, at 11:30 a.m., he will make his way to the Genghis Khan International Airport for a brief farewell ceremony. His plane, again chartered by ITA Airways, will take off at 12:00 p.m. and travel for over 11 hours before arriving at Rome’s Fiumicino airport at around 5:20 p.m.
It appears that the Pope will travel in an ITA Airways charter. Because it's a charter, I don't think we can find a flight number.
No stop in Moscow planned. It's not time yet. I never thought this made much sense anyway. When pope goes to moscow it'll be a big deal, he will likely meet with kirill and putin and possibly other heads of state on a ground breaking peace deal. Not a mere refueling. That never made much sense to me. Just my opinion
He will also deliver his fourth and final speech. HH, I was reading your post to my husband and we both had a reaction to the line above (it's very rare for my husband to feel this way). Refuel in Moscow or not, I am sensing that at least for some of us, this trip is going to be significant.
Wow. You know, I read that before I posted it. I didn’t think anything of it. But since you italicized it and told me how you and your husband reacted, I can see your point. I always think that God works behind the scenes. He works in secret. His thoughts are not our thoughts.
I'm aware of this, but really if it's a significant prophecy common sense would seem to indicate it's a significant trip to moscow, not a refuel. But we're all speculating, time will tell
I think the Pope (whoever he may be) can visit Moscow with a mission to strengthen ties between the two churches with an ecumenical perspective on the jubilee in mind; perhaps the ecumenical catalog of Christian martyrs that the pope plans for the jubilee motivates this, in a possible agreement of a common celebration of them without veneration, because in this way probably Cyril would not accept.
Hi HH You are right in some ways - it’s not that specific. E.G. it does not say if he will go to Moscow more than once and if so which visit to Moscow does the prophesy reference. It does not say his visit will be an attempt to broker peace but if so, such negotiation could easily take more than one meeting. But it does say specifically he will go to Moscow and what will happen on his return - but which return? Just thinking. Pope Francis has the right idea in trusting it all to Mary.
Perhaps not so much speculating - just getting a bit over excited - exactly the kind of thing that is handled well by a good Mother.
To Recap: Before the Warning 1. Before Warning: Synod “In order to provide more time for extended discernment, I have established that this Synodal Assembly will take place in two sessions: The first on 4-29 October 2023 and the second in October 2024.” Before Warning: "When communism comes again." 3. Before Warning: Pope will go to Russia, to Moscow (and afterward hostilities break out in Europe). Before Warning: 4 Popes, not 3 - "End of THE times" Warning to be in an even year, occuring between Jan-March 31. The Miracle 1. Warning and Miracle to be in an even year. Warning and Miracle in the same year. After Warning: Miracle to happen in April. After Warning: Miracle to occur on Thursday. After Warning: Miracle to occur between the 8th and the 16th. Most past/current events appear to align for a 2024 Warning-Miracle; the Pope "going" to Moscow (for whatever reason) would be the last required piece to fall in place to move things forward. And lo and behold, the Pope will be really really close to Moscow while in Mongolia (Aug. 31 - Sep. 4, 2023)!! I understand "why" some become excited at there mere possibility of the pope landing in Moscow, myself included. God sharing his mind with 8+ billion souls at the same time is something beyond comprehension to me, and I think that the short-term result of the Warning will change the face of the Earth for the better! But such human excitement should not dictate how the Father decides to rule - this is the lesson I am trying to learn in all this. I've wanted Heaven to assert itself for so long now, and the response has always been "soon."
Quite right. Who has ever said that human excitement should dictate the Father’s will - no more than a hyper or over tired or impatient child should dictate the will of a parent. “Are we there yet?” “Soon.”
Ah well this is a very interesting comment here from Robert Moynihan at the 1:50 mark...."rumors are the pope plans to change flight schedule and stop in Moscow either on way their or return flight"...
I’ll have to check in with him later today and see if he has anything more to add. (I volunteered with Inside the Vatican for a year then wrote an article for their May 2022 edition so I got to know him then.)