Brian it is my understanding that what a good mask does is limit viral load--either from you to others or others to you. It can't stop those tiny viral particles but it can provide a sort of barrier to reduce the number and thus your immune system is less overwhelmed. I have heard MDs discuss this. Are they wrong? Asking in good faith.
I have heard MDs say you get some protection from viral load. I wear one now when out and about. And I am limiting my "out and about-ing".
ecumenical doctrinal councils in Church history have always arisen in response to some heresy; theological discussion or development of mariology; I believe this applies to the theological discussion of Pope Francis' legitimacy and perhaps many of us will not be alive to witness the time when the truth will be fully clarified.
Brian, All the droplets can't be the same size. Even in the picture of the wire net some of the droplets would hit the wire. Every droplet that hits a piece of material in the mask is one less in my nose or mouth. Besides, masks are great for hiding wrinkles .
Yes, Francis is Pope. I think you underestimate what he is trying to do to the Church. I have just watched Michael Matt's latest video on YouTube. I thought that I was beyond being shocked by all things Pope Francis until I watched that video. That video shook me to the core. Pope or not, communism with a religious veneer is not Catholicism. In fact it is not remotely Christian. I also think that your definition of papal infallibility is too narrow. What you described is the Pope's extraordinary magisterium. His ordinary magisterium is a lot broader as the heterodox like to remind believing Catholics these days. Funny how those new adherents to ultramontanism only learned about the ordinary magisterium some time after 2013. If they did know about it before 2013, they acted like they didn't believe it, just as they act now like we had no Popes before Francis and no Ecumenical Councils before Vatican 11. If Francis 11 doesn't manage to get his namesake canonised, that "mistake" in Pope Benedict's resignation could be very useful to a future, faithful Pope.
Question is will Pope Francis regret the path the Church is heading? Watching him answer that phone call tells me he’s under major pressure. May God help us all.
this unusual event coincidentally occurred in the same week that an envelope with revolver bullets directed at him was intercepted.
What phone call? I watched Michael Matt's video after watching this one from Vaticano. Forty new Chinese Bishops chosen by the CCP should ensure the downward spiral of the Church for many years. Then there's Taylor Marshall's report about the sacrilege at the funeral Mass in Chicago. I won't post that video because it is too upsetting. No wonder Jesus made that remark about finding faith on earth when he returns. I'm sadly convinced that quite a few Bishops and priests are included in the 70% who don't believe that Jesus is present in the Eucharist. Maybe some do and relish the opportunity to facilitate sacrilegious Communions. It's all very unsettling.
Whatever we may think about his authority, we probably agree that his fate will be either of Peter, who denied Christ 3 times, or of Judas, who didn’t seek forgiveness for his betrayal. Maybe he has dementia or something?