This reminds me of something I heard yesterday on the radio (I don’t remember the name of the priest that said this but) he said everyone expects to enter Heaven and have all their questions answered. What they don’t understand is that in Heaven there will be no questions - just knowing. I might not be saying it correctly but I found that an interesting viewpoint
Heaven will be so different. Scripture indicates we will be like angels, like little Gods. I notice in Medugorje Our Lady frequently describes the visionaries, 'My angels'. I noticed two visions of saints appearing to people on Earth give some clues. After the child Saint St Dominic Savio appeared to his father to comfort him. His dad of course had many, many questions to ask his holy son about heaven. But St Dominic simply shook his head and said it would be impossible for anyone here on Earth to understand heaven. This is in line with what St Paul tells us in scripture (he himself was carried up to the, 'Third Heaven' whilst still on Earth): 1 Corinthians 2:9 However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived” — the things God has prepared for those who love him— Also in the apparition of St Gabriel Possenti to St Gemma Galgani, St Gabriel appeared robed in white light (as Our Blessed Lady is sometimes seen as for instance Fatima) . THeis is in line with St John's Vision in the Book of the Apocalypse of the citizens of heaven. However St Gabriel parted the light to show St Gemma him wearing the PAssionist habit underneath.