Creation or Evolution theories

Discussion in 'The mystical and Paranormal' started by mothersuperior7, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. jose

    jose Angels

    Nov 26, 2011
    With your comments you show you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. You have no idea about biology, geology neither about theology. I leave you alone with your fundamentalist indoctrination. If you are happy so... and thanks for the insults. :)
    In Christ!
  2. sunburst

    sunburst Powers

    Apr 30, 2012
  3. jerry

    jerry Guest

    jose. It was very kind of you to point out all those sources that rebut creationism as supported by NYCTP33.
    While i am confident creationism is wrong i didn't wish to spent any time finding the sources that so easily demolish creationism.
  4. jerry

    jerry Guest

    NYCTP33 (i hope i can call you Anthony :) ) I have watched the Evolution refuted video.
    20s in & i quote:
    "evolution in the sense that life came from non life ..."

    Anthony is that what you think the theory of evolution requires: that life must come from non life?
  5. andree

    andree Powers

    Jan 31, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2022
    Dusica and TinNM like this.
  6. Mark1

    Mark1 Archangels

    Aug 31, 2015
    …I haven’t read most of the posts, so these are simply my thoughts, in general. If there was any arguing going on, I have no interest in that.
    My whole take on evolution is that you have a world where kids are taught we evolved from ape like creatures, that killing an unborn baby is ok, and we wonder why the world is the way it is.
    When I entered Catholic high school, a tough age to begin with, the science teacher began teaching evolution. It bothered me a great deal to be taught, as fact, that humans evolved from lower life forms. I went to the teacher to express my concerns, and she basically said we also believe that at some point God inserted the soul into humans ( she never mentioned that in class). So I asked her exactly when the soul was inserted, and if those people were evolved enough for a soul, what of their parents, grandparents and beyond? Were they so much less evolved and without feelings? No answer.
    In recent decades, global warming….almost as an entire set of beliefs, was pushed. You couldn’t question any part of it ( even if you believed in most of it), or you were labeled a right wing nut. Then it became “climate change”. The masses largely said nothing over the new packaging term. And still, anyone, including some scientists, who questioned even the slightest part of the entire climate change montra, was marginalized or ignored.
    My point is that, in some ways, I liken the theory of evolution with the current global warming package. It must be believed in it’s entirety, or you’re a flat Earth person. I reject that, entirely.
    One thing I learned in taking care of both parents is that you tend to trust doctors and lawyers as experts………until you learn the hard way that despite their technical knowledge, they often miss the big picture, simple but important details, ir just lack common sense. I don’t know how we got here. But I am not at all prepared to subscribe to the “consensus” that scientists or whoever else puts forth on evolution. I think one of the most interesting things I ever heard, many years ago from a scientist on tv who had no agenda in that he was neither Christian nor atheist, nor trying to push a viewpoint ( paraphrasing), was when he stated that we always hear or read what science supposedly knows. But, he went on, he said what you hardly ever hear or read is what science does “not” know, which is the vast majority of everything.
    Every other month there’s some news blurb about how scientists are going to make an major announcement about a discovery of life in space. When the announcement finally comes, it’s usually some version of how something out there wobbles in a way that“could” resemble a planetary system which “could” host a form of life. Further reading tells us that the potential planetary system is so far away we’ll never really know what’s there. Regardless of whether life exists elsewhere, it’s just another example of how we’re all supposed to embrace every facet of what’s put forth… least until it’s altered by those pushing it, and even then we must still embrace it.
    I don’t believe the ancestors of Jesus ( or of me) were ape like creatures and lower life forms. Nor would I debate a scientist, and attempt to beat him on his or her own playing field. I wouldn’t debate a doctor on medical knowledge or a lawyer on all things lawyerly,either. But on many occasions in my dealings with them they were completely wrong. My beliefs on evolution aren’t based on my thinking science is wrong, but that they aren’t necessarily right, either. What really bothers me is that they wont admit what they don’t actually know, and many out there hate it if you question them.
    HeavenlyHosts, Byron and PurpleFlower like this.
  7. PurpleFlower

    PurpleFlower Powers

    Dec 21, 2020
    I haven't read all the posts here yet, but I will happily admit I am a young earth creationist. :)
    Mark1 and HeavenlyHosts like this.
  8. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Dec 30, 2016
    I am as well:)
    Mark1 and PurpleFlower like this.
  9. andree

    andree Powers

    Jan 31, 2014
    I haven't read all the posts in this thread either and posted the above interview here only because I found this thread on evolution and the video content fits the title of the thread. This thread is several years old and now there are few books about genetics by scientists brave enough to say that there is absolutely no doubt that there is an intelligent design involved because none of this genetic complexity happened according to any Darwin's theories. I heard a geneticist say once, that with all the knowledge they have now about DNA, no one in genetics believes in Darwinism but they won't say it publicly because that would offend the science police - or whoever the bully is who holds the keys to what we're allowed to think on earth. But still, reading books that scientists now admit to intelligent design is a first step.

    I agree with you Mark about the lack of humility in science, academics - heck, in every domain. Science has made many errors and can't admit to it. It's a pity, because the people who make the best specialists in any domain are humble. When will man learn!
    Mark1 and PurpleFlower like this.

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