Creation or Evolution theories

Discussion in 'The mystical and Paranormal' started by mothersuperior7, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. jose

    jose Angels

    Nov 26, 2011
    Mothersuperior7 open this thread because she wanted to know more about evolution and Christianity. The whole think started when Glenn posted something about Mary Loli and evolution. For me was a big red flag, as has been always when seers or in alleged apparitions or locutions, the Virgin or Jesus denies it. I just wanted to explain why there is no contradiction between the Catholic faith and the theory of evolution when we admit that man receives the soul from God. I think for some people was good to know there is no problem with it as the creationist, mostly evangelical, but also some catholic fundamentalists always claim. I admit that there are some points that remain obscure and difficult to understand such as the fall of man etc...we cannot know everything, I guess. But we cannot deny science and what reason tell us. God gave us the possibility to be intelligent and, therefore, we cannot be against serious science. I do not know any scientific issue that would collide with my faith. And evolution is neither one of them. A different thing is when scientists talk about Theology or Philosophy. That is when those people make the big mistake. For instance, when Dawkins or Lawrence Krauss talk about "the universe from nothing". In this, they undoubtedly manipulate the meaning of nothing to claim that the Universe popped out from "nothing" without the necessity of God. But this is not science and I understand that people, Christians, get confused and take the wrong approach to look at the issue.
    mothersuperior7 and Mary's Child like this.
  2. cornhusker

    cornhusker Angels

    Dec 15, 2011
    Jon likes this.
  3. sunburst

    sunburst Powers

    Apr 30, 2012
    Creation of the Human Race
    From the preceding sources of our Catholic faith, one may infer that the first rational man (Adam) was created by God about 4,000 B.C., and that all creation was created before him out of nothing (ex nihilo). In this regard, Pope Pius XII’s encyclical Humani Generis, 37, 1950 sheds light on the origins of the human race, which he formally states, came from Adam:
    “For the faithful cannot embrace that opinion which maintains that either after Adam there existed on this earth true men who did not take their origin through natural generation from him as from the first parent of all, or that Adam represents a certain number of first parents. Now it is no way apparent how such an opinion can be reconciled with that which the sources of revealed truth and the documents of the Teaching Authority of the Church propose with regard to original sin, which proceeds from a sin actually committed by an individual Adam and which, through generation, is passed on to all and is in everyone as his own” (Cf. Romans, 5:12-19; Council of Trent, Session V, canon 1-4).
    HOPE and Mary's Child like this.
  4. Jon

    Jon Archangels

    Jan 2, 2013
    USA - Wisconsin
    My son (NotYetComeToPass33 on the forum) has been enduring agressive attacks on his faith by a couple of his friends in the neighborhood who have become agnostic evolution theory proponents (products of public middle schools, high schools, and colleges). He is unwaivering in his faith (Catholic K-12, and B.A. from Catholic Norbertine College), and does not provoke these attacks, but they can't seem to resist putting the pride of their intellects on display and with a small amount of post secondary education, continually attempting to discredit our faith.

    He often cites Walter Brown in his debates with them. I think there is merit to a lot of the evidential arguments he makes, and many are mentioned in that article. I especially like the point made in the article about the incompatibility between the long ages of the earth theory (namely the existence of "death" among "man" for those millions of years) and the point at which scripture says "death" entered man in the creation (only after the fall, but not before hand originally).....
    Mary's Child likes this.
  5. jose

    jose Angels

    Nov 26, 2011
    Again, there is no contradiction between evolution and faith. The modern debate between scientist and theologians is not about evolution but about the origin of the universe. Evolution is perfectly compatible with God existence.
  6. Jon

    Jon Archangels

    Jan 2, 2013
    USA - Wisconsin
    I suppose you are right about the nature of their arguments. Evolution, to them, is a component of their belief system, that supports their agnostic position on the origin of the universe. They aren't arguing for the sake of creation/evolution belief itself. They are essentially attacking faith in God, and that happens to be one of their primary weapons.
  7. NotYetComeToPass33

    NotYetComeToPass33 New Member

    Mar 5, 2013
    The evolutionists know that if we can prove the earth is young, their entire belief system will crash and burn. This is why they defend the ancient earth myth so agressively. By far the best source on this topic for anyone, Christian or not, is AIG (Answers In Genesis).

    Here is the link:

    I recommend you click on the media tab, and then click on Video On Demand. There are clips of all the AIG scientists and researchers.

    Here is the link to the presentation I made for my friends. It has over 1,000 views now:

    Here are more Creation Resources for anyone who is interested:
    - The Hydroplate Theory
    - Age of Deceit
    - Power behind the NWO
    - Creation and Miracles: Past and Present (best evolution debunking source)

    I do recommend Kent Hovind's creation seminars. All of them use real science and are done incredibly well, with great research.

    Also, watch this documentary about the Rapture. In the documentary Hovind confesses that the Pre-Trib Rapture is completely false, because the scriptures say it happens AFTER the tribulation:
  8. NotYetComeToPass33

    NotYetComeToPass33 New Member

    Mar 5, 2013
    Here is the link to Dr. Robert Gentry's published scientific findings on pulonium halos, and is young age of the earth documentary.

    I would seriously challenge any evolutionists who think they can refute scientific fact. The earth is young. That is an undeniable fact. The entire scientific community should work with that, but it won't happen because the liberal evolutionary political consensus is far too strong and it is federally sponsered.
  9. jerry

    jerry Guest

    The first video: Evolution debunked.
    About 4min 20s in.

    "Evolution is not even a scientific hypothesis"

    I've got 2Gb broadband allowance per month. I'm sorry i can't justify watching through the remainder of the 1hr 52min presentation.
  10. jose

    jose Angels

    Nov 26, 2011
    Is this really science?
    No, this guy is not doing science at all. He is doing "creationism" or writing books about something similar to "science" for creationists.
  11. jose

    jose Angels

    Nov 26, 2011
    I ask again and again the same question (and it is a simple one) to all creationist I get to know but none of them seem to be able to answer it. Here we go again:

    If earth is only 6000 years old and all species like dinosaurs, birds, cats, humans and plants co-existed how it comes that we find only fossils of species that already disappeared and not a single one of the species that we see today? Why we do not find human fossils or sparrows in the same geological layers where dinosaurs or trilobites are found?:)
  12. jose

    jose Angels

    Nov 26, 2011
    And here the best arguments against young earth creationism. Real scientific facts that creationist do not accept because they do not fit with his fundamentalist way of doing science.
    Evidence against a recent creation
  13. jose

    jose Angels

    Nov 26, 2011
  14. NotYetComeToPass33

    NotYetComeToPass33 New Member

    Mar 5, 2013
    Sounds to me like the evolutionists just don't want to give up their evolution religion without a fight. They protect it with religious ferver. The political consensus on evolution and an ancient earth is pushed by a mafia of godless secularists, post modernists, and neo-naturalists.
  15. NotYetComeToPass33

    NotYetComeToPass33 New Member

    Mar 5, 2013
    Watch this then, You dont need two hours, genius, or magic to debunk evolution. It can be debunked in a few minutes.
  16. NotYetComeToPass33

    NotYetComeToPass33 New Member

    Mar 5, 2013
    Erroneous. You are misrepresenting creationists. I have seen every one of these points explained by creationists very well, using real science. Lol You think creationists haven't explained fossils? ice layering? carbon dating? distant starlight? petrified wood? erosion? etc?

    I have a hard time believing you have watched anything on creationism. You should be embarrassed to be caught getting behind petrification, ice layering, or carbon dating as proof of billions of years. My atheist 23 year old friend, who is a post modernist liberal, an evolutionist, and a boderline luciferian with his comments aboout god, gave me this EXACT page on rational wiki. I won't even entertain the ignorance in that one link. All you would have to do to hear the explanation is watch some of my videos that I posted, you will see that creationists do not ignore these points at all. You are lying.

  17. NotYetComeToPass33

    NotYetComeToPass33 New Member

    Mar 5, 2013
    This is more misrepresentation, and again not very compelling. Rational Wiki? My atheist friends use this website to make fun of me, and some of them have not even graduated school, and some of them have dropped out. I have seen almost all this claims over and over again, and still they do not phase Phd scientists who still believe in god and this word. They are professional and qualified scientists. To be a scientist, you do not need to be an evolutionist. You can be a creationist, because evolution has never been proven fact, and will never be proven fact, because it is a debunked theory that has been quickly decaying ever since the small creationist minority pierced the evolution political consensus. Science always stumbles on great discoveries this way. Time and time again, a political consensus always gets over thrown by a small minority. We end up finding out that the minority was right.
  18. NotYetComeToPass33

    NotYetComeToPass33 New Member

    Mar 5, 2013
    ummm, we do. We have dinosaur and human footprints together, we know that layers do not mean ages and that the geologic column was made up by Charles Lyell in the 1800's. Also, we have cave drawings and sculptures of dinosaurs that were found. If dinosaurs lived and died 65 million years ago, and we didn't even discover them till the 1800's, how would the ancient people know about them, if they never saw one alive, or didn't dig up their bones.?

    Why do we find animals alive today like a coealacanth, which supposedly went extinct over 100 millions years ago. Also, it looks the same as the fossil, indicating no evolution.
  19. NotYetComeToPass33

    NotYetComeToPass33 New Member

    Mar 5, 2013
    Earth's history is understood very easily if the global flood is just considered in the reasoning process. It's almost like God knew that a bunch of liberal, post modernist, luciferian, athiest, uniformitarian, naturalist, evolutionists would try to wipe away evidence of the global flood referred to in Genesis. Also, the evolution religion has caused many of my peers to lose their faith in God, and it has taken away their chance to learn about their true orgins, their true nature, and their true purpose. With evolution, there is no purpose to life, there is a made up origin in which death comes before sin, and supporters of evolution claim they know the most about our nature. To tell you the truth. God is the only one you can trust. He was there at the beginning. And if you say God doesn't exist, you would be forced to swallow the bitter pill of "if there is a design, there must be a designer."

    Silly evolutionists.
    sunburst and cornhusker like this.
  20. NotYetComeToPass33

    NotYetComeToPass33 New Member

    Mar 5, 2013
    Mark 9:42

    "If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea."

    We can trust God. Those evolutionist scientists who cause thousands to lose their faith everyday, will be punished severely, if they do not recant or repent of their false religon. Evolution is a disgusting heresy, it has nothing to do with science at all. Real science and real facts support the biblical creation in every detail.
    sunburst likes this.

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