Krizevac, some comments on portions of the above 4/5 entry: (1) At a time when it should be spring you will see the dry heat of summer begin to show the cracks of the earth and the quick swirling winds will turn up the fires that will spread rapidly across this earth. Jennifer's messages contain elements that are clear and can be readily tested. I'm not saying she is false, but the above is a reasonable prediction for a false American prophet to make, for the West has dealt with frequent fires of late and the snow pack this winter was lower than normal. The true test of this year is how early fires begin. Even so, authorities in California have already stated: 2021 Fire Season While wildfires are a natural part of California’s landscape, the fire season in California and across the West is starting earlier and ending later each year. Climate change is considered a key driver of this trend. Warmer spring and summer temperatures, reduced snowpack, and earlier spring snowmelt create longer and more intense dry seasons that increase moisture stress on vegetation and make forests more susceptible to severe wildfire. The length of fire season is estimated to have increased by 75 days across the Sierras and seems to correspond with an increase in the extent of forest fires across the state. (2) I ask My children, are you altering your life, your actions, in fear by those in positions of power or are you defending the truth? This type of question reminds me of challenges presented to Israel by Isaiah. It does not prove or disprove Jennifer's authenticity, but at least it rings true for me since I believe complicity with authorities in regard to covid-19 related issues is something a prophet should warn us about. (3) The dam of deception is about to break, and when it breaks where the three rivers meet, know that great change is coming. My response to this is to ask if Jennifer has spoken of three rivers before in a symbolic fashion? The use of dam in the above is obviously symbolic; does that infer that the image of 3 rivers converging is also symbolic? That portion of her 4/5 entry is puzzling to me. Safe in the Barque of Peter!
I think the reference about the dam could well be the three gorges dam in China but then from the day they built it, it was always going to be a problem.
Just to mention, this message about the spring and summer was given some years ago, not the exact same words; and for some reason it has been repeated here. Don't know if there is some reason we need to hear it again. About the Three Rivers. I don't ever recall reading a message with this mentioned. Though I may not have read all her messages, and could have missed some. Other forum members may recall on this one.
Thanks for your input Mario. Much of Jennifer's messages ring true for me also but that doesn't make them valid. As you point out, some predictions are easy to make/guess. MDM and Christina Gallagher do this all the time. I think it's referred to as 'scattershot prophecy'. If you predict enough disease/earthquakes/wars etc eventually you will have a hit I don't remember the 3 rivers converging being mentioned before though.
I might continue but I will include a disclaimer always that the messages are not church approved and are from an anonymous seer. The anonymity is a bit concerning. Do you recall one of the messages saying that 'This area you call Knock will be inundated'
Julia, it came up in this thread (see #52) where SteveD posted an extract from a message from Jennifer about the wall holding back waters breaking, and he made the connection to the Three Gorges Dam. I found it here, see message on 11/11/05: "The waters will soon wash forth upon the area of Knock where green meadows roll for great change is soon to pour forth." Who knows, but all the more reason to pray for Divine Mercy for all souls called home in tragic circumstances.
These messages are not church approved. 4/26/2021 5:09pm My Child, I say to My children, you are each a vessel of history. The very artery of which My blood flows to and from My Most Sacred Heart. I weep, My children; I weep for this lost and fractured world that has surrendered to the enemy. Darkness is covering this earth for the chambers of hell are emptying out upon this earth. Love is lost in the midst of this darkness and many are turning on their neighbor. I say to My Faithful to remain strong and vigilant in the truth, for those who walk with pride and haughty hearts because they have evaded justice in this life will find it in the next for their time of mercy has expired. Woe to those who have harmed My Little Ones. Woe to those who seek to render death when I Am the author of life and death. Where are My Chosen Sons? Where are My Priests to guide My Children in the truth? Where are My Priests to tell the world that the road to hell is becoming grind locked with souls who have fallen into satan’s trap? I am being held prisoner from My People while the voice of the enemy echoes through the walls of My Church. How many have marked themselves with the blood of the innocent out of fear. How many have surrendered their faith and trust in Me for the false science of man instead of the creator of the world, for I Am Jesus. Where does your faith reside? I tell you this, that when you see the remnants of My Church scattered throughout the world, be at peace because victory is coming, and the hour of My return is on the horizon. Now go forth, for I Am Jesus, and be at peace, for My Mercy and Justice will prevail.
Wow, what a message. I was just listening to a science podcast about what they know about cells and DNA, and it is much, much more than just the biology that we are told it is. DNA is considered a type of holographic receiver, with quantum principles that operate within it, allowing transfer of "information" through light, sound and other frequencies and dimensions. The interview really had a spiritual dimension to it and they discussed the current push for injecting everyone and what that could represent. The so-called "science" that is our new religion is full of lies and deceptions and everything I heard in that interview is reflected in the above message. May God have mercy on us for going so far out of His ways. Thank you K for posting it, it's very encouraging too.
These messages are from an anonymous seer and are not Church approved. 7/22/2021 4:00pm My Child, the days have now become the hour in which a great many will stand before Me. A time when many will come to see what fear has brought them to. I have warned My Children that I am not the God of fear, for I do not author such things. I am a God who speaks to the heart of My people and do not sow seeds of fear in their mind. I created each one of My Children with the means necessary to live a mission on this earth, to be instruments of light and hope in this dark world. I have come to tell My Children that the hour has come when you will say, “where is my brother? where is my sister?” The hour has come when you will desire to say the Chaplet of My Most Divine Mercy endlessly for the multitude that were not prepared to meet Me. Wake up My Children, for you are being deceived by the prince of darkness, the author of fear. You are being driven by a false promise. Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit—not too be silenced, manipulated, or depleted of My Creation. This world is passing yet to many are being complacent. It is time to prepare your soul, for the hour has come when I will warn mankind that his ways are not pleasing to Me. What will you harvest, My children, when the fires surround you? What will you harvest, My children, when the floods wash away your vegetation? The harm of My Little Ones does not go without punishment. I have pleaded in love and mercy to turn away from sin, yet so many seek to alter My Creation, My Plan. The hour of reckoning has come upon this world, for the hand of justice can no longer be restrained. The truth will be shown to the world, for what has been silenced behind closed doors will be opened to the light. It is time to prepare and to warn those who have fallen asleep to the lies that they have fallen for. It is time to bind your rosaries and fall to your knees in humility, for I Am Jesus, and My mercy and Justice will prevail.
I don't really think it matters as to the identity of this visionary... I believe the ethos of this message is going to come true -- sooner, rather than later.. I don't know why, but I can feel and sense it. With all of the things that are going on in the world: the wanton slaughter of the unborn, the attack on marriage and defacing of mankind in God's image. And all of it done with an unparalleled glee and willingness to mock God and the blessed mother. How could it not be true?!
These messages are from an anonymous seer and are not Church approved. 8/28/2021 7:30am My child, Tell My children I love them. Tell the world when they kneel before the crucifix and gaze upon My corpse that they are witnessing the complete artery of immeasurable love. My child, the world is starving, it is starving for order as great discord is reigning all over this world. When fear has conquered the hearts and minds then unbalance comes. If you pray and lack trust, then your prayers are fruitless. My children, in order to understand prayer, you must begin by meditating on My passion, death, and resurrection. My children, even through My suffering, I knew that I must surrender to the will of My Father in order to complete My mission. I call My children to abandon the lies of the world and surrender to the will of My Father. Seek to live the mission you were sent to do for you are each My chosen instruments. This world is passing, and the lies of the deceiver only seek to paralyze you and deplete you from the truth, for I am Jesus, the way the truth and the life. Now go forth and live the mission you were created to do for your reward will be great in heaven. My mercy and justice will prevail. 8/26/2021 7:15pm My child, I come to tell the world that if you desire peace then begin to pray. If you desire love, then first you must come to know your Heavenly Father because I am the source of all love. If you desire patience, then you must first pray for understanding. I tell my children that in order to imitate your creator, you must come to know that My ways are not man’s ways. I am the author of life. I am the source that breaths the very first breath that you take and the last one as you leave this earth. You are formed by the very same hands that were nailed to the cross. You were created with a mission to fulfill on this earth. You were sent by Me and for Me. Do not surrender your free will over to kings that have no kingdom. The world only has power over you if you surrender your free will. Your voice was created with a purpose to love, to speak, to sing hymns of praise to your Father in heaven. If your voice is being silenced, it is because the enemy does not want to hear truth. There are many Herods’ roaming this earththat have silenced My little ones, but I tell you this—I am coming, I am coming and woe to those who have been authoring the death of My little ones. It is time to repent, My children, and come to the fountain of My mercy, for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail. 8/25/2021 4:15pm My child, I am not a God who acts in haste rather I am a God of patience, mercy, and order. I am the one who separates day from night, the weeds from the wheat, darkness from the light. It is time to prepare your hearts, My children, for history only begins to repeat itself when My children remain complacent. I have come to tell you that mankind has ushered into a new time, a new era in which the weeds are being separated from the wheat; a time when a great cleansing will come forth. My child, My heart is weeping because so many have been led astray. So many have allowed the fear of the enemy to overcome the knowledge and judgment that I have infused in their soul. Be on guard, My children, because the page of history is turning and as this comes so will a great shaking. The walls that have guarded this evil will be destroyed. I will shake every corner of this earth. Nations will crumble, governments will cease to exist as the deception that has been placed upon My people is removed. Those who have remained steadfast in their prayers, faith, and remain close to the sacraments and the gospel message will have to courage to help those who are lost. This will be an era when I will summon the prophets written in the gospel message to guide mankind. I tell My children where there is confusion there is the devil, where there is no peace there is the devil, when you are inundated with fear there is the devil. I am a God of order and peace. Where does your trust rest? In a world that seeks to destroy your soul or in your messiah, for I am Jesus, the savior of the world? Now go forth and be at peace for it is My mercy and justice that will prevail. 8/23/2021 12:30pm My child, the world is soon to be inundated with water. It will not come from the rains but will be from the tears of My people when they see what has been done to My little ones; when the world begins to recognize that the blood of the innocent will not go unpunished. My child, the sins of man are many but when pride remains, they will devour themselves into the pit of misery. I am coming to remove the blindness that has covered this world. I am coming to extinguish the confusion, and in the blink of an eye, the world will come before the judgement seat while on this earth. The days of evil harboring in the hearts and minds of My people will no longer be. I speak in warning that those who fail to recognize the time of My visit and continue in their wickedness will drown themselves in the eternal pit of darkness. The time is approaching when all light will be extinguished except that of which I come with because I am Jesus, the light of the world. I am coming to shine the light into each and every soul on this earth—not one will be spared. This is a time of truth, and when the world begins to weep is when healing begins. This will be the greatest act of mercy bestowed upon humanity since My passion, death, and resurrection. I tell My children to repent today for the hour is upon you, for I am Jesus and my mercy and justice will prevail.
Revelation 9:3, : "And out of the smoke locusts came down on the earth and were given power like that of scorpions of the earth."
9/14/2021 2:15pm My child, the danger to mankind is not the evil forces that seek to rule the world, it is those who seek to comply with evil. 9/9/2021 3:30pm My child, I come in love. I come in mercy to aid My children on the path to heaven. This world is lost, My child, because Satan and his companions have submerged humanity into a purgatory of fear. Those who author disease in the name of greed succumb to their own sinfulness. The days are growing shorter, and fields will lay barren from any harvest. Food will become scarce; neighbor will begin to rely on neighbor. At a time when the dry heat of summer comes to a close a sudden shift will bring great rain and a sudden freeze that will usher in the cold winds of winter. You must prepare now for the time of transition is here. Do not lose hope because that which has been stolen will be returned. Nations will begin to crumble because they have been guided by evil. My child, I say to My people if you pray and surrender your life to the will of My father then you have nothing to fear. The triumph of My Mother’s Immaculate Heart is coming. Stay focused, stay focused on the cross and keep your eyes fixed upon the mission I have sent you to do. Do not give into the distractions of the deceiver and those who comply to his lies, for those who live by the sword will end with the sword. I am the author of life and those who live for heaven have nothing to fear, for I Am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail. 9/8/2021 4:30pm My child, the world has entered into a time of transition. The day, the hour of Revelation is upon mankind when the scales of deception will be removed, and My people will see all that they have been blinded by. I tell you this, that many will be wailing at the very sight of what they have allowed themselves to become complacent to. Many will question how their creator allowed this to be, but I say to you that I do not interfere with the free will of man, for I am Jesus. My child, My passion, death, and resurrection was the greatest act of love. Those who were putting Me to death believed they were bringing the world justice, but in turn, My death was bringing the world mercy. Do you see that man’s ways are not always My ways? The world has failed to heed to My warnings, has failed to obey My commandments and live the Gospel message. I have sent My Mother to light the way and show the world that your only hope is in her son, for I am Jesus. The world has compensated morals for the pleasures of man. There is no modesty, discipline, and men are failing to reflect the guidance of Saint Joseph. It is time for the world to awaken and every corner of this earth is going to shake with the fury of My Father. Countryside by countryside, city by city, continent by continent, the trembling will come and it will last the duration of which My passion did. My church will appear to crumble but remember this, that where there is a good foundation not every piece of wood is without rotting. It is through My mother that every rotten piece will be removed and what remains will be into eternity. It is time to unite the world through the Rosary, and when the world becomes united through the Rosary it will lead you to the tabernacle of My love, the Eucharist, for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.
Wow. Thank you for posting. This is the first time I have heard that the trembling will come and it will last the length of the Passion of Jesus.
November 18, 2022 My child, I ask My children why do you search for truth while surrendering to blind trust? Why do you seek refuge in a world that has no eternal reward? My children, you see how the body is deprived without the sun, yet I say to you, there is greater deprivation to the soul without the Eucharist. My children, this world cannot redeem you, for that is why I came, for I Am Jesus, the Redeemer of the world. Hell has been emptied out upon this earth and you must be more vigilant. You must not surrender blind trust to the enemy that not only seeks your body but to entrap and destroy your soul. My children, the world is on the precipice of great change. Never surrender to the enemy that seeks to strip you of your free will, to silence your voice that was created to proclaim the Gospel message. This world is starving for love, starving for truth, and the only means in which your soul will be fulfilled is in receiving the Eucharist. If you thirst, then repent and you will find your soul in the radiance of My Mercy. My children, everything is encompassed in the Eucharist, for I Am Jesus, fully present body, blood, soul and divinity. I tell you now, My children, that this world is changing, and in the blink of an eye, mankind will have full knowledge of the state of their soul. Every soul will know if their ways are reflecting My light or immersed in darkness. Those who seek to do the deeds of Satan in the cover of darkness will have their place before the great judgment seat. It is time to take heed of the Gospel message! Live your lives by being My witness in this dark world, for I Am Jesus and My Mercy and justice will prevail. November 21, 2022 My child, Many await the day, the hour, for the great separation of My Church. Many wait in anticipation for greater signs to come. Do not be as the foolish virgins, for I say to you that the separation has begun. Those who seek to rewrite what has been written, to change the true teachings of My Church, do not come in My name and speak with the voice of truth, for I Am Jesus. There are many who are clothed in My vestments but fall short of being My True Representative. My Chosen Sons, the time is now to prepare, to go out and witness in a greater way the gospel message. The time has come for you to open wide the doors of the confessional and invite your flock to repent of their sins. It is time to be firm in love by teaching your flock that this world has led them astray, yet the hand of their Creator is reaching out to them. My Child, tell My Children that there is great merit in suffering. Tell My Children that heavens graces come upon those who share in the wounds of My Passion. Tell My Children that this earth is going to rock and tremble. Too many today have greater fear of the loss of worldly pleasures and do not fear offending their Creator. I come to you in love, I come to you in mercy, I come to you in warning that the hand of justice can no longer be restrained. Do not become complacent with the teachings of the world because they are not truth. I Am Truth, for I Am Jesus, the light of the world. Come follow Me and I will shower you with great grace and keep you in the refuge of My Most Sacred Heart. Now go forth living the commandments, living the gospel message, for My Mercy and Justice will prevail. Source:
So beautiful, like poetry.In Scripture Jesus speaks like this, pure poetry. Jesus was a Painter of Words.