Where has this thread gone?

Discussion in 'The mystical and Paranormal' started by josephite, Oct 1, 2023.

  1. Denise P

    Denise P Archangels

    Jul 19, 2015
    There is a YouTube video by Fr. Chad Ripperger with his take on the purple scapular. I tried to transfer it here but had no luck.
  2. maryrose

    maryrose Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Well I have found the prophecy on the Holy Monarch puzzling. I have never followed her or read her prophecies. I do have a purple scapular which was given to me many years ago by a friend. I love the image on it. It's hard to dismiss Dr Miraville. He is an expert and has looked into this deeply.
    josephite and AED like this.
  3. InVeritatem

    InVeritatem Archangels

    Dec 20, 2021
    I don't know much about MJJ. However, I came across this comment in an article by Steve Skojec on Fatima. It may be just something to bear in mind.

    "... St Pio was a great friend of the Mystic Marie Julie Jahenny, who confirmed also the approaching end of all times in her great prophecies. I’m sure he would not have valued her so highly if she had stated something that he knew to be false."

    I can't vouch for the veracity of the statement. But if she is not approved in the Diocese of Nantes, then one has to take that seriously.
    Mary's child, Byron and AED like this.
  4. Katfalls

    Katfalls Powers

    Jan 12, 2015
    I was reading the articles the other day of gathering hawthorn leaves, and I know they grow around here. There is a wild shrub in my yard with red berries like the hawthorn, so I went outside and plucked a few and the leaves. Came into the house to compare them online and found out it is baneberry. It said if you eat two of the berries it will put you into instant cardiac arrest!!!!! So, I though whoa on this hawthorn leaves and berries thing. Just rub that out and Trust in Jesus to get me through whatever comes down the pike!
    Jo M, Rose, josephite and 6 others like this.
  5. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Dec 30, 2016
    I agree. I regret posting about that now,
    I’m not sure if the hawthorn can be harmful
    to some people.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2023
  6. AED

    AED Powers

    Mar 23, 2016
    Me too Katfalls.
    Jo M, Mary's child and HeavenlyHosts like this.
  7. Agnes McAllister

    Agnes McAllister Archangels

    Sep 15, 2021
    Nj usa
    I already stated in another thread, Luiz de Maria talks about it and maria esperanza in her book. Giving the directions. I must get her book again.
    You did no harm.
  8. josephite

    josephite Powers

    Oct 30, 2012
    Dear HH,
    You have did no harm, in fact this remedy may be authentic, its just the 120,000 pages extra of prophesies that I have a problem with.
    No Harm in collecting the hawthorth leaves, to use in extreme times.

    in fact below is the post I posted in the original thread........

    Very interesting information given by Dr Mark Miravalle on the prophesies of Marie Julie Jahenny. I was initially intrigued by these prophesies (like many others), which is understandable especially when you hear that they are formally accepted by the church and you read only a few of the alleged words of Our Lady and our Lord (those which sound acceptable and authentic).

    However, in the video below, starting at 6.40 minute, we find out that the writings do not have church approval and all the information comes from one source a Marquis in France of the 1940's, there is also 120,000 pages! of prophesies which speak of chastisement after chastisement, many of the prophesies contradict each other and others don't come true such as her prophesy that she would die on a Friday, but she actually died on a Tuesday; she also seems to borrow from approved seers and saints such as at La Salette although she twists the borrowed words giving them a different meaning.

    Marie Julie Jahenny reminds me of another reported seer, who I once thought was authentic, until I discovered the writings (over 36 volumes in one book! ) which contain numerous heresies. Interestingly they both lived around the same time although the other seer comes from Italy.
    Prayer and discernment needed.
    God Bless
    Jo M, Sam, AED and 3 others like this.
  9. Heidi

    Heidi Powers

    Aug 10, 2013
    I would like to know who the other seer is….if it is the one I am thinking of
    Sam, AED and josephite like this.
  10. PurpleFlower

    PurpleFlower Powers

    Dec 21, 2020
    Oh wow, thank you for sharing! Well honestly, I'm kind of glad her prophecies aren't true, because a lot of them were really scary. :eek:
    Jo M, Ang, AED and 2 others like this.
  11. josephite

    josephite Powers

    Oct 30, 2012
    The other seer I refer to is Lusia Picarretta of Italy.

    I used to follow LP and her seeming Catholic teachings until I discovered the immense amounts of heretical teachings contained in her writings
    which can not be white washed by even the most learned scholars.

    We the Catholic faithful await the decisions of the Vatican, (in union with the bishop of Trani) regarding the validity of LP writings.!

    Let us pray and fast for this intention also
    Jo M, Sam, Heidi and 2 others like this.
  12. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Dec 30, 2016
    Thank you so much, Josephite.
    Jo M, Sam and AED like this.
  13. Clare A

    Clare A Archangels

    Mar 5, 2014
    Berkshire, England
    Jimmy Akin has a very well researched video on the 3 Days Darkness. I was inclined to believe in them until I watched it. I think someone here posted it. If MJJ has been debunked, then there is no credible seer left. Akin shows how Bl Anna Maria Taigi left no word on it, this came after her death by a secondary source
    Jo M, HeavenlyHosts and AED like this.
  14. Heidi

    Heidi Powers

    Aug 10, 2013
    Thank you!
    Sam likes this.
  15. Agnes McAllister

    Agnes McAllister Archangels

    Sep 15, 2021
    Nj usa
    Marie Julie Jahenny speaks of the power of the BROWN SCAPULAR


    (NOTE: I have discovered the previous post regarding the power of the Mass was only a short clip taken from the text dated July 16, 1901. I have found more of this text, and, this reference to the Mass was made at the end of a discourse on the Brown Scapular and Purgatory, so, I have made a new additional post featuring this part of the text. Of interest, this ecstasy encouraging more devotion to the Brown Scapular is proof the Purple Scapular shown to Marie-Julie Jahenny was never meant to replace the Brown.)


    Ecstasy date July 16, 1901

    (Source: “Marie-Julie Jahenny: Une Vie Mystique”, Henri Boucier, pp. 269-271)

    Marie-Julie: “My good Mother, before going into communicating our intentions and our needs that we have on earth, I ask you to grant us the grace of Saturday, of the Sabbatine Privilege, to all of us, the friends of the Cross.

    (i.e. the Sabbatine Privilege is an additional grace revealed by Our Lady for those who wear the Brown Scapular: those who wear the Brown Scapular and fulfil the extra requests to receive this privilege will be released from Purgatory on the first Saturday after their death. Marie-Julie seems to be asking for this grace for those who are friends of the Cross, which usually means those who support the mission that has been revealed by Heaven to her. I do not want to try and read too much into this, but it seems she is asking that they may receive this privilege even if they don't manage to fulfil the necessary obligations attached to the Scapular for it. So, she is asking for a big request! It is hard to tell if Our Lady grants this, as it seems she speaks generally of the Saturday grace. Maybe this polite evasiveness is a 'no'! The conditions have to be fulfilled.)

    Our Lady: “My children, often this favour is granted on the Saturday after the departure of the soul. I introduce many souls into heaven, but others are a little further away. However, always on Saturday, I have special tenderness to introduce my children into the beautiful heaven of eternal love.”

    Marie-Julie: “My good Mother, do the faithful who wear the Brown Scapular stay in purgatory for a long time?”

    Our Lady: “My children, sometimes at the end of Friday, I introduce my elect the following Saturday. Sometimes it is only fifteen days before; sometimes, for less pious souls to honour me on Saturday, I leave them for a month. But this fire is not very severe. Their greatest suffering is to see the beauty which charmed them, dazzled them, delighted them, this holy Face of Jesus which flooded them with delight.

    My children, I cannot give these great graces to the souls who wear my holy scapular with so much indifference and carelessness and, often, leave it aside. I suffer from this contempt, and the torment of these souls in Purgatory is very great, very painful because of this abuse.”

    (OBSERVATION: it appears Our Lady gives the various degrees she can help release a soul in Purgatory depending on how devoted they were to her and the Brown Scapular. Those who were devoted and fulfilled the conditions for the Sabbatine Privilege are released on the Saturday as promised. Others, while not fulfilling the Privilege conditions but were devoted to Our Lady get a shorter sentence in Purgatory, others, who are less devoted to her may remain a month. Also, it seems those who died with some fervour of devotion to Our Lady suffer less from the fire there. In all, the graces we gain depend on our faith and fervour. She cannot give much help to those who are cold and indifferent to her, or treat the scapular with indifference, and do not habitually wear it. The worst pain the souls have Purgatory is after seeing the Adorable Face of Jesus, they are unable to enter Heaven and are separated from Him until they are purified.)

    Marie-Julie: “Good Mother, grant us more and more this devotion to your holy scapular! Tell us if, in this fire which is not cruel for us, the desire to repay Jesus brings about a respite for negligent souls.”

    Our Lady: “My children, Purgatory, it is a day without night, without rest for the soul which purifies itself there. The soul must have a day without night. The flames must penetrate its immortal being.”

    (i.e. There is no rest there. Workers on earth can work at night from the their labours, but in Purgatory there is no period of time for rest or repose. And, the souls cannot help themselves, they must be purified.)

    Marie-Julie: “Does the soul praise Our Lord Jesus Christ during this time?”

    Our Lady: “The soul praises Him in itself through ardent desires to enjoy His presence.”

    Marie-Julie: “Its praises must soften the fire that purifies it...”

    (I.e. it seems Marie-Julie is wondering that surely, such praise earns some relief for the soul? Either Marie-Julie herself is still trying to grasp the state of helplessness of the souls there with regard to themselves, or, she might be asking this for the benefit of the witnesses present so they can hear an answer?)

    Our Lady: “The soul thus restrained has admirable patience. The soul knows that this time of purification must be accomplished. It adores the Will which makes it suffer to deserve the reward. The time seems long to the soul, because of its ardent desire to see Jesus. The more it advances towards heaven, the more its desire increases, the more it is purified, the more the soul's desires for heaven cause its torments.”

    Marie-Julie: “The souls of Purgatory must not be sad despite their sufferings to purify them?”
    Our Lady: “My beloved children, go and enter these furnaces where the heat is excessive. Without being led by Jesus, myself and Joseph, a soul by itself could not resist it. This gentle presence is necessary so that souls can endure these burning heats. I assure you that, every morning, the freshness of the Blood of my Divine Son always falls on these souls, as many pray for them. This drop of the Adorable Blood softens the fire so much! Often I pass through this place of suffering. I approach the foyers where all souls are purified. I ask them: 'Did you feel a little freshness?' And they answer me: 'Oh! Heavenly Mother, look to the degree to which the holy mysteries have elevated us! We were on the burning stone of the hearth, and the holy sacrifice (i.e. the Mass?) brought us more than halfway up the path of purification.' If souls are on the surface (of Purgatory) (above) of their past deep pain, all it takes is a few more prayers. Then, they leave the fiery hearth to immerse themselves in eternal freshness.

    Often, the crown of 'Ave' of a rosary (i.e. a rosary said for a depart soul) makes the soul fly to heaven. Only one Communion, (i.e. offered for a soul), and the soul white as my purity flies into the bosom of the Eternal. Often, it takes even less than an invocation, a 'Pater' (Our Father) or an 'Ave' (Hail Mary) in honour of the holy (brown) scapular. It is an immense wealth, these are graces so abundant that I cannot enumerate them. Ah, my children! What power is the holy sacrifice of the Mass! It is only in heaven that you will penetrate the immense effectiveness of this prodigy of power, happiness, wonder and deliverance!”

    (OBSERVATIONS: Our Lady lists the help and the consolations the holy souls receive They receive grace from Jesus, Our Lady and St. Joseph to endure the torments of Purgatory. Those who pray for the Holy Souls, those prayers make the Precious Blood to fall on the souls and give them great relief, and, also helps to lessen their sentences, depending. Sometimes a Holy Communion offered for them may release a soul, or a few prayers, but most important of all is the Mass and the Rosary. These help the most.)

    Marie-Julie: “My good Mother, thank you with gratitude!”


    The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny:

    #catholicchurch #mystics
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