OBJECTIVES OF THE SYNODAL CHURCH - (taken from the formal documents) The Church recognizes that synodality is an integral part of her very nature. Being a synodal Church finds expression in ecumenical councils, Synods of Bishops, diocesan Synods, and diocesan and parish councils. There are many ways by which we experience forms of “synodality” already across the Church. Yet being a synodal Church is not limited to these existing institutions. Indeed, synodality is not so much an event or a slogan as a style and a way of being by which the Church lives out her mission in the world. The mission of the Church requires the entire People of God to be on a journey together, with each member playing his or her crucial role, united with each other. A synodal Church walks forward in communion to pursue a common mission through the participation of each and every one of her members. The objective of this Synodal Process is not to provide a temporary or one-time experience of synodality, but rather to provide an opportunity for the entire People of God to discern together how to move forward on the path towards being a more synodal Church in the long-term. WHAT A LOAD OF TOSH!
AIMS OF THE SYNOD (as far as I see they are still stuck in 1960's mumbo jumbo land). Sorry to inflict this on the forum but this stuff is dross - candy floss • Being synodal requires time for sharing: We are invited to speak with authentic courage and honesty (parrhesia) in order to integrate freedom, truth, and charity. Everyone can grow in understanding through dialogue. • Humility in listening must correspond to courage in speaking: Everyone has the right to be heard, just as everyone has the right to speak. Synodal dialogue depends on courage both in speaking and in listening. It is not about engaging in a debate to convince others. Rather, it is welcoming what others say as a way by which the Holy Spirit can speak for the good of all (1 Corinthians 12:7). • Dialogue leads us to newness: We must be willing to change our opinions based on what we have heard from others. • Openness to conversion and change: We can often be resistant to what the Holy Spirit is trying to inspire us to undertake. We are called to abandon attitudes of complacency and comfort that lead us to make decisions purely on the basis of how things have been done in the past. • Synods are an ecclesial exercise in discernment: Discernment is based on the conviction that God is at work in the world and we are called to listen to what the Spirit suggests to us. • We are signs of a Church that listens and journeys: By listening, the Church follows the example of God himself, who listens to the cry of his people. The Synodal Process provides us with the opportunity to open ourselves to listen in an authentic way, without resorting to ready-made answers or pre-formulated judgments. • Leave behind prejudices and stereotypes: We can be weighed down by our weaknesses and sinfulness. The first step towards listening is freeing our minds and hearts from prejudices and stereotypes that lead us on the wrong path, towards ignorance and division. • Overcome the scourge of clericalism: The Church is the Body of Christ filled with different charisms in which each member has a unique role to play. We are all interdependent on one another and we all share an equal dignity amidst the holy People of God. In the image of Christ, true power is service. Synodality calls upon pastors to listen attentively to the flock entrusted to their care, just as it calls the laity to freely and honestly express their views. Everyone listens to one other out of love, in a spirit of communion and our common mission. Thus the power of the Holy Spirit is manifested in manifold ways in and through the entire People of God. • Cure the virus of self-sufficiency: We are all in the same boat. Together we form the Body of Christ. Setting aside the mirage of self-sufficiency, we are able to learn from each other, journey together, and be at the service of one another. We can build bridges beyond the walls that sometimes threaten to separate us – age, gender, wealth, ability, education, etc. • Overcoming ideologies: We must avoid the risk of giving greater importance to ideas than to the reality of the life of faith that people live in a concrete way. • Give rise to hope: Doing what is right and true does not seek to attract attention or make headlines, but rather aims at being faithful to God and serving His People. We are called to be beacons of hope, not prophets of doom. • Synods are a time to dream and “spend time with the future”: We are encouraged to create a local process that inspires people, with no one excluded to create a vision of the future filled with the joy of the Gospel. The following dispositions will help participants (cf. Christus Vivit): o An innovative outlook: To develop new approaches, with creativity and a certain audacity. o Being inclusive: A participatory and co-responsible Church, capable of appreciating its own rich variety, embraces all those we often forget or ignore. o An open mind: Let us avoid ideological labels and make use of all methodologies that have borne fruit. o Listening to each and every one: By learning from one another, we can better reflect the wonderful multi-faceted reality that Christ’s Church is meant to be. o An understanding of “journeying together”: To walk the path that God calls the Church to undertake for the third millennium. o Understanding the concept of a co-responsible Church: To value and involve the unique role and vocation of each member of the Body of Christ, for the renewal and building up of the whole Church. o Reaching out through ecumenical and interreligious dialogue: To dream together and journey with one another throughout the entire human family. https://www.synod.va/en/news/vademecum-for-the-synod-on-synodality.html
Oh my I just read my old dream regarding being in rome with sulphur coming up from the streets and the two angels telling me to get out...
I think that Francis intends to consider only opinions similar to those intended by him, but even so we must not give up in raising our voice in defense of the Church. HEBREWS 6:10 10 "God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them."
This has been my plan if I get to be involved! Every single devout Catholic needs to show up and be heard during this synod. Let's give God the opportunity to have it backfire against the agenda planned for it!
Yes, what a welcome that gang of proaborts got. Yet the pope refused to meet with Chinese Cardinal Zen whose country is persecuting Catholics….or the Prolife republican Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Hummmm, guess he has his favorites… What a shame that he is so ridged that he has no charity in his heart to meet with Cardinal Zen. No time I guess…
This reminded me of a dream I had a few months ago... I was standing before St. Peter's square, at the edge of Vatican city. It was at night and I didn't notice anyone else there beside me. The terrifying thing was that around the Vatican was a wall made of black smoke which looked as if it was coming up from the ground, but I was able to see St. Peter's basilica behind it illuminated in dark yellow/orange light. The city behind me was dark with no light and I thought I would go through the wall but I sensed fear or evil from the Vatican so I hesitated and stepped back a bit. Then suddenly one man in great panic ran from behind me towards the smoke wall as if he didn't see it. He collided with the wall and literally split his head open on it. After this gruesome moment the dream ended and I was left wondering for some time what was it about... As I saw your post today I thought these dreams might have something in common
Talking of dreams last night was a rough night for me I awoke with a dark figure at my beside eerily chilling
Fr. Mark needs to look up the phrase 'fait accompli' because even the dogs in the streets of Rome know there is already a pre-determined result to the synod process. The present pontiff knows a thing or two about how to rig a ballot. I cannot believe he is so naive, maybe he is just clutching at the last straws. Fasting & prayer needed.
I actually thinks he knows… he’s trying to awaken the Catholics who do not know with a more gentle tone…. Believe it or not, not all Catholics have been paying attention… I know a few who would be… Like what’s wrong???? I think he’s just waving a warning flag to his audience… Could be wrong….?
I had a strange dream experience last night too... (I sleep with my 19 month old beside me). I dreamt that the world was in a great upheaval and the faithful were ready to rally and fight for God, but they were scared and asking each other, "Who will lead us? We need a leader!" The scene cut to a relatively young man whom I didn't recognize but was given to understand that he was, in the eyes of the world, a nobody. But he was chosen by God to somehow lead or do something important. A young woman was with him, helping him get ready. She straightened his tie, encouraged him, and as he left out the door, she called out to him, "Bye!" And I was immediately awoken by my 19-month-old son calling out in his sleep, "Bye!"
The veil is getting thin it seems. Blessed exorcised Holy Water liberally sprinkled before bed might protect. Sounds like a kind of harassment. Maybe the Lorica--instead of "I rise today..." change to "I go to sleep tonight..." I sure hope its a one time thing.