Meditations on The Passion of Christ.

Discussion in 'Scriptural Thoughts' started by Mary's Child, Mar 27, 2013.

  1. HOPE

    HOPE Guest

    On the Agony in the Garden, Blessed A.E. Emmerich said she saw Jesus send up His Divinity to heaven when He went into the garden. If this is true, it shows me that he wanted to go through this as we go through things. It always puzzeled me why He asked that this cup might be passed from Him when He had always explained to His disciples that He would have to go through this passion, but He also told St. Faustina that He asked that the cup be passed from Him because of lukewarm souls, that He viewed them as corpses, ohhh. I always am afraid that my love is lukewarm and always ask Him to increase His love in me.
    insearch and Mary's Child like this.
  2. Mary's Child

    Mary's Child Guest

    Oh Hope, the very fact that you are scared that your love is lukewarm, is the very reason that lets us all know it absolutely isn't or you would be indifferent. :)
    HOPE likes this.
  3. sunburst

    sunburst Powers

    Apr 30, 2012
    MC , I have gained so much from doing the Hours of the Passion I would not know where to start. For one thing Jesus is so misunderstood,.because so much emphasis is placed on the physical sufferings. Everything Jesus was going suffer physically in His body during the Passion took place spiritually in His Agony. Jesus felt everything in His Agony of every single creature that ever was or would be, He even experienced each one of our deaths. What caused Him the most agony was the rejection He felt from each one of His created creatures and the loss He experienced of thier souls. According to Jesus He loves "one soul" as much as He loves all souls. He wasted no time in shedding His blood for us as it began in the Garden. Something just came to me wasn't it in a garden when man first rejected God. One more thing,..when Jesus asked His Father to remove this chalice from Me, wasn't because He didn't want go through the physical sufferings, it had more to do with being branded with the sins of mankind which He,..pure, Holy, unblemished took upon Himself. Imagine taking on someones guilt in that way?
    Mary's Child likes this.
  4. Mary's Child

    Mary's Child Guest

    Sunburst! You mustn't hide this stuff. It is beautiful... please share some more.. This is gorgeous.. My lovely Jesus. He bore our diseases, He took all our infirmities.. Thank you Sunburst. All our pain, he brought to the cross. Every sin he paid for.
  5. Mary's Child

    Mary's Child Guest

    I should be very honest here. In saying this, you touched on my memories, you moved my spirit, you made me realize that all my pain is in Him. Thank you so much. I was always aware of His love, and how much he loved and that he took every pain etc... But... Wow.. You caused my spirit to move within me..

    Thank you x
  6. sunburst

    sunburst Powers

    Apr 30, 2012
    Don't thank me just thank Him,..He loves us so much:)
    HOPE and Mary's Child like this.
  7. Mary's Child

    Mary's Child Guest

    Absolutely. But... if you my dear lady had not shared that. :) It was perfect for me to hear. And especially at this time. He knows why. :D
    sunburst likes this.
  8. Mary's Child

    Mary's Child Guest

    May I beg for some more meditations Sunburst? :) I am not too proud to beg for this. Anyone else, please, please share your meditations with us too.. (y)
  9. HOPE

    HOPE Guest

    It is love "till the end"{J13:1} that confers on Christ's sacrifice it's value as redemption, as atonement and satisfaction. He knew and loved us all when He offered His Life.#616 CCC
    That just floors me, He knew and loved me, my family, all of us when He offered His Life. View attachment 914
    Mary's Child and Tina S like this.
  10. Mary's Child

    Mary's Child Guest

    His love floors me too Hope.. Just think, he could have made two perfect saints.. but He wanted us two instead. ;)
  11. Mary's Child

    Mary's Child Guest

    Sorry, I shall bring it back on board... He offered his life while we were still sinning. Isn't that amazing, an undeserved reward..
  12. Mary's Child

    Mary's Child Guest

    When we say the stations of the cross, I am so relieved when he dies. I am so relieved that it is over for him, His suffering has ceased. But then I see his beautiful heartbroken mother in pieces. She must of wanted to die with him. But she too, remained in The Father's Will... What forgiveness!! To forgive as they were torturing and hamming the nails into her beloved Son. I am floored by that..
  13. Mary's Child

    Mary's Child Guest

    Our Beautiful God who gave His life for us. This is my Lord. He opened these very eyes and looked directly at me. I have never seen eyes filled with so much compassion and love. Beautiful honest, truthful eyes..
  14. Mary's Child

    Mary's Child Guest

  15. Tina S

    Tina S Guest

    I floors me too. I once read that Jesus died for us individually, not collectively. So, his suffering isn't supposed to be viewed as being spread across all souls but he died for each individual soul. Hard concept and I try to explain it to my kids too so that they understand how much Jesus loves each individual soul.

    Very well done, Hope!
    sunburst and Mary's Child like this.
  16. Mary's Child

    Mary's Child Guest

    I should be in bed Tina, I can't drag myself away from this thread.
    Tina S likes this.
  17. Mary's Child

    Mary's Child Guest

  18. Tina S

    Tina S Guest

    I hear ya! It is somewhat addicting, Mary's Child. I have decided that I need to set a time limit each day...starting tomorrow:).
    Mary's Child likes this.
  19. Jimmyiz

    Jimmyiz Guest

    Oh the Agony In the Garden. jokes come to mind.:p

    Serious though, one of the things that always gets me when I hear
    scripture on this is when Jesus comes back to the sleeping apostles and says, "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak". That one always hits me right between the eyes.
    Mary's Child likes this.
  20. Mary's Child

    Mary's Child Guest

    A heart of flesh springs to mind here Jimmy... not a heart of stone. :)

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