Manuela Strack

Discussion in 'The mystical and Paranormal' started by padraig, Mar 17, 2022.

  1. AED

    AED Powers

    Mar 23, 2016
    " will faint with fear what they see coming upon the world..."
    Your analogy of the carniv ride is spot on.
    Jo M, Byron, HeavenlyHosts and 2 others like this.
  2. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Well if you look at how folks reacted to the virus which was nothing more than a severe flu, what on Earth will they do when they are handed events to really be concerned about...true immediate life and death ones?

    Our Mother used to often say to we children,

    'Be careful what you complain about or God will send you something to really complain over!':):)

    Another phrase which was often on her tongue was,

    'Offer it up!'
    Ang, Jo M, Byron and 3 others like this.
  3. FatimaPilgrim

    FatimaPilgrim Powers

    Aug 7, 2013
    It, whatever "it" is, is almost upon us. Whatever "it" is, is going to take us back to a very non tech simple type life, if that makes sense. Get food in the ground if you have not started, have plenty of seeds on hand, have a way to filter water, ham radio if you can, if not then try to find someone in your area who does, medical supplies (homeopathy kits and knowledge on how to use them) and make sure you know who your neighbors are and be ready to support one another. Here's a good water filter for a family, I recommend this as it's easily packable if you have to be on the move:
    Byron, AED and padraig like this.
  4. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Dec 30, 2016
    Very stirring post!
    AED likes this.
  5. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Yes on tech in the present form. But from what I have seen of Catholic prophecy it won't be quite like going back to say the 1800's , as the Amish do now. That there will be new ways of doing things different than we do now. Perhaps new kind of sciences but done in a different kind of way. A more spiritual way.

    So that in, say, medicine it will be more holistic and using spiritual sources of healing; the miraculous they did in the Early Church, In Acts, when people did have a really strong Faith. Also we will be more communal and Family. Helping and caring for each other and this will make a big , big difference.
  6. RoryRory

    RoryRory Perseverance

    Jun 5, 2012
    Nova Scotia Canada
    Yes I noticed about the false notion being spread.
    Sam, HeavenlyHosts, AED and 1 other person like this.
  7. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    This False Mercy thing is so dangerous because it can be used in so many ways.

    For instance they can say we are being nasty and intolerant by saying that Sexual Perversion is evil.

    For instance they can say we are lacking Mercy by saying the Chinese Government is evil for persecuting the Catholic Church and massive human rights abuses.

    They can say we are lacking Mercy when we say that Hell and Purgatory really exist.

    ...and the list goes on and on and on and on...there is just no end to it...
    Agnes McAllister, Sam, Byron and 2 others like this.
  8. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland


    Urgent call to prayer

    On 7 October 2002 the Blessed Mother entrusted “three keys” to me. It was Our Lady’s wish to keep their contents secret. These keys were intended solely for the Holy Father in Rome. Without divulging their content, I am informing you that events pertaining to these keys have begun to take place. IN LIGHT OF CURRENT EVENTS I ASK YOU TO PRAY ESPECIALLY FOR THE HOLY FATHER, FOR PRIESTS AND THE CHURCH. Let us gaze upon Our Lord Jesus and His Mother. I implore you to confront hatred and violence with God’s armour: with love and prayer. I feel obliged to write that we Christians should now unite in prayer in a special way. Let us not waste any precious time. Through prayer we may not be able to turn everything to good, but many things we can.

    It has always been Our Lady’s wish to protect the Pope, priests and the Church. If Her messages continue to be ignored, the pain of the Church will be the greater. The last thing I want to do is to create a sense of panic. This would in any case be inappropriate.

    Please do not simply follow events in the media, instead begin to pray. Organise yourselves into prayer groups to the best of your abilities. Then do that which God desires and act responsibly. I would particularly recommend the act of consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Let us all gather under the protective mantle of the Immaculate One. May She intercede for us all so that our deafness to the Divine Will might be healed.

    17 th September 2006, Manuela Strack

    “Form small blue oases of prayer!”

    Our Lady asks that small blue oases of prayer be formed and she constantly calls us to prayer. She also mentions several request for prayer which she asks us to take to heart.

    4 September 2000: “Pray for the children, because darkness is in the world. You, who go through this tribulation, please note that the tears I shed are especially intended for Germany. Until I have fortified my empire completely in love, this, my beloved country, will have to bear lots of suffering. But when I see Germany, I see that the hearts of the people have turned away from my Son. Do not think that the revelations I gave to you in Fatima are obsolete. But look, it is necessary for you to pray, to beseech us desperately. You calm my Son.”

    The Blessed Mother asks us to come together in small prayer groups. We are to follow priests who love Our Lady and who are close to her. It would also be helpful to find a Marian priest to accompany the blue oasis of prayer. Our Lady promises to be wholly present in her blue oases of prayer and to pour into them her own blessings and those of her beloved Son.

    Our Lady gives no further indication regarding the structure and content of the blue oasis prayer groups. It would make sense, however, if each blue oasis group met at least once a month for prayer. Our Lady emphasises the value and healing power of the rosary. In addition one might draw on the prayers and songs in the blue Sievernich prayer book, each one of which is specifically desired by the Blessed Mother. Saint Teresa of Avila’s prayers could also be used from the booklet in which they are printed. The red prayer book ‘Adoremus’ which we use in Sievernich is also enriching.

    Personal prayer intentions should also be accommodated in these prayer oases. However it is equally important to fulfil the prayer wishes of Our Lady. The Blessed Mother requests prayer for nations, that they may not perish, for peace, for individual families and the family in general as well as for children. We should pray for those who cannot find the way to her beloved divine Son and especially for those who do not love her Son. Indeed, we should even pray for our enemies. She asks for prayers for the Church, the Holy Father, for priests, “who are constantly being troubled by darkness and temptation”, and for religious. We are especially invited to pray for Germany and its shepherds.

    Prayer for Pope Benedict XVI and the Church is very important. Under no circumstances should we forget to pray that God’s plans for Sievernich will be realised. Without prayer we will not be able to overcome the obstacles facing the construction of the Spiritual Centre or Satan’s anger.

    The Blessed Mother also reminds us that prayer without good works is useless. Let us therefore not forget to carry out good deeds.

    Please inform the Blue Oasis of Prayer, Postfach 501108, D-KOLN, should you wish to found a small prayer group.

    Our Lady’s call to prayer in Sievernich

    6 November 2000:I send My Light down to you, My Beams of Light surround you, you, My pearls of prayer. Pray and remain loyal to My Son. The world does not have a high regard for prayer and it is not valued highly. But, dear souls, is it not prayer alone that can heal you? The grace of prayer is not to be found anywhere else, it can be found in prayer only. Talk to the Father, the Son, the Mother, if you pray. Be aware of talking to them. Experience and practise this deep, warm, and sincere kind of communication every day. I put My Song into your souls, everybody receives My Grace from you. I ask you in particular to pray for the members of your families, so I can enter into their hearts. With your assistance I will find a way to their hearts, if only secretly.

    8 January 2001: Dear children, there are many temptations, there are many things, that appear to be obstacles, that keep you from praying. Call on Me, and I shall tread on the snake’s head. Remember Me in your temptations, appeal to Me. I will intercede for you with My Son, Jesus Christ, and He won’t be able to refuse My prayers and will rescue you from the darkness.

    12 November 2001:I ask you to pray, children! Maybe you will say: Mother, we are praying, will it ever be enough? But I am telling you: pray continually, be flames of love, become one with My Beloved Son, then you will be healed. I come to you as your Mother. I will take you to the house of the Father. Ask the Holy Ghost to give you all the graces the Father gives to you.

    7.01.2002: Children, call Me when you are in need. I hear you, even if you think that I am not by your side. I am by your side. I am asking you, children, to please pray, and pray, and pray. It does not matter if I have to tell you over and over again: please pray! What I am asking you to do is important. Prayer makes you holy, and My Divine Son can come and live in you.

    4.02.2002: Children, I am asking you, please pray for Germany! Please pray for My beloved sons, the priests! Pray for the brothers and sisters in the religious orders! My dear sons and priests, My dear sisters and brothers of the religious orders, be faithful to the church! Do not leave the way My Divine Son Jesus has shown you. Dear children, be faithful to My Son Jesus.

    04.03.2002: My children, your prayers dry away my tears. Oh children, pray! Do not only say the words, pray with all your heart. Pray like this, so I can be with you entirely. This is the will of the Father in Heaven, this is the will of My Divine Son Jesus Christ. Become pearls of prayer, My children, do not give up! …

    Children, I love you. Pray, pray for Germany so it will not get lost.

    15.04.2002: Children, even if you should consider it superfluous, I will mention this time and again: by your pure prayers from the heart you, children, can save the world! It depends on you whether I distribute my graces, which are the graces of my divine Son, Jesus. Hear my words: pray! pray! pray!

    03.01.2005: Dear children, pray, pray, pray! Pray and do penance so that people will no longer insult my beloved divine Son so frequently! How often His love is rejected. I have called you so that His grace can be bestowed on you.
    03.10.2005: Today I want to say good-bye to you. I shall always be with you in this place. I have said everything. Live the gospel and remember my words. My beloved Son Jesus sent me to you, that you may become living witnesses of His Love. Pray, love and do that which my Son Jesus tells you, for the Word is eternal and living. Allow it to live in your hearts. I would love to see you all again in heaven.

    Sam likes this.
  9. AED

    AED Powers

    Mar 23, 2016
    Your mother and my mother must have gone to the same mother school.:) My mother used to say the same thing!!!
  10. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    A different generation. :) They had loads and loads of simple hard won common sense.
    HeavenlyHosts and AED like this.
  11. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Dec 30, 2016
    True. And my mother was always one step ahead of me . I used to go to the bakery after school to hang out with the older kids. The doctor’s wife came in and heard the profanity and saw all the cigarettes. Then she ran into my mom in the supermarket. She told my mom that the bakery was full of cussing and smoking teenagers. I was never allowed back in the bakery again. Eyes in back of her head.
    AED, Sam, djmoforegon and 1 other person like this.
  12. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    They had one great advantage that we have lost today.

    They could mostly trust the people who taught their children in Catholics schools.

    That's long, long gone.

    ..and of course no internet, smart phones and a culture and media that was not yet totally depraved.
    Mary's child, AED, Sam and 3 others like this.
  13. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Dec 30, 2016
    The lady that works at my dentist office said back then you used to know what the Ten Commandments were even if you didn’t follow them.:unsure:
    Mary's child, AED and Sam like this.
  14. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I feel so sorry for young people now. What chance do they have if they are not even taught right from wrong? They're doomed before they set out on the Long Road of Life.

    Perhaps it is for the young and for the young particularly that God is set to intervene, to save them from hell.

    However I have been listening to some young devout Catholics and they are really astonishing. When a light shines in the dark, it really does shine magnificently. It's just that there are so few of them.
    DeGaulle, Mary's child, AED and 2 others like this.
  15. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Dec 30, 2016
    DeGaulle and AED like this.
  16. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Dec 30, 2016
    AED likes this.
  17. AED

    AED Powers

    Mar 23, 2016
  18. miker

    miker Powers

    Mar 4, 2013
    New York
    Maybe this has been posted already…. Saw this on Spiritdaily today…. This visionary had apparition of St. Michael on June 13th.

    I find find the words a “war for the harvest” to be pretty amazing on a physical and spiritual level. Physically, we know Ukraine is bread basket of the world so this war is certainly impacting food - we see it already on the dwindling shelves in stores and higher prices.

    But, I really think this is more a reference to the harvest of souls. I believe that Jesus is/ will be fighting for our souls during these dark days. All the graces we need will be given to us. But, we also must say yes and use all the “weapons” available to us- sacramentals, Rosary and above all getting to frequent confession, Mass and Adoration. The need for the source of life- The Eucharist - I think is so necessary.

    The harvest is coming…, pray. Peace.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2022
  19. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Dec 30, 2016
    It’s a great message. I agree with you.
    Mary's child and miker like this.
  20. Booklady

    Booklady La Dolorosa

    Sep 13, 2011
    This is a wonderful thread. I had never heard of this lady. Thank you, all.
    HeavenlyHosts and Sam like this.

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