I don’t expect a full blown WWIII, but I do think there will be one or more limited nuclear exchanges, including one which, combined with natural disasters, will incapacitate and sideline the US.
There are two kinds of people. The kind that look inwards at their own sins and faults and failings and seek through the grace of God to change themselves and through this to bring light and change the world. The other kind looks at the faults and failings of everyone else and seeks through changing them to change the world Bill Gates strikes me as a change everyone else kinda guy. But if he couldn't even save his own marriage?
I heard an old Tibetan lady being interviewed about this an the interviewer asked her how come if these creatures existed they had never been caught. She just laughed, such creatures had praeternatural abilities and could of course become invisible . But in the West we just close the door on such things though have been reports on them for many centuries In a sense if you refuse to believe in even the possibility of such things it becomes a self fulfilling prophesy. Even if they did exist we may have so totally denied them we can no longer credit them It is the same with say ghosts. If a ghost was to bounce up and down in front of some people face, still they would not believe. But Sciptures tells us after the death of Jesus The dead arose and appeared to many. What were these but ghosts?
Could be Jason - could be - tactical and very limited use of nuclear power could be used to terrorise and force capitulation - Fr Pel, visionary, prophesied that nuclear missiles would be fired on Paris by Russia from the west and the south. I tend to stick with Conchita and her exchanges with the Blessed Mother. Although there will be no world war as understood by WWI and WWII with clearly demarcated sides etc. there will be hostilities and theatres of war. The suffering and terror of The Tribulation will be horrendous. In the witness of the seers who had a preview of The Tribulation they saw how bad things would get when they realised it was not even the Chastisement which would be far worse if it came. Sorry for all the doom and gloom. In the end, if Faith persists, it will serve God’s will to save us from Hell which again is worse than the Chastisement. I write only as one who has read and watched and listened and fallen many times. I am not an authority. We have Glenn for that.
I think garabandal aside, which I admit I know nothing about and have little interest in, that the words of the blessed Virgin in fatima are all we need. Russia will.be involved but she will in the end convert. Will it come to pass as Malachi Marttin saw it that Russia will eventually break its alliance with China when things start to really fall apart...We will see...
Malachi Martin said in 1989 that revealing the text of the Third Secret would give the Soviets a strategic advantage that the West would not be able to resist and that the text had fundamental information for the defense of the West; perhaps that is why Putin supposedly wanted to know the content of the Third Secret.
I’ve posted about this before, but on August 21, 2013, several months prior to Putin’s visit with PF, I started a campaign to request Putin to ask PF to consecrate Russia as Our Lady requested at Fatima. Putin had a specific web page for people to contact his office directly. The idea popped in my head unbidden in the middle of the night and I felt compelled to go downstairs and write the request and submit it, then blog about it, requesting others to do as I had done. Here is a the text of the letter I submitted: Recently through the diplomatic efforts of Russia and global prayers lead by Pope Francis, war in Syria was narrowly averted. Christians in the Holy Land are being persecuted and killed, and western nations seem indifferent to their plight. We need your continued leadership in protecting the Christians in the Holy Land and in averting war in the middle east. In 1925, the Theotokos appeared to Sr. Lucia of Fatima and requested that Russia be consecrated, by name, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the Pope, in union with the bishops of the world. Many believe this consecration has not been completed as explicitly requested for fear of offending the Russian Orthodox and/or the Russian government. Regardless of these controversies it is obvious that Russia is now the solitary nation defending traditional Christian Truths on the world stage. For her to continue to lead this fight for the soul of Christendom, Russia needs the Grace and Blessings of Our Lord and the intercession of the Theotokos in a way that is unique in the history of mankind. Given the precarious state of world peace and the disintegration of family and morality, would you please consider using your considerable influence with both the Vatican and the Russian Orthodox Church to request that Pope Francis, when he consecrates the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary this October 13th, that he specifically consecrate Russia, by name, to the Immaculate Heart of the Theotokos? With the blessings and encouragement of the Russian President and the Russian Orthodox Church, I truly believe this consecration would work miracles for your people and your Church, and for peace in our world. It would assist those of us battling the secularization and moral decay of the western nations immeasurably. Please prayerfully consider this request. Please ask Pope Francis to consecrate Russia by name to the Immaculate Heart of the Theotokos this October 13. Thank you, Dr. Brian … My idea was picked up by Spirit Daily, the Fatima Center and other sites, and I posted to a number of Catholic forums at the time asking others to do this too. I know from personal and forum responses at the time that dozens of people, possibly hundreds, had done so. A couple weeks later Putin’s diplomatic staff requested a personal meeting with Fr. Gruner in Rome to ask him about Our Lady of Fatima. At the time of Putin’s visit with PF it was reported by Fr. Kramer that Putin had indeed brought up the subject of Our Lady of Fatima. I asked Fr. Kramer if the internet writing campaign may have played a role in this and he said yes, it very well may have.
I missed this until a couple minutes ago, but TASS put out another story a couple hours after the initial one about the visit. It's a bit odd because it doesn't really say anything, aside from maybe insinuating that the meeting is unnecessary. Idea of Pope’s visit to Moscow implemented through Cardinal Zuppi’s mission – source - Society & Culture - TASS The interlocutor of the agency recalled that the pontiff had repeatedly spoken about his readiness for meetings with the leaders of Russia and Ukraine, as well as for trips to both capitals VATICAN CITY, July 23. /TASS/. The idea of Pope Francis’ visit to Moscow has been implemented to a certain extent through the mission of his peace envoy Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, who met with Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill, a source in the Vatican City told TASS on Sunday. "It looks like the very idea [of a visit to Moscow and a meeting with Russian officials] has somewhat exhausted itself after Cardinal Zuppi’s mission," the source said. The source however recalled that Pope Francis has repeatedly said that he is ready to meet with the Russian and Ukrainian leaders and to visit both capitals. "This readiness stays in place," he added. The Vatican City said earlier that after visiting Kiev, Moscow, and Washington, the papal envoy is expected to visit Beijing. Details of the would-be visit are still being agreed. According to the Holy See, it is not offering its own peace plan for Ukraine but is trying to bring the parties closer to dialogue mainly through settling humanitarian matters. In May, Pope Francis received Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, who publicly refused from the Holy See’s mediation proposals. The Vatican source said that a meeting between Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill could be possible "outside the context of the Ukrainian conflict" so that they could focus entirely "on issues of the ecumenical dialogue." Their first meeting was held in February2016. The second meeting was planned to be held in Jerusalem in June 2022. But it became known only after the Pope said in an interview that the meeting had been postponed. Since then, according to the Russian Orthodox Church, no concrete proposals had come from the Vatican City, although Pope Francis said that he hoped to meet with Patriarch Kirill last September on the sidelines of a congress of the leaders of world and traditional religions in Kazakhstan. The Russian patriarch however did not attend the congress and Pope Francis met with Metropolitan Anthony of Volokolamsk, Chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations, who visited the Vatican at least three times after that.
There are (Church-approved) prophesies that predict the Russians will reach the Atlantic (something that is now being speculated upon by Colonel McGregor, who has been mostly correct, so far!) but be turned back at Brittany by a great Catholic 'King'. This rout would most likely lead to some kind of political settlement. Given that the theological differences between Catholicism and Orthodoxy are not so great, it doesn't seem inconceivable that such a conversion might take place (there is also mention of a mass-conversion of Mohammedans). A rapprochement of this nature in the context of a militarily repulsed Russia, would see a complete change in international relations. The biggest mystery in all these prophesies and predictions is the apparent absence of the United States.
Every day after mass we say the rosary. Today the leader of the group, without prompting, included an intention for the Pope in his trip to Moscow.
A thought just popped into my head: Is God asking that we pray that this meeting comes to pass? Prior to this, I've always assumed that we only needed to wait in hope at the unfolding of events. Reflecting upon the Garabandal prophesy (if true and if it applies to Pope Francis), the weave of events following such a meeting will be unpleasant, with terrible suffering. And yet, I wonder now, could God be asking us to pray the world unto this path?
I would say no. Unlikely. God does not need us to pray for a specific path to take place. Praying his will be done is more than sufficient. After all we could be wrong on what his will is in this matter
I deliberately worded my comment as is. In fact the prophesy does not say what the purpose of the trip will be or that there will be a meeting. It just says the Pope will go to Moscow and on his return hostilities will break out in Europe and that there will be a revolution at the Vatican involving Northern Spain, Italy and France. We are not praying the world into catastrophe but through catastrophe. In Akita, Our Lady said “I alone am able to still save you from the calamities which approach.” We are told that the purpose of both the Tribulation and the conditional Chastisement are to draw us closer to God. The purpose of The Warning is to prepare us for The Great Miracle whose intended purpose is the Conversion of the World. Padre Pio said that if we knew the true value of suffering we would never give it up. I personally am not a great fan of pain and hope, like Jesus, that the cup will pass us by. But it does not look to me that it will. Conchita thought the Chastisement would come because the world deserves it but also hoped that the Warning and Miracle conversion would be enough to spare us.
We are called to always and seriously pray and fast for the conversion of sinners (including Globalists). The descriptions of Chastisement in both the Akita and Garabandal prophecies are horrific to the nth degree! I, in no way, want to come before the Lord realizing my complacency contributed to something that was conditional in God's Plan. The impact of authentic prophecy is to some extent in our hands. We must pray and yearn that the Warning which appears to be definitive, converts the world so as to avoid God's Holy Wrath. JoeJerk wants to tempt me to be smug in my Catholic bubble so that he can drag more souls to Hell! Let us be surprised as was Jonah, if our heartfelt prayers united to those of the Immaculate Heart, prevent the Chastisement; then on the Last day, we can stand proudly in the ranks of the citizens of Nineveh, who did not wait, but promptly turned to God, saving many souls! Matthew 12:41 The men of Nin′eveh will arise at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and behold, something greater than Jonah is here. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have Mercy on us and on the whole world! For the sake of His Sorrowful Passion, have Mercy on us and on the whole world!