Saint Quotes and what it means to You :)

Discussion in 'The Saints' started by fallen saint, Sep 1, 2015.

  1. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    The ones who are not quite ritght seem to do very well in politics.

    There is a lesson in that for the rest of us. I don't know quite what but the message is there.
  2. Indy

    Indy Praying

    Feb 18, 2013
    West of Ireland
    St. John of the Cross, “God acts for one purpose—to make our souls great.”
  3. Indy

    Indy Praying

    Feb 18, 2013
    West of Ireland
    “The Rosary is the Weapon!” -St. Padre Pio

    You must always humble yourself lovingly before God and before men, because God speaks only to those who are truly humble and He enriches them with His gifts.
    ~ St. Padre Pio ~

    “Be firm in your resolution, stay in the ship in which Christ has placed you. Let the storm and the hurricane come. Long live Christ! You will not perish. What is there to fear? Let the world turn up-side-down, let everything be in darkness, smoke and noise, GOD IS WITH US!”
    St. Padre Pio
  4. Mac

    Mac "To Jesus, through Mary"

    May 14, 2014
    St. Athanasius, to whom it was objected, "You have the bishops against you," answered with Faith: "that proves that they are all against the Church. If the world goes against the truth, then Athanasius goes against the world."Athanasius contra mundum.

    The truths of our Faith cannot be compromised for anybody.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2015
    Praetorian likes this.
  5. Joe Crozier

    Joe Crozier Guest

    Mac likes this.
  6. Mac

    Mac "To Jesus, through Mary"

    May 14, 2014
    Duce had plenty of warning....
    To the Head of the Government, Benito Mussolini

    I come to you in God’s Name to tell you what God has revealed to me and what He wants from you. I was hesitating to write, but yesterday, April 22, the Lord appeared to me again, and
    bid me to tell you what follows:

    “The world is going to ruin because of its many sins, particularly the sins of impurity, which
    have presently exceeded the very limits before the Justice of My Heavenly father. Therefore, you shall suffer and shall become an atoning victim for the world, especially for Italy where My Vicar on earth resides. My Kingdom is a Kingdom of peace: whereas the whole world is entangled in war. The Nations’ Rulers are bent on acquiring new possessions: Poor fools! They don’t know
    that, when there is no God, there is no victory either. Their hearts are filled with wickedness. All
    they do is to outrage, ridicule and despise Me. They are like devils sowing dissension, subverting
    people and seeking to drive into the sinful scourge of war even Italy, where God is pleased with
    many souls, and where My Vicar on earth, the Pastor Angelicas, resides. France, so dear to My
    Heart, shall soon fall to ruin on account of her many sins, and shall be overthrown and ravaged
    like the ungrateful Jerusalem. I sent Benito Mussolini to preserve Italy from the precipice
    because of My Vicar on earth: otherwise, by now, she would be worse off than Russia”.

    “I have always shielded him from many dangers. He must now keep Italy out of war, because
    Italy is a civilized country and it is the dwelling place of My Vicar on earth. If he is willing to
    do this, he shall receive many favors and I shall make all Nations respect him. But since he has
    made up his mind to go to war, tell him that, if he doesn’t prevent it, he will be punished by My
    Divine Justice”.

    It is the Lord who has told me all this. Please, Duce, do not think for a moment that I am
    interested in politics. I am just an ordinary Nun looking after the welfare of abandoned little
    girls, and I am earnestly praying for your safety as well as the safety of our country.

    Sister Elena Aiello
    - See more at:
    Praetorian and Joe Crozier like this.
  7. Joe Crozier

    Joe Crozier Guest

    No comment by others is invited on quotes of saints made on this thread yet I feel compelled always to chuck my tuppence worth in. It may not even be worth tuppence. What makes me think I am fit to comment. I have nothing but snatches of information from here and there and a little experience that I can share. The conviction of faith that Athanasius had must have been immense to stand up to those bishops. Sometimes I wonder what I really believe. Then I remember the Real Presence and I know I have faith. Then I remember the gospels and the words of Jesus and I know I have faith. Then I hear the words of the saints and hear about their lives and I know I have faith. And of course I believe in the messages of Garabandal. But do I really believe. How well do I really live The Faith. As I have heard from somewhere, someone may have enough faith in themself to push a wheel barow on a high wire across a deep ravine. But would they climb into the wheel barrow and let someone else push them? I suppose it depends on what I know about the pusher. I am not really much good at penance. I fast very little for instance. I often don't do what I know I should do because I find it unpleasant. I don't embrace suffering, I fly from it. So as for my relationship with Jesus I doubt it amounts to much. Not very authentic. St Aloysius says "He who wishes to love God does not truly love Him if he has not an ardent and constant desire to suffer for His sake." I suppose that's the difference between a saint and me. One of the many differences. I am off to confession for the first Saturday. Maybe that will bring something worthwhile to light. Something worth a little more than tuppence. Thanks for all your quotes and comments.
    Mac, fallen saint and padraig like this.
  8. Joe Crozier

    Joe Crozier Guest

    This is new at St Benedicts
    hope likes this.
  9. Mac

    Mac "To Jesus, through Mary"

    May 14, 2014
    I knew we would find common ground Joe . Not just brothers in Christ , perhaps twins??:notworthy:
    Joe Crozier likes this.
  10. fallen saint

    fallen saint Baby steps :)

    May 31, 2014
    This is where i get confused...if you believe and try to live your faith, why do you not think you are a great saint. You might not think you are a rockstar saint but ordinary saints are Gods true warriors. To believe without seeing is a great gift. Some of the apostles saw and still didnt believe. Maybe its not our calling to do harsh penance. But maybe our calling is to live everyday life in union with our Christian faith. In life... we all have joys as well as sorrows. That is life :)

    Our life as Christians is to accept those joys and sorrows as gifts from God.

    Brother al

  11. Joe Crozier

    Joe Crozier Guest

    And here is St Joseph, the greatest saint, with his family. He didn't say much as far as we know. But bet he had some lovely chats with Jesus.
    Mac likes this.
  12. Mac

    Mac "To Jesus, through Mary"

    May 14, 2014
    I really like this thread FS . I will make a video on it for us.
    An MOG video.
    Great quotes and members thoughts.
    But only those that follow FS rules.[which rules out one of my quotes already]

    Quote a saint and give your thought.(y)

    If I get time I will make something small with what we have so far ,tonight.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2015
  13. Joe Crozier

    Joe Crozier Guest

    Oui mon brave. C'est la vie. Et la vie est bonne. Merci beaucoup. :ROFLMAO:
  14. Mac

    Mac "To Jesus, through Mary"

    May 14, 2014
    Should I continue?... Its just for our own entertainment[no one watches my vids :(]
    fallen saint likes this.
  15. Joe Crozier

    Joe Crozier Guest

    Everyone loves your videos, even the 'propaganda' ones. Keep going. You have a real gift here.
    Mac likes this.
  16. hope

    hope Guest

    Hear the words addressed to the Bishop of Leiria by Sister Lucy in 1943. The complaint is still the same, and nothing could be clearer:

    The Good Lord complains bitterly and sorrowfully about the small number of souls in His grace who are willing to renounce whatever the observance of His Law requires of them. This is penance, which the Lord now asks: the sacrifice that every person has to impose upon himself to lead a life of justice in the observance of His Law. For many, thinking that the word penance means great austerities and not feeling in themselves the strength or the generosity for these, lose heart and rest in a life of lukewarmness and sin. Our Lord said to me: “The sacrifice required of every person is the fulfillment of his duties in life and the observance of My Law. This is the penance that I now seek and require.”
  17. Mac

    Mac "To Jesus, through Mary"

    May 14, 2014
    Propaganda?? View attachment 3395
    Joe Crozier likes this.
  18. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    Nov 30, 2008
    The fool - should have listened to the wee humble nun. But pride took hold ------

    Mac likes this.
  19. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    Nov 30, 2008
    Thanks Mac - that was a most enlightening letter and link that you posted. I love this stuff.

    I noticed a follow up letter c1943 and it seems Mussolini got one last warning. Our God is so generous in mercy.

    I have highlighted in bold an incredible revelation from Sr Elena that Bruno Mussolini who died in a plane crash in 1941 was interceding from heaven on behalf of his father Benito Mussolini to change course and save himself and Italy.


    My dear Donna Edvige:

    “You may have thought that, on account of my long silence, I may have forgotten you,
    whereas I remember you every day in my prayers. I am following the painful events now
    taking place in our beautiful Italy. We have left Cosenza on account of the bombardments.

    The enemy’s barbarity has vented all its hatred by bombing the City of Cosenza thus bringing
    desolation and death to the population. I was bedridden because of my illness: three bombs fell
    close to our Institute, but the Lord, in His infinite goodness and mercy, has protected us. We
    have taken refuge at Montalto Uffugo, my native town, in order to protect the little girls from the danger of new raids.

    Naturally, we are far from comfortable, but we are offering up all to God for the preservation
    of Italy. The purpose of this letter is that I wish to make another appeal to you, just as I did in the month of May 1940, when I was introduced to you in Rome by Baroness Ruggi for the purpose of giving you in writing whatever God had revealed to me concerning the Duce.

    If you recall, on May 6, 1940, we were saying that the Duce had made up his mind to go
    to war, whereas, the Lord had warned him in my letter to keep Italy out of war, otherwise His
    Divine Justice would strike him. “I have always rescued him -said Jesus- from many a danger:
    now it is up to him to save Italy from the scourge of war because Italy is the dwelling place of My
    Vicar on earth. If he complies with My request, I will bestow great blessings on him and I shall
    cause all Nations to respect him, but, since he is determined to go to ward, I want him to know
    that, if he persists, he will be severely punished by My Justice.”

    Ah! Had the duce only listened to Jesus’ words, Italy wouldn’t be in such a terrible plight
    now…I know that the Duce must feel quite dejected on seeing Italy, once a flourishing garden,
    now a barren field filled with diseases and deaths. But, why persist in this terribly cruel ward,
    when Jesus has stated that no one is going to achieve true victory?

    Therefore, my dear Donna Edvige, please tell the Duce, in my name, that this is God’s last
    warning to him. He is still in time to save himself by leaving all things in the hands of the Holy
    Father. Should be unwilling to do so – said the Lord – divine Justice shall quickly reach him.

    The other rulers also, who play deaf to the counsel and directives of My Vicar, shall be overtaken
    and punished by My Justice.

    Do you recall that, on July 7th of last year, you asked me what was in store for the Duce?

    Didn’t I reply that, if he didn’t listen to the Pope, he would wind up worse than Napoleon? Now
    I am going to repeat the very same words, If the Duce is unwilling to rescue Italy and ignore
    the Holy Father, he will have a speedy downfall.” Even Bruno is begging his father from the
    other world to save both Italy and himself.
    Quite often Our Lord says that Italy will be protected
    on account of the Pope, who is the atoning victim for this disaster. Therefore, the only way to
    achieve true peace in the world is the one that the Holy Father shall indicate.

    My dear Donna Edvige, please remember that whatever Our Lord revealed to me has been
    perfectly fulfilled. Who has been the cause of all this ruin to Italy? Is it not the Duce’s fault?

    Didn’t he refuse to listen to the warnings of Our Lord Jesus Christ? Even now, he could
    somehow counteract the evil done provided he be willing to do what God wants of him. As for
    me I shall continue to pray for that intention.

    Sister Elena Aiello - See more at:
    Mac likes this.
  20. Praetorian

    Praetorian Powers

    May 25, 2015
    "Do you wish to rise? Begin by descending. You plan a tower that will pierce the clouds? Lay first the foundation of humility."
    -Saint Augustine

    This is something I am working on which is hard because my main fault is pride. Humility is the foundation though. If you don't have it, you ain't going nowhere.
    fallen saint and Mac like this.

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