I could be wrong, as I've only seen passing reference to it. But is this from MariaDivineMercy? If so it's been exposed as a fraud and condemned by the Church and is not welcome here. Frankly the devil knew what he was doing when he inspired the MDM fraud. He lead many souls astray with its messages. But more importantly it made faithful Catholics completely disregard any voices of concern about this pope, thinking any otherwise valid criticism of this pope is inspired by false messages. MDM made the job of actually promoting Truth and defending the Faith very much harder. Diabolically cunning.
This post I like but the previous one not so much. We cannot be certain where that message came from. In my opinion, the devil has been busy and the battle is not over yet. (For those asking me why I brought up the False Prophet a few posts back, I knew it was only a matter of time.)
More of the same stuff here. https://www.facebook.com/FrJamesMartin/videos/vb.46899546495/10153544268041496/?type=2&theater
Brian, Thank you for this post, you are absolutely correct diabolically cunning. I am not Pope Francis' number one fan and respectful criticism is understandable but I do see the harm that is being done in other places and have feared that it may be penetrating MOG. We were warned of this exact thing, a sort of schism, it is amazing to me that it is unfolding right before our eyes. I believe "United we stand, divided we fall". Peace to all of you.
It doesn't take a lot of Internet search savvy to find that these quotes are from MariaDivineMercy. Why didn't you just admit that from the start instead of polluting this forum with quotes from an exposed fraud who has been condemned by the Church?
It's from MariaDivineMercy, as proven by a simple Google search of different paragraphs of your posts. One of the signs of the promotion of a false prophet is that it's accompanied by dishonesty and thinly veiled attempts at coercion. You've got both in spades.
It's past time to 'Stick-With" the core principals of the Catholic/Christian Faith. There is is a lot of Distractin' Going -On Around Here! I don't know what's what with much of the above so I refuse to worry about it! There are too many Signs of Clear & Present Danger on TV, Newspapers & Blogosphere ........... and plenty of directions in Scripture and Church Approved Seers & Events ........ we don't need any more! The message has always been: Stay Aware, Get "Right" with God and Get Your "Affairs" in Order and Get Ready to "drag along" every confused soul Ya can! GOD SAVE ALL HERE!!
Only God knows hearts and what is truly happening in the world and in the Church. He sends prophets to warn, remind and prepare His children. He never sends a prophet to say that everything is fine and dandy. It is unfolding, don't reject God through His prophet.
MGM is the textbook case of diabolical disorientation. It is of the devil. Only a diabolical intelligence could make real Catholic apologetics and defending the Faith and promoting the Truth so difficult by false messages.
Our Pope is being criticized for not naming it a hate crime in Orlando. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articl...massacre-pope-francis-prays-away-the-gay.html It wasn't enough for him to condemn it. Yes, we are being persecuted and so is our pope. I think the Holy Father is against the murder of anyone, regardless of their religion, sexual preference or ethnicity, as he should be. When Christians are having their heads chopped off is he calling it a hate crime, do we expect him to? It is the murder of another human being, it is wrong and he had condemned it, enough already. He want us to do what Jesus wants us to do, love one another - end of story.
Gods Blessing on all. Four points. Remain faithfull to the Pope, Francis is our Pope. ( Pray for him) Remain faithfull to the truth and defend it. Take great care not to break the unity of the Church of which we are all members, Brother and Sisters in Christ. Reflect before you post, Great harm can be caused and may not be undone. Peace and Joy.
God gave us the bible as a tool to determine what is going on, please turn back to the bible and you will see how this prophet is leading you down the wrong path.
Band stops playing, everyone pauses with their pint halfway to their mouth and blank stares at SalvicGrace. Padraig stands...everyone holds their breath.....he calmly walks to the saloon doors and pushes one open....turns to SG and says "out".
The times we are living in and the gravity of the message The Lord gives through His prophets is nothing to mock or joke about. Remeber how Jesus was treated when He walked the earth?. Please don't treat Him this way as He speaks through His prophet. He doesn't speak for His sake but out of love for us.
I am sorry but is the source of this Maria Divine Mercy? The lady condemned by the Church. A simple yes or no.