I fear that Fr. Murray either can't see or is pretending not to see the elephant in the room: That the Bishop Hollerich is a Cardinal because he is a fraud, as are many others who have been promoted by this Pope. Ralph Martin can stop crying now that decentralisation has been implemented prior to the Synod. Decentralisation gives the Germans everything they wanted. The homosexual stuff would be a too hot potato for the African Bishops. It wouldn't do for Pope inclusive to appear to side with rich white Europeans against poor black Africans. Now, the post Synod document can give a wink and nod to the homosexual agenda; the Germans can marry a man to his pet dog if they wish; and Ralph Martin can breathe a huge sigh of relief that no official Magisterial document explicitly permits blessing sodomy. The gay agenda will be implemented in Germany, homosexual activists will heap pressure on Bishops in other countries citing Germany as an example of how it is acceptable in Catholicism; those Bishops will cave in as more like Hollerich are promoted, and eventually it will spread to Asia and Africa. Pope Francis is taking us down the road the Anglicans have taken. Ralph bemoans the Pope's apparent universalist leanings. It's likely that Bishop Barron also sees the Pope as a universalist which probably explains his own borderline universalist statement - probably trying to curry favour and a red hat. I think that both Bishop Barron and Ralph Martin are mistaken, and that Pope Francis leans more towards nihilism - a rejection of objective Truth which seems to be the underlying message of Cardinal Hollerich's statement and statements by others who enjoy the Pope's favour. Traditionalist Catholics might get a bone thrown to them by way of a settlement with the SSPX who might get a Bishop or two - just enough to make the SSPX feel their years of holding out has been justified but not enough for them ever to have any real influence in the Church. Lovers of the TLM can then be corralled (I think that's the term Taylor Marshall used) in the SSPX. No point getting upset about it. All any of us can do is learn the faith as best we can, pray as much as we can, and trust that God has our back. We can complain until we're blue in the face but it won't change anything until the Church is so small and powerless that only men of real faith willing to suffer ridicule and martyrdom would want to be a priest or Bishop. That could come sooner than anyone expects but it could take generations. God's time is not our time.
Wow, you landed a powerful punch….and I’m no expert as many on MOG are, but….I think you nailed it. When the church becomes decentralized, it’s one big free for all. The warning can’t come soon enough.
Neither am I an expert. That's how I see the situation. I could be completely mistaken. Even if I'm right, Pope Francis might turn around and strengthen his brethren as Peter did. We can pray for that. Unfortunately, he has appointed so many like Cardinal Hollerich that getting us back on the straight and narrow will be a mammoth task even if St. Peter himself were to come back and lead us. Better for us to concentrate on working out our own salvation in fear and trembling. Spending too much time on what Pope Francis did last, is doing now or is likely to do in the future won't get us to Heaven.
This clip from Padraig can be downright frightening. But then, the Fear of the Lord, one of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, is so minimized today. St. Leonardo definitively expresses in one sense that not enough reparation is done and penances are made light of. In such cases, might my confession be incomplete and the sin unforgiven? Even the Cure of Ars was insistent on this point: reparation is essential. For instance, if I have an hourly job, but due to lack of supervision I goof off; he insisted that has to be repaid in some form or fashion. If the company has gone out of business, then supporting a charity to make amends would be required. Justice demands that such theft of time be accounted for; it is associated with penance. Simply confessing it and praying 3 Hail Marys would not be enough in the eyes of God! The business would have to be compensated even if I do it secretly. So between, St. Leonard and the Cure of Ars, this is the second time I've heard this type of warning in the last few months. It reminds me of the following: Tobit 12:8 Prayer is good with fasting and alms more than to lay up treasures of gold. 9 For alms delivereth from death, and the same is that which purgeth away sins, and maketh to find mercy and everlasting life.
I can see poor Fr Mark being sent on a mission to Siberia. They will not like him speaking out like this one little itsy bitsy bit. Pope Francis included.
This teaching that Hell and Damnation does not exist reminds me of trying to do a painting without using the Darker colours. So we cannot use black, or brown, or grey or purple or dark blue. We can only use the nice bright colours like the whites, the oranges, the yellows and the reds. This because the birght colours are cheerful and postive. Whereas the dark colours get us down. But what would our paintings be like? They would be cheerful alright but they would not be true to the world around us. Which are always shaded with the darker colours. It's the same with our Theology. If we only paint with the nice colours we get something that is simply not true, however cheerful and postive it might seem. The darkest colours of all are reservedf for the Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Blacks of the Mourning Robes of the Mother of Sorrows. We know this to be true from life all around us. We see sorrow and pain and death every day. If we have not we must not have lived very long. This is the reality of the world we live in. A sinful world. The idea that we can create a heaven on earth simply by our own efforts is foolish. What's more creating paintings using only bright colours will bore people senseless. People will desert the Church in droves if we preach this nonsense. As St Paul said, I come to Preach Christ and Christ Crucified! If we loose the Cross, the dark colours, we loose Christianity itself. We create something very, bright and cheerful and happy clappy and positive, but insanely boring, inane and not the Gospel of Christ. What's more it's simply not true and it's simply not true because it's simply not real.
The abominations you describe are broadly true and, without supernatural intervention, have an air of inevitability about them. I think Fr Murray called out that elephant succintly and in an understated way that actually lends it more emphasis. He called on this Cardinal to either Repent and Recant or Resign. Pope Francis might be a nihilist. His statements are so incoherent, it's difficult to decide, although nihilism is by its nature incoherent. I don't think Nihilism is nearly as dangerously alluring as Universalism, however. Most people simply don't wish to be annihilated-very few, and I'd say it applies to most who think themselves atheists, conceive of their own annihilation and if they have, haven't really thought it through. Most people want to get to Heaven. The notion of getting to Heaven without any effort, while being able to do what you like, is extremely tempting and I use that latter word deliberately. Abominable as the whole scenario is, nods and winks, no matter how vile, still leave space for those who wish to follow the Magisterium. I think we'd be quite fortunate if the Magisterium remains unchanged. The majority of the Catholic world could marry their dog, but at least the Truth would remain set in stone.
Spot on, AED! I wouldn't leave the Church, regardless of what comes into it that shouldn't. It's almost 2 years that my family and I have not attended regular Mass in church, first due to lockdowns and now because we need to be fully vaccinated to participate. But God is holding tight to us. By His grace, we have access to livestream Masses and thus have never missed a day of Sunday Mass. By His grace too we have heard His voice in the abandonment by our shepherds. By His grace also we are nourished, comforted, strengthened and healed due to wounds caused by our shepherds' failure to protect us from predators. And we have not left the Church. Never will. Because God is tightly holding on to us.
It is true we must not leave the Church, but at the same time we must check from time to time that the Church has not left us. That what appears to be the Church is become false. They used to have legends of Bog Sprites that haunted the mountains at night luring unsuspected travellers to their doom. Will O the whisps, lights in the twilight. We have the assurance from Jesus that the Church will endure until the End of Time but not that False Churches will be fashioned. When we find that our local Parish may have become a Bog Sprite it is time to up sticks and look for the real deal..and I don't mean Coca Cola. If for instance we find our local priest is a self proclaimed sexual pervert and is proud of it and announcing it publically, for instance, it would be time to give our heads a shake and move on. As St Paul himself warns us in Scripture the Godly must not let themselves be yoked with the unGodly. When a boat is sinking, it only makes sense to head for the Life Boat.
Perhaps they will send him to Massachusetts, that would be quite the mission. Seriously though, listening to Fr.Mark I felt as though Our Lord was smiling down on him, a true representative of Christ. So refreshing to hear the Truth. So refreshing to hear a homily that is not restrained by political correctness. God bless him, he fills my heart with joy.
Look what they did to St. John Vianny…..didn’t they send him to a poor, undesirable little parish after ordination? And look what that accomplished!These church elitist …will they ever learn?
Seagrace, I bring Holy Communion to those at home in my parish; that includes fearful Catholics who listen to MSM. Surely the Church and State haven't gone so far as to deny bringing you Holy Communion? This has been the practice of the Church since its earliest days! Lord have Mercy! https://www.goodcatholic.com/catholic-mass-described-by-st-justin-martyr/ Watch the video, especially from the 1:55- 2:17 point! I feel like driving to your home and bring the Precious Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity to you myself! Lord have Mercy!