Interesting excerpts from Pedro Regis

Discussion in 'Pope Francis' started by BrianK, Aug 21, 2016.

  1. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

    Feb 15, 2015
    Don't leave Brian...we are in this battle for souls together.

    Charity everyone....!
    Booklady, Mario, AnnaVK and 1 other person like this.
  2. BrianK

    BrianK Guest

  3. FatimaPilgrim

    FatimaPilgrim Powers

    Aug 7, 2013
    Interesting that you would choose to resurrect this thread, Brian. So we can't take you at your word, can we?
  4. FatimaPilgrim

    FatimaPilgrim Powers

    Aug 7, 2013
    fallen saint was 100% spot on. There's some prophecy for you right there :) This forum which we once lovingly referred to as Our Lady's Living Room has been taken over by the constant anti-papal garbage of a few chasing away the many good posters who used to share their love of our Faith and support one another and some of those who stayed have been infected with the fear, uncertainty, and doubt being sown.

    Now we have all kinds of new misfits who have shown up and every thread is full of people accusing one another, throwing insults, pride being displayed in the open. What do you think Our Lord and Our Lady think about the actions of what is going on in this forum. Where is peace? Where is charity? Where is joy?

    Very sad, but the smoke has spread thick in this forum :(
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2017
  5. Harper

    Harper Guest

    Taunting Brian? Really?
  6. Mary Ann

    Mary Ann Guest

    Fatima pilgrim said in part, "Now we have all kinds of new misfits who have shown up and every thread is full of people accusing one another, throwing insults...."

    You may not realize it, but you have just behaved the way you are disparaging others of behaving. You have insulted members as being misfits while righteously appearing to be innocent of such behavior. That is called 'projection' and needs to be called out as such.
  7. FatimaPilgrim

    FatimaPilgrim Powers

    Aug 7, 2013
    Yep, it's even infected me, very sad and proves that those who left and did not come back made the right decision as they saw what this place was degrading into.

    It breaks my heart as this used to be such a peaceful joyful place where faithful Catholics shared their Love and support with one another but the majority of our peaceful faithful Catholic members left and now it's degraded into this den of vipers accusing and throwing insults and constantly arguing pridefully . . . very sad but I guess these things must come as the smoke spreads.
  8. BrianK

    BrianK Guest

    You forgot "damnable hypocrisy."
  9. FatimaPilgrim

    FatimaPilgrim Powers

    Aug 7, 2013
    "damnable?" You got promoted, eh?

    So sad, brother, so sad . . . still wondering why you picked this thread to resurrect when it shows your words can't be trusted?
    BrianK likes this.
  10. BrianK

    BrianK Guest

  11. Mary Ann

    Mary Ann Guest

    I wouldn't let the signs of the times make you feel bad. The Lord says that He would prefer those hot or cold to the lukewarm. If the debate is charitable, much can be learned by the people who are reading the viewpoints. I was telling my high school kids yesterday about how there can be a very engrossing discussion, but when one person resorts to sarcasm or being snide, it throws the discussion into a tailspin (hoping they (my kids) would get the hint and relate to each other more charitably). Look at a few threads that have a very passionate discussion taking place, there can be so much to learn from opposing viewpoints that wouldn't ordinarily come out if people didn't care or didn't take the time and effort to express themselves.
    Booklady, Fatima and BrianK like this.
  12. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014
    In all respect FM, I pray for Pope Francis every night in our family rosary. However, I see what high level clergy did to Pope Paul VI encyclical on Humane Vitae, when they dissented publicly on the church doctrine of contraception as a grave moral evil. Now one could argue with a high level of assurance that 95% of Catholics who are of child bearing age uses it or they get fixed and are living in deadly sin. Even with the best of intentions, ambiguity of statements made by Pope Francis in AL and his refusal to clarify his own position on the divorce and remarried without an annulment receiving Eucharist, it will lead to massive apostasy within the church and a schism. We are already seeing it proclaimed with Cardinal's and Bishops and I know from my own environment, many priests have had not problem doing this before AL was written. God help us. Holy Mother pray for our Church.
    Sunnyveil, Seagrace, Heidi and 3 others like this.
  13. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Dec 30, 2016
    :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:I know that labeling some members as misfits seems verboten to some here
    But I will allow as such that the character of the forum has changed
    Sometimes one has to call a spade a spade
    I admit to using the ignore button
    And my life has far fewer aggravations as a result:)
    Sorry if my pragmatic approach is judged as less than charitable
    And yes the forum is reflecting in some measure the confusion in the
    How could it not?
    I tried to quit the forum cold turkey
    And I could not
    I am happier here than not
  14. BrianK

    BrianK Guest

    You folks are so myopic. Kasper, Marx, Schoenborn et al are the candidates for being a top cardinal betraying the Church. Cardinal Burke is trying to save it against their nefarious heretical schemes but because of diabolical deception you just can't or won't grasp reality.
    Heidi and Dolours like this.
  15. Blizzard

    Blizzard thy kingdom come

    Jan 4, 2017
    I find some of the messages by Pedro Regis on this thread intriguing to say the least.

    They were made prior to 2013 when the current pope was elected.

    And we had a good and holy man on the throne of Peter.

    Who could predict the chaos, confusion and evil that would soon come!?

    Thanks Brian for finding and bringing them to our attention.

    I must admit I have never paid too much attention to Pedro but from now on I think I will.


    Last edited: Apr 21, 2023
    Byron and AED like this.
  16. Blizzard

    Blizzard thy kingdom come

    Jan 4, 2017
    Found a couple more very interesting messages by Pedro that relate to Ukraine.

    In message 3,396 from Our Lady of Peace, Anguera, Bahia, Brazil on November 6, 2010, “The cross will be heavy for the people of the Ukraine. The pain will be great for my poor children.”

    Message 3749, December 13, 2012, “Bend your knees in prayer for those who are in Donetsk, a city in eastern Ukraine. Death will come and the pain will be great for my poor children.” It is interesting the Blessed Mother mentions a specific city. The Donetsk Oblast (county) is in the Donbas region of Ukraine.
    Sunnyveil and Byron like this.

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