St Joseph

Discussion in 'The Saints' started by padraig, Oct 28, 2016.

  1. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    But really these were not the apparitions I was looking for the appartions I was looking for spoke of A Devotion to the Most Chaste the Heart of St Joseph.
  2. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland

    ahh its the same one:

    Devotion To St Joseph’s Most Chaste Heart – Approved Apparitions…
    August 9, 2016 By editor in Fatima, Our Lady, st joseph, supernatural, Uncategorized Tags: bishop gritti, Brazil, holy family, st joseph apparitions 16 Comments
    [​IMG]Many know about approved apparitions of our Blessed Mother. But only a handful realize that there were apparitions in Itapiranga, Brazil from 1994-1998 in which St. Joseph appeared along with Mary and Jesus.

    In January 2010, after much study, prayer, reflection, observation and seeing the growth in the faith life of thousands, the local ordinary, Bishop Carillo Gritti declared a Decree of Worship favoring the Itapiranga appearances and in an earlier document called it of “supernatural origin.”

    In another document he stated that considering the manifestations of the Virgin from 2005-10, who has called upon devotion to the three Sacred Hearts: Jesus, Mary and Joseph, a first step has been taken to build a new sanctuary with the certainty that it will be a place for pilgrimages, and the conversions that only God by the intercession of Mary can operate has been thus far for him and enlightened souls, reason enough to see in these visions and messages the finger of God (translated form the Portuguese). Click here to read the rest of the article
    josephite likes this.
  3. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    This Devotion to the Heart of St Jospeh may relate to the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which is why it is reserved to these Latter Days of Great Crisis and Universal Apostasy

    josephite likes this.
  4. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    By the way, the reason why the name of St Joseph was added to Eucharistic prayer was under the direct order of Pope St John 23rd, who had a very,very great devotion to the Saint.

    View attachment 5549
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  5. DonnaS

    DonnaS Guest

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  6. Sam

    Sam Powers

    Nov 17, 2015
    From the Our Lady of America apparitions:

    November 8, 1954: Our Lady’s words on the Family (L)

    It is the wish of my Son that fathers and mothers strive to imitate me and my chaste spouse in our holy life at Nazareth. We practiced the simple virtues of family life, Jesus our Son being the center of all our love and activity. The Holy Trinity dwelt with us in a manner far surpassing anything that can ever be imagined, for ours was the earthly paradise, where once again God walked among men.

    As in our little home no sin was to be found, so it is the wish of the Heart of my Son and my Immaculate Heart that sin should, as far as possible, be unheard of in the homes of our children.

    The Divine Trinity will dwell in your midst only if you are faithful in practicing the virtues of our life at Nazareth. Then, you also, my children, will become another paradise. God will then walk among you and you will have peace.

    I need your help to bring peace into the world. Do not disappoint me.

    October 1956: In early October, 1956, about a week after Our Lady’s first appearance, St. Joseph, though I did not see him at this time, spoke to me the following words:

    It is true, my daughter, that immediately after my conception, I was, through the future merits of Jesus and because of my exceptional role of future Virgin-Father, cleansed from the stain of original sin.

    I was from that moment confirmed in grace and never had the slightest stain on my soul. This is my unique privilege among men. My pure heart also was from the first moment of existence inflamed with love for God. Immediately, at the moment when my soul was cleansed from original sin, grace was infused into it in such abundance that, excluding my holy spouse, I surpassed the holiness of the highest angel in the angelic choir. My heart suffered with the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

    Mine was a silent suffering, for it was my special vocation to hide and shield, as long as God willed, the Virgin Mother and Son from the malice and hatred of men.

    The most painful of my sorrows was that I knew beforehand of their passion, yet would not be there to console them. Their future suffering was ever present to me and became my daily cross. I became, in union with my holy spouse, co-redemptor of the human race. Through compassion for the sufferings of Jesus and Mary, I cooperated, as no other, in the salvation of the world.

    March 11, 1958

    Our Lady said to me: St. Joseph will come on the eve of his feast. Prepare yourself well. There will be a special message. My holy spouse has an important part to play in bringing peace to the world.

    March 17, 1958

    St. Joseph came as was promised, and these are the words he spoke at this time:

    Kneel down, my daughter, for what you will hear and what you will write will bring countless souls to a new way of life. Through you, small one, the Trinity desires to make known to souls Its desire to be adored, honored, and loved within the kingdom, the interior kingdom of their hearts.

    I bring to souls the purity of my life and the obedience that crowned it. All fatherhood is blest in me whom the Eternal Father chose as His representative on earth, the Virgin-Father of His own Divine Son. Through me the Heavenly Father has blessed all fatherhood, and through me He continues and will continue to do so till the end of time.

    My spiritual fatherhood extends to all God’s children, and together with my Virgin Spouse I watch over them with great love and solicitude. Fathers must come to me, small one, to learn obedience to authority: to the Church always, as the mouthpiece of God, to the laws of the country in which they live, insofar as these do not go against God and their neighbor. Mine was perfect obedience to the Divine Will, as it was shown and made known to me by the Jewish law and religion. To be careless in this is most displeasing to God and will be severely punished in the next world.

    Let fathers also imitate my great purity of life and the deep respect I held for my Immaculate Spouse. Let them be an example to their children and fellowmen, never willfully doing anything that would cause scandal among God’s people. Fatherhood is from God, and it must take once again its rightful place among men.

    As St. Joseph ceased speaking I saw his Most Pure Heart:

    The Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph seemed to be lying on a cross which was of brown color. It appeared to me that at the top of the Heart, in the midst of the flames pouring out, was a pure white lily. Then I heard these words: Behold this pure heart so pleasing to Him who made it.

    St. Joseph then continued:

    The cross, my little one, upon which my heart rests is the cross of the Passion, which was ever present before me, causing me intense suffering. I desire souls to come to my Heart that they may learn true union with the Divine Will. It is enough, my child; I will come again tomorrow. Then I will make known to you how God wishes me to be honored in union with Jesus and Mary to obtain peace among men and nations. Good night, my little one.

    March 18, 19, 1958: St. Joseph appears on his feast day and speaks on spiritual fatherhood

    St. Joseph spoke of his spiritual fatherhood, of his great privilege in being chosen to be the Virgin-Father of Jesus, and of his perfect obedience to the Divine Will. He spoke of his special protection of the Holy Father and of the Church.

    Fathers must come to me, small one, to learn obedience to authority: to the Church always, as the mouthpiece of God, and to the laws of the country in which they live, insofar as these do not go against God and their neighbors.

    Mine was perfect obedience to the Divine Will, as it was shown and made known to me by the Jewish law and religion. To be careless in this is most displeasing to God and will be severely punished in the next world.

    Fatherhood is from God, and it must take once again its rightful place among men.

    My special protection of the Holy Father and the Church should be made known to him. God wishes to make this known to him that he may receive thereby renewed consolation and encouragement. During the war, little daughter, it was I who saved him from death at the hands of his enemies.

    March 30, 1958: St. Joseph asks to be honored on the First Wednesday of each month

    Jesus and Mary desire that my pure heart, so long hidden and unknown, be now honored in a special way. Let my children honor my most pure heart in a special manner on the First Wednesday of the month by reciting the Joyful Mysteries of the rosary in memory of my life with Jesus and Mary and the love I bore them, the sorrow I suffered with them. Let them receive Holy Communion in union with the love with which I received the Savior for the first time, and each time I held Him in my arms. Those who honor me in this way will be consoled by my presence at their death and I myself will conduct them safely into the presence of Jesus and Mary.

    As St. Joseph had promised, Jesus and Mary also came on March 30: Jesus as a boy about fifteen or sixteen years old. He spoke of the sanctification of the family and other matters. St. Joseph and Our Lady also spoke to me concerning the same subject and also about the Divine Indwelling.
    JAK, lynnfiat and josephite like this.
  7. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Here are some other descriptions of St Jospeh form various visions. I love reading stuff liek this, it sets the hear ton fire. :)


    “To him who thirsts I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely.” – Revelation 21:6

    On June 7th of 1660, a shepherd of 22 years of age named Gaspard Ricard, was herding his sheep to the east side of Mount Bessillon. At roughly 1pm the heat grew stronger and harder to bear. Very tired and thirsty, he decided to lay upon the rocky ground for a rest when suddenly a tall man stood next to him and pointed to a nearby rock saying: “I am Joseph, lift the rock and you will drink.” The startled young man saw that the large rock looked heavy, stating that it would take about eight men to move it. He asked how he would be able to do this alone s there were no other men around besides him. St Joseph reiterated his instruction to lift the rock. Gaspard obeyed and, moving the rock, found fresh water flowing from underneath. He began to drink excitedly and looking up he found that St Joseph had disappeared. With haste he ran into town exclaiming this news to the villagers and within three hours the small spring of water had now become a fountain of overabundant water.

    It is interesting to note that St Joseph had nothing else to say besides his simple instruction to lift the rock and drink. But in the absence of words, he has told us much. Water is the sign of healing and new life in the Roman Catholic Church and here we are shown that Joseph pointed to this source of water. He is given to us as an intercessor, leading us to drink of the fountain of life in Jesus.

    As a result of these occurrences, King Louis XIV (1638-1715) decreed that day to be a holiday and, after making his own pilgrimage to this place, he consecrated France - as well as himself – to St Joseph. These waters which sprang forth in Cotignac, France, would become a sign of hope for many people as these waters have curative properties for both the body and the soul. There now stands at that place a sanctuary dedicated to the honor of St Joseph. One of the documented miracles that took place was recorded in 1662 by a priest who had gone there the previous year.

    “The waters of St Joseph bring miracles. Since I returned, a man whom we know from Avignon, born lame, went to the spring and came back cured, having left his crutches there. Everyone drinks and carries away the water.” – Father Allard of the Oratory, 1662
    Sam and josephite like this.
  8. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland

    In the 16th Century there arose a devotion called “The Seven Our Fathers of Saint Joseph”, which would later be known as “The Seven Sorrows and Joys”. The devotion as it appears today is credited to Blessed Gennaro Sarnelli (1702-1744). Below is related the brief story of how this devotion came to be requested by St. Joseph himself:

    There were once two priests of the Franciscan order who were sailing along the coast of Flanders. A terrible tempest arose, sinking the ship along with 300 passengers. The two Fathers grabbed hold of a nearby plank, embracing it for dear life, as they were tossed about in the violent waves for three days and three nights. All the while the two men had recourse to St. Joseph, praying and begging for his assistance, to save them in the name of God from their most helpless and dire situation.

    On the third day someone came to their aide, appearing as a most radiant man, encouraging them to have faith and to continue to confide in St. Joseph. The mysterious man safely conducted them into a harbor much to the happiness and relief of the two priests. Upon arriving safely, they thanked him repeatedly and asked for the name of the man who had just saved their lives. The man revealed to them that he was none other than St. Joseph—the one to whom they had prayed all this time.

    The two priests wanting to extend some form of honour or respect to the saint for all that he had done for them, asked what they could do to show their gratefulness. St. Joseph told them to honour him thusly: to recite daily the “Our Father” and “Hail Mary” seven times while meditating on his seven sorrows and seven joys. After advising them, he disappeared as mysteriously as he had come.
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  9. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland

    St Gertrude the Great: I saw Heaven opened and St Joseph sitting upon a magnificent throne. I felt myself wonderfully affected when, each time his name was mentioned, all the Saints made a profound inclination toward him, showing by the serenity and sweetness of their looks that they rejoiced with him on account of his exalted dignity.
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  10. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland

    Blessed Catherine de St. Augustin: I saw a very august procession of blessed souls... St John the Baptist was at the head and carried a white banner, white as snow, on which was written in large red characters these words: Ecce Agnus Dei, ecce qui tollit peccata mundi. … This procession seemed to rise in the air, and the King of glory, in the centre of this entire troop, was taken up in an admirable way by His proper virtue. I followed as much as I could and my spirit accompanied Him… St Joseph was the closest at the entrance of the eternal gates, and it was he, it seemed to me, who spoke first to the Most August Trinity; and addressing himself to the person of the Father, after the most sacred Humanity was put into its appointed place, said to Him in a language of the blessed:

    “This talent has profited so much that not only do I return it to You doubled, but You see this multitude that it has acquired; I return all to You and offer it to You.”

    The Eternal Father then not only set him over a great many people, but even said to him: “Faithful servant! Since you were the steward of My house on earth, I want you to command here and to have all power." The Son Himself gave him power over Him, all King of glory that He was, and wanted him to have the honor of commanding Him.

    Then, hence, turning to Saint Joseph, I said to him: “Great saint, I am one of yours; ask of the King of glory that through all eternity I not be separated from His love. He will refuse you nothing on His ascension.”
    Sam and josephite like this.
  11. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland

    "Be still and see that I am God" - Psalm 45:11 (Douay-Rheims)

    At 8pm on August 21st 1879, a diverse group of fifteen people (including men, women and children), beheld a silent vision of Our Lady – with hands and eyes raised toward Heaven, wearing a crown upon her head, St Joseph – robed in white with hands joined and head bowed and St John the Evangelist – wearing a Bishop’s mitre and holding a large Bible. They appeared at the south gable of the Knock Parish Church in a blaze of glorious light. Behind them, to the left of St John, was a simple altar with a Cross standing on it, with a Lamb (traditional symbol of Jesus Christ – the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world) at the foot of the Cross. Adoring at the altar was a group of angels.

    St Joseph appeared to be close to middle-age with hints of gray in his hair. He was clothed in white robes, standing bare-foot at the Virgin Mary’s right-hand side. His head was inclined forward and appeared to be paying his respects to his Blessed Spouse, and adoring the Lamb on the altar, his hands joined in prayer. He was the figure of humility and of a gentle disposition, in contemplation of the Holy Virgin and the Lamb of God. He is showing us to have reverence for the Mass and to honor the Mother of God. We must be like St Joseph in his humility ad prayerfulness, setting aside our trials and distractions to spend more time in contemplation of God and His works.
    Sam and josephite like this.
  12. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland

    Sister Lucia dos Santos: After Our Lady had disappeared into the immense distance of the firmament, we beheld St. Joseph with the Child Jesus and Our Lady robed in white with a blue mantle, beside the sun. St. Joseph and the Child Jesus appeared to bless the world, for they traced the Sign of the Cross with their hands. When, a little later, this apparition disappeared, I saw Our Lord and Our Lady; it seemed to me that it was Our Lady of Dolors. Our Lord appeared to bless the world in the same manner as St. Joseph had done. This apparition also vanished, and I saw Our Lady once more, this time resembling Our Lady of Carmel.
    Sam and josephite like this.
  13. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland

    I was favored with a unique and marvelous vision of the glorious St. Joseph. He seemed suspended, as it were, a short distance above what had the appearance of a large globe with clouds moving about it. His head was slightly raised, the eyes gazing upward as if in ecstasy. The hands were in a position similar to that of the priest during the celebration of Holy Mass, only they extended upward somewhat more… His appearance, though quite youthful, gave at the same time the impression of rare maturity combined with great strength… The lines of his face appeared strong and purposeful, softened somewhat by a gentle serenity. I also saw his most pure heart at this time.

    Moreover, I saw the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove hovering above his head. Standing sideways, facing each other, were two angels, one on the right, the other on the left. Each carried what appeared to be a small pillow in a satin covering, the pillow on the right bearing a gold crown, the one on the left, a gold scepter. The angels were all white, even their faces and hair. It was a beautiful whiteness that reminded me of the stainlessness of heaven. Then I heard these words: “Thus should he be honored whom the King desires to honor.” (Click here for more)
    Sam and josephite like this.
  14. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland

    25.12.96 Edson Glauber (the visionary):

    After I had finished praying the Rosary, I had a very beautiful vision of Our Lady and St. Joseph with the Child Jesus:

    The three appeared dressed in robes of clearest and purest gold. Jesus and Our Lady showed their Sacred Hearts and pointed, with their hands, to the Heart of St. Joseph, which appeared surrounded by twelve white lilies and, within it, the Cross of Christ which surmounted the letter “M" (for Mary), formed as though by wounds.

    The twelve white lilies represent the purity and holiness of the Heart of St. Joseph: who has always been pure, chaste and holy to the greatest degree. The twelve lilies also represent the twelve tribes of Israel, one of which was the House of the patriarch Joseph.

    The Cross and the "M" of Mary inscribed in the Heart of St. Joseph, represents his devoted and wholehearted love for Jesus and Mary. They are formed by wounds because St. Joseph shared in the sufferings of Jesus and Mary, also participating in the ministry of redemption.

    From the Hearts of Jesus and Mary rays of light shine towards the Heart of St. Joseph. These rays represent the love of the Triune Holy Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, just as the Holy Trinity is one and triune in love. The rays from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary direct us towards the Heart of St. Joseph in order to show us that he received all the graces and virtues of their most holy Hearts. For Jesus and Mary shared all with him and did not deny him anything, in gratitude for the devotedness of St. Joseph to them.

    The rays coming out of the Heart of St. Joseph are all the graces, virtues, and holy love, which he received from the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, which he now pours forth over all those who invoke the aid of his Most Chaste Heart. This triune devotion of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, united in one love, glorify the Holy Trinity: one and triune.

    Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin ask us to put into practice this devotion, so that the Holy Spirit can bring about the fastest possible Second Pentecost, shedding its grace, its pure light and flames of love over all of sinful humanity, already swooning because of sin, reviving it and giving it new life, sanctifying mankind completely as with the Holy Family of Nazareth.

    The Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph comes to defend us, just as he defended the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary from the enemy while still living on earth. And now, with this devotion to the pure and chaste heart, the Lord asks for the collaboration of St. Joseph, that he destroy all the pitfalls and persecutions of Satan and his evil angels, that he protect the whole Church with the graces and blessings spouting from his heart in these last times as we are locked in this great struggle between good and evil. (CLICK HERE FOR MORE)
    Sam and josephite like this.
  15. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    The Holy Death of St Joseph, from 'The Mysitcal City of God' , by the Venrable Mary of Agreda.

    Chapter XV

    162. Already eight years saint Joseph had been exercised by his infirmities and sufferings, and his noble soul had been purified more and more each day in the crucible of affliction and of divine love. As the time passed his bodily strength gradually diminished and he approached the unavoidable end, in which the stipend of death is paid by all of us children of Adam (Heb. 9, 27). In like manner also increased the care and solicitude of his heavenly Spouse, our Queen, assisting and serving him with unbroken punctuality. Perceiving, in her exalted wisdom, that the day and hour for his departure from this cumbrous earth was very near, the loving Lady betook Herself to her blessed Son and said to Him: “Lord God Most High, Son of the eternal Father and Savior of the world, by thy divine light I see the hour approaching which thou hast decreed for the death of thy servant Joseph. I beseech Thee, by thy ancient mercies and by thy infinite bounty, to assist him in that hour by thy almighty power. Let his death be as precious in thy eyes, as the uprightness of his life was pleasing to Thee, so that he may depart in peace and in the certain hope of the eternal reward to be given to him on the day in which Thou shalt open the gates of heaven for all the faithful. Be mindful, my Son, of the humility and love of thy servant; of his exceeding great merits and virtues; of the fidelity and solicitude by which this just man has supported Thee and me, thy humble handmaid, in the sweat of his brow.”

    163. Our Savior answered: “My Mother, thy request is pleasing to me, and the merits of Joseph are acceptable in my eyes. I will now assist him and will assign him a place among the princes of my people (Ps. 115, 15), so high that he will be the admiration of the angels and will cause them and all men to break forth in highest praise. With none of the human born shall I do as with thy spouse.” The great Lady gave thanks to her sweetest Son for this promise; and, for nine days and nights before the death of saint Joseph he uninterruptedly enjoyed the company and attendance of Mary or her divine Son. By command of the Lord the holy angels, three times on each of the nine days, furnished celestial music, mixing their hymns of praise with the benedictions of the sick man. Moreover, their humble but most precious dwelling was filled with the sweetest fragrance and odors so wonderful that they comforted not only saint Joseph, but invigorated all the numerous persons who happened to come near the house.

    164. One day before he died, being wholly inflamed with divine love on account of these blessings, he was wrapped in an ecstasy which lasted twenty-four hours. The Lord himself supplied strength for this miraculous intercourse. In this ecstasy he saw clearly the divine Essence, and, manifested therein, all that he had believed by faith: the incomprehensible Divinity, the mystery of the Incarnation and Redemption, the militant Church with all its Sacraments and mysteries. The blessed Trinity commissioned and assigned him as the messenger of our Savior to the holy Patriarchs and Prophets of limbo; and commanded him to prepare them for their issuing forth from this bosom of Abraham to eternal rest and happiness. All this most holy Mary saw reflected in the soul of her divine Son together with all the other mysteries, just as they had been made known to her beloved spouse, and She offered her sincerest thanks for all this to her Lord.
    JAK, sterph and josephite like this.
  16. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    165. When Saint Joseph issued from this ecstasy his face shone with wonderful splendor and his soul was entirely transformed by his vision of the essence of God. He asked his blessed Spouse to give him her benediction; but She requested her divine Son to bless him in her stead, which He did. Then the great Queen of humility, falling on her knees, besought saint Joseph to bless Her, as being her husband and head. Not without divine impulse the man of God fulfilled this request for the consolation of his most prudent Spouse. She kissed the hand with which he blessed Her and asked him to salute the just ones of limbo in her name. The most humble Joseph, sealing his life with an act of self-abasement, asked pardon of his heavenly Spouse for all his deficiencies in her service and love and begged Her to grant him her assistance and intercession in this hour of his passing away. The holy man also rendered humblest thanks to her Son for all the blessings of his life and especially for those received during this sickness. The last words which saint Joseph spoke to his Spouse were: “Blessed art Thou among all women and elect of all the creatures. Let angels and men praise Thee; let all the generations know, praise and exalt thy dignity; and may in Thee be known, adored and exalted the name of the Most High through all the coming ages; may He be eternally praised for having created Thee so pleasing in his eyes and in the sight of all the blessed spirits. I hope to enjoy thy sight in the heavenly fatherland.”

    166. Then this man of God, turning toward Christ, our Lord, in profoundest reverence, wished to kneel before Him. But the sweetest Jesus, coming near, received him in his arms, where, reclining his head upon them, Joseph said: “My highest Lord and God, Son of the eternal Father, Creator and Redeemer of the World, give thy blessing to thy servant and the work of thy hand; pardon, 0 most merciful King, the faults which I have committed in thy service and intercourse. I extol and magnify Thee and render eternal and heartfelt thanks to Thee for having, in thy ineffable condescension, chosen me to be the spouse of thy true Mother; let thy greatness and glory be my thanksgiving for all eternity.” The Redeemer of the world gave him his benediction, saying: “My father, rest in peace and in the grace of my eternal Father and mine; and to the Prophets and Saints, who await thee in limbo, bring the joyful news of the approach of their redemption.” At these words of Jesus, and reclining in his arms, the most fortunate saint Joseph expired and the Lord himself closed his eyes. At the same time the multitude of the angels, who attended upon their King and Queen, intoned hymns of praise in loud and harmonious voices. By command of the Lord they carried his most holy soul to the gathering place of the Patriarchs and Prophets, where it was immediately recognized by all as clothed in the splendors of incomparable grace, as the putative father and the intimate friend of the Redeemer, worthy of highest veneration. Conformably to the will and mandate of the Lord, his arrival spread inutterable joy in this countless gathering of the saints by the announcement of their speedy rescue.

    167. It is necessary to mention that the long sickness and sufferings which preceded the death of saint Joseph was not the sole cause and occasion of his passing away; for with all his infirmities he could have extended the term of his life, if to them he had not joined the fire of the intense love within his bosom. In order that his death might be more the triumph of his love than of the effects of original sin, the Lord suspended the special and miraculous assistance by which his natural forces were enabled to withstand the violence of his love during his lifetime. As soon as this divine assistance was withdrawn, nature was overcome by his love and the bonds and chains, by which this most holy soul was detained in its mortal body, were at once dissolved and the separation of the soul from the body in which death consists took place. Love was then the real cause of the death of saint Joseph, as I have said above. This was at the same time the greatest and most glorious of all his infirmities for in it death is but a sleep of the body and the beginning of real life.

    168. Her spouse having thus passed away, the great Lady began to prepare his body for burial according to Jewish custom. No other hands touched him than her own and those of the holy angels, who assisted Her in visible human forms. In order that the utmost propriety might be observed by the Virgin Mother, God enveloped the body of saint Joseph in a wonderful light, which hid all except his countenance; and thus his purest Spouse, although She clothed him for burial, saw only his face. Sweetest fragrance exhaled from his body and it remained so beautiful and lifelike, that the neighboring people eagerly came to see it and were filled with admiration. Accompanied by the Redeemer of the world, his most blessed Mother and a great multitude of angels, and escorted by their friends and many others, the sacred body of the most glorious saint Joseph was borne to the common burying place. But on all these occasions and in these occupations, the most prudent Queen preserved her composure and gravity, without allowing her countenance to exhibit any unwomanly or disorderly excitement; nor did her sorrow prevent Her from attending to all that belonged to the service of her deceased spouse or her divine Son. In everyone of her movements was visible the royal and magnanimous behavior of the Queen of the human race. She reiterated her thankful acknowledgment of the great favors done to her spouse by the son of God and, prostrate at his feet in new abasement of humility, She said to Him: “Lord and Master of my whole being, my true Son, the holiness of my spouse Joseph might until now have detained Thee in my company; though unworthy of it, I beseech Thee by thy own goodness not to forsake me now; receive me anew as thy servant and look upon the humble desires and longings of my heart.” The Savior of the world accepted this new offering of his most holy Mother and He promised not to leave Her until the time when obedience to his eternal Father would oblige Him to begin his life of public preaching.

    sterph and josephite like this.
  17. josephite

    josephite Powers

    Oct 30, 2012

    Once when praying the Stations of the Cross, I got to the 4th station and was given a new understanding of some of the stations.

    At the 4th Station, our Lady knew that seeing her, Our Lords pain would increase because He would see her pain! which would increase His pain! yet seeing her would also evoke memories Our Lords youth, especially that of His virginal foster father St Joseph and the love and joy they shared as a family!

    So Jesus being fully human, on seeing His most loving Mother, He would also see St Joseph!

    I believe Our Lady's and St Joseph’s love and suffering produced two consolations for Our Lord.

    Directly after the 4th station we see Jesus receive the consolations of Simon of Cyrene helping Him to carry His cross and then we see Veronica wipe the face of Jesus.

    I believe the 5th station is expressly related to St Joseph’s prayer and love and at the 6th station is expressly related to Our Lady’s prayer and love.
    Jackie, padraig, sterph and 1 other person like this.
  18. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland

    All of heaven must have walked with Jesus to the Hill of Calvary, for how could they have stayed away? But did He see them except with the eys of Faith? It always seems like this in our darknest hours, yet we are assured by St Paul that we are surrounded by a great crowd of witnesses on every side. Rather like athletes in a great stadium.

    JAK and josephite like this.
  19. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    A few years back I was sitting quietly praying after mass in CLonard Monastery. I love to do this when I have the time, so I must have been off work that day, quietly soaking the Eucharist and Gospel in in meditation. Clonard Monastery is a most unusual place in many ways but primarily because it is one of the holiest places I ever been in. Just to walk through the doors is to be blown away with the sense of holiness, like coming home to a little heaven.

    But it is also unusually because at top to the right of the main altar there is a shrine to St Joseph with a large marble staue and altar dedicated to the father of the Lord.

    View attachment 5555
    JAK, Sam and josephite like this.
  20. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    So Idecided before leaving to go over and pay may respects and pray at the shrine a little while. When I got to the statue it changed before my eyes and there was St Jospeh standing there in front of me, large as life smiling down at me. :)

    When I talk about such things I find it difficult to describe. I saw this with the eys of my heart, I don't think if anyone had been there they would have seen anything themselves, though i supect they might have felt something, for there was a huge and striking sense of holiness.

    The firs tthing I would say about Saint Jospeh is that he looked nothing at all like any painting or statue I have seen of him beofre this. For a start he did not look old at all but quite young. I would say around 26. Secondly he was smiling and smiling quite braodly as though he were enjoying himslef..maybe at the look on my face ,standing there with my jaw wide open and a big smile on my own face, delighted and joyful to get to see the Great Patriach at last. Anyway to see St Joe is to set the heart dancing with delight.

    His beard was the most beautiful coulour a kind of beuatiful rich chestnut colour. I don;t know if Jewish people are supposed ot have hair this colour but his was. His eyes twinkled as he enjoyed himself. I think he has the most wonderful sense of humour, quiet and peaceful.

    But it was the man himself who so deeply moved me, so quite unlike anything I had ever read or expected. A deep, deep humilty as thoguh he were ocnstantly saying by who and what he was,

    'Well who aqm I? I am nothing. God is everything!! But its nice to gret you and say hi' :) A deep ,deep childlikeness an utter purity. In a way it was like meeting a very little child, but one with no airs or graces , very,very little. Of untterrable purity . Yet at teh same time so very,very lovable. Someone so easy to approach and talk to.

    I could see how he was the perefct spouse for Mary, the perfect father and example for Jesus. I woul say too the ideal for anyone who wants to follow Mary. For he is the moon to Mary's sun , he reflects the Glory of Mary most perfectly.

    I can see how the demons are in utter terror of him, his perfect humility and child likeness must terrify them.

    To see him was to fall at once utterly in love with him as I have ever since. I must be one of his biggest fans.:)

    maryn, lynnfiat, sterph and 5 others like this.

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