What Would You Most Like to Know ?

Discussion in 'Questions and Answers' started by padraig, Jun 20, 2015.

  1. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    To believe our actions did not have consequences would make life a game and our choices unimportant.
  2. maryrose

    maryrose Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    The failure of Irish Catholics to understand why ss marriage is a sin against the Creator is a reflection on how church failed to preach and failed to say that it was sinful to vote for ssm. People saw it as being compassionate.
    Maybe they will wake up soon to what they have unleashed.
  3. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I am not so sure about this Mary. I would like to be compasionate.

    Jesus said before He died that God would send the Holy SPirit to teach and instruct us. We all have consciences guided by the Holy Spirit. The trouble is that the Holy Spirit like a beautiful flower needs nourishment through the waters of prayer.

    If people had prayed and watered this plant I do not believe they would have fallen into the jaws of these lying wolves. This is not to say the Church was not at fault, but I believe the prmiary responsibilty lies in the soul itself. We may be decieved but is it not because we do not pray that we bcome blind and wander off the set path?

    John 9:39

    Jesus said, “For judgment I came into this world, that those who do not see may see, and those who see may become blind.”

    Romans 11:8

    As it is written, “God gave them a spirit of stupor, eyes that would not see and ears that would not hear, down to this very day.”

    2 Corinthians 4:3-4

    And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled only to those who are perishing. In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

    Romans 8:7-8

    For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God's law; indeed, it cannot.

    Those who are in the flesh cannot please God.

    Deuteronomy 29:4

    But to this day the Lord has not given you a heart to understand or eyes to see or ears to hear.

    jnice :) and little me like this.
  4. Joe Crozier

    Joe Crozier Guest

  5. Joe Crozier

    Joe Crozier Guest

    Yes I agree, those who left the church and lost the treasures of our faith made the wrong choice. I think you misunderstood my comment, Padraig. I wrote a lengthy reply last night but deleted it this morning. I hope your comment was not suggesting that I feel its ok for people to think homosexuality is fine. Nothing could be further from the truth.
  6. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    No .Joe I was not getting at you. :);)
    Joe Crozier likes this.
  7. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I forgot to metion a striking dream I had several years ago and which was repeated several nights running. It was night time in my home coty of Belfast and I dreamt I floated high over the city looking down. I looked and saw the figure of the Blessed Virgin, with the Child Jesus in her arms looking outwards, fixedly towards the sea. I great dark wave came in from the sea and as I looked down the lights of the city were extinguished one by oen as the wave forced onwards over it.

    What caused the wave? I do not know. I suppose it came in from the Atlantic.

    Our Lady in her apparitions in Mount Mellary specifically said that if Ireland did not conver she would be punished by water. Of course since then Irelandhas done the very opposite of converting.

    'Messages of Our Lady of Mount Melleray
    August 18, 1985. Sunday
    Virgin Mary said:
    “Preserve Sunday for prayer.”
    August 19, 1985. Monday, Afternoon
    Virgin Mary said:
    “I want prayer.”
    August 19, 1985. Monday, Evening
    Virgin Mary said:
    “I have a message”.
    She then walked down steps to the edge of the water.
    “My message is Peace and Prayer…”
    She pointed to the creek: “Tell the people that the water is
    “God is angry with the world.
    The people will have to improve and pray.
    My message is for all the people of God’s Church.
    The people have ten years to improve and pray and if not then this is what will happen…”
    The boys received a vision of the Great Flood and Noah’s Ark.
    August 20, 1985. Tuesday

    Virgin Mary said: “I love the Irish people.
    I am praying with the people to God to forgive the Irish people.
    I want the Irish people to spread my message to the world.”
    The boys were requested to ask the Virgin how spreading the message could be accomplished. The Virgin replied: “You have ways yourselves of spreading my message”.
    “The world must improve.
    I want the people to accept the message from the children.
    The people must pray more.
    The people must go to Mass more and receive My Son more often.
    I want the people to believe the children.
    The world has ten years to improve.
    It must improve ten times more than it is…
    I want people to stop saying bad things about me and not to be mocking me.”
    “When the people will pray more the weather will improve.”
    Tom then received a vision of Doubting Thomas.
    August 21, 1985. Wednesday
    Virgin Mary said:
    “I want hymns and prayers.”
    The Virgin asked several times for the hymn «Peace is Flowing Like a River». “The world must behave.
    I want the world to believe Me…
    My message is peace and prayer and no more fighting in the world…
    I want the people of Ireland to convey My messages to the world.
    I want Ursula to help you make the people believe.
    I want all of you to tell the world and you have ways yourselves of telling the world…
    I want the world to believe me.
    I want the world to get my message.
    I will make a movement to the people.”
    She did turn to the crowd on the road just as She said and many people on the road saw Her then.
    The Virgin Mary showed the boys the vision of Jesus subduing the storm as if to remind us that God could still turn the catastrophe back overshadowing the world, if we would only turn to Him. Then a vision reminiscent of nativity scenes followed.
    Then the Virgin said: “I want Ursula to help you to make the world believe.
    I am happy with the three of you.
    You must believe and the world must believe.
    I want the people out in the road to come in and see me as I will leave soon.”
    Tom and Barry then had a vision of Virgin Mary, her cloak ripped, holding the infant Jesus in Her arms.
    Many of the people present claimed they could see this.
    August 22, 1985. Thursday
    Virgin Mary said: “I want prayers and hymns…
    I love the Irish people…
    The world must improve and the world must believe.
    If the world does not improve the devil will take over the church.
    I want you to pray harder…
    If the world does not improve the devil will take over God’s Church in ten years.”
    The boys were then given a vision of Satan jeering Our
    Blessed Mother to Her left side.
    August 23, 1985. Friday
    Virgin Mary said:
    “I want you to pray harder and harder.” This was repeated several times. “With your faith and prayers you can overpower the devil…
    I will show Myself to more people in more places.”
    Each time Our Lady asked for prayer by saying “I want prayer” the people would pray the
    rosary, after which Our Lady said “Thank you” .
    August 24, 1985. Saturday
    Friday marks the end of the apparitions to the two boys.
    However an additional message was conveyed on Saturday. An older woman asked Tom who was not accompanied by Barry to ask the Virgin if She was the mother of Jesus.
    According to Tom, She replied: “I am.” '
  8. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I believe the messages of Mount Mellary were authentic, though generally ignored. So we can expect a punishemnt of flooding by water.
  9. Adoremus

    Adoremus Powers

    Feb 11, 2013
    I wonder is there anywhere in the country that will be kept safe... I live about 20 minutes from Mount Melleray so I'm wondering about my chances of running for the hills there! Then again, I live about half a kilometre from the sea, so I probably wouldn't have much time to run! I have also dreamt about being inundated by water, looking out my upstairs window and realising the sea was now right at my doorstep. Also about waves pounding against my window, like on a ship. And tornadoes...
    jnice :) likes this.
  10. Adoremus

    Adoremus Powers

    Feb 11, 2013
    After writing the above I went off to do my morning prayers and read the Mass readings for today... which, lo and behold, turned out to be the account of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, with Lot's admonition to "make for the hills", followed by the Gospel account of Jesus and his disciples in the boat during the storm and the "waves breaking right over the boat"...
    jnice :) likes this.
  11. Child of God

    Child of God New Member

    May 29, 2014
    North Carolinia
    I am wondering if you are still taking requests for " what we would like to know"
    I'm am fearful when I read about the end times and read that even many devout Christians will be deceived and follow the wrong path. Well, that's any of us. I pray for discernment , but don't all "devout" Christians? How will we "know?"
  12. jnice :)

    jnice :) Angels

    May 1, 2015
    I don't know if this is coincidence, I dreamt of places....I couldn't remember much but Michigan, Alabama and South Dakota. Funny thing, when I opened my facebook I got the Divine Mercy post on "Novena for Poland." I had a sense that the places in my dreams needed prayers but then when I opened this forum, this post is what I saw first.

    I do also wonder about any refuge but here in Arizona... so my dream doesn't make sense. Prayers, more prayers may be what I need to do and just trust in the Hearts of Jesus & Mary.
  13. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I am sorry I cannot post much at the minute as I am on the night shift and am walking about like a zombie.

    I hope to address al lthe questions on this thread...eventually.

  14. Bonaventure

    Bonaventure Guest

    what do you do at the hospital ? Are you a nurse?
  15. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    No I work in Health Records. THis is the time of year when everyone goes on holidays of falls sick, so i get to do lot of nights which I love.

    But it is hard to sleep in the day with the heat and light and noise.

    I saw someone today drinking on the beach and was green with envy/
  16. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Also if you recall the Prophesy of St Patrick.

    As I recall God promised Patrick that he would destroy Irelnd rather than let it fall to sin.

    I found this great Irish site. Someone is going to huge amount of troubkle, bless them:

    http://catholicharboroffaithandmorals.com/St. Patrick.html
    Joe Crozier likes this.
  17. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Jeanne, Fatima and Joe Crozier like this.
  18. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014
    Eight Jesuits lived 8 blocks from the center 'ground zero' of the atomic bomb that dropped on Hiroshima, Japan that incinerated everyone within miles around immediately. Only these missionary priests survived with no effects of the blast or radiation from it (the noise from the blast alone should have made them deaf). On American television years later Father Shiffner was asked why he and his colleagues survived and his simply stated, "in that house we followed the Fatima message, we prayer the rosary daily". From this, I gather it is less important where we live then how we live.
    Jeanne, Beth B, maryrose and 3 others like this.
  19. Verne dagenais

    Verne dagenais Principalities

    Jan 4, 2014
    Hi I live in Yuma, AZ.
    jnice :) likes this.
  20. AZCactus

    AZCactus Powers

    Mar 13, 2008
    Arizona, USA
    Tucson Here(y)
    maryrose and jnice :) like this.

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