I believe we will know what the words "when communism returns" means when practicing ones faith in church is no longer legal. When speaking of sin in public will not be tolerated. When opposing the worlds sacrament of abortion is no longer tolerated. This is the 'spirit of antichrist' which scripture and prophecy foretells as one of the very last signs before the Antichrist and False Prophet rules the day. It could be more years of long suffering for the faithful and it will test everyone's faith to the limit, but the prayerful will persevere. The purification will be very hard and impossible without the grace of God and the recourse of the Blessed Mother Mary.
As Our Lady told Father Gobbi': our only safe place is in her Immaculate Heart where she will keep us "as in an enclosed garden."
The next Pope could be Cardenal Pietro Parolin, many bishops wants to elect him for Pope, he may be "Peter the Roman" from the “Prophecy of the Popes” attributed to St. Malachy. Great chances are that he travels to Moscow. Conchita: "The pope will go to Russia, to Moscow. As soon as he returns to the Vatican, hostilities will break out in different parts of Europe."
"Peter the Roman" is a good Pope, There is no reason to think that he will be the False Prophet. The Antichrist is not even born yet. Please read the Secret of La Salette
Conchita’s count for Pope’s makes Francis start the end times, but Conchita also said that she saw the end times coming after the Great Miracle. So Conchita is wrong in something, because the end times starts with the reign of the Holy Pope with the Great Monarch after the 3 Days of Darkness. Besides that, St Malachy has been more accurate than Conchita with the Popes.
I also think that the next Pope will be an astonishing surprise, if the Cardinals respond positively respond to God's grace. I think God may even supernaturally intervene with dreams and visions to see this happen. This as a rest of the urge r prayers of the Faithful, many of them saints. Another Francis would leave the Church comatose. But in with case in recent Election the Cardinals have shown a willingness to go outside the box. It's true most of the saintly Cardinals are too old and the younger ones too wicked.
ORIGINAL TEXT of the prophecy attributed to Saint Malachy (1094-1148). The "Prophecy of the Popes" was first published in 1595 by Arnold de Wyon, as part of his book "Lignum Vitae." If we read the prophecy, we clearly identify that after Pope Francis there is one more Pope who carries the motto of "Petrus Romanus". [After the word sedebit, there is a period(.), and the word "Petrus" doesn't have an indent, is aligned with the other Pope's mottos]. These two mottos are separated gramatically, however, reading the two mottos, seem that both are related to each other. 111: "Gloria olivae" (The glory of the olive). Benedict XVI 112: "In the extreme Persecution he will sit" (Pope Francis) 113: "Peter the Roman, who will feed the sheep in the midst of many tribulations, and when these things are finished, the City of the Seven Hills will be destroyed and the terrible judge will judge his people." I believe that Cardenal Pietro Parolin could be the next Pope, my other option is Cardenal Rainer Maria Woelki. Cardenal Rainer Maria Woelki is from Cologne, Germany. Helen Wallraff (19th century): "Someday a Pope will flee from Rome in the company of only four cardinals ... and they will come to Cologne (Germany)." If Pope Francis is not the martyr Pope, it will be his successor without doubt. "Peter the Roman" is not the last Pope of this world, he will be the last one of this age of the Church, after him will come the holy Pope followed by 3 angelic Popes, and a fifth one that will not reign but will be killed by the False Prophet.
I was wondering if it is possible to have another Jesuit succeeding Francis in the pontificate. I speak specifically of Cardinal Luis Ladaria, who was named prefect of the congregation for the doctrine of faith in 2017, perhaps a position chosen to appoint him as a possible successor. .
Many credible prophecy's of this time, speaks of the Antichrist present in our world today, as now St. Pope John Paul II acknowledged in Philadelphia in 1976, though many have not accepted this. The de-facto schism in our church today, both clerical and laity, is just one piece of evidence that supports this. After Pope Francis soon dies, his cohort schismatic bishops will nominate the False Prophet as their new pope. The False Prophet and the Antichrist will join hands in their full efforts to destroy any symbolance of Traditional Catholic teachings and worship within the underground church.
It likely could be that when Rome/ the Vatican is invaded forcing the pope to flee (which "pope"?) and then to die a terrible death, the remnant Church forced to go underground will have a time w/o one on the Seat of Peter until the one chosen to lead the remnant into the New Era is selected.....in whatever fashion that will take...like Peter coming down to do the selection as some prophecies speak to since by that time the "organized institutional" church will have crumbled. And then we are also told in prophecies to pray for the "Angel of Peace" who is to come to give great hope to the remnant during the time of persecution. Such a one....be he human w/ great gifts or angelic in human form....would stand out in such a time of a hidden church, alarming those who are doing the persecution.
The Cardinal Jesuit Carlo Maria Martini (Francis's inspiration) had a plan to transfer the pontifical throne to Jerusalem if he were elected Pope, perhaps Francis or his successor will do so in the time of the false peace of this generation's Antichrist.
This I believe, this is how the rightful consecration of Russia will come about. The current pope won't do it and the schismatic pope, the False Prophet, to follow him won't get it done. The true consecration of Russia will come about "late" by a valid pope and all the faithful bishops under him in the underground church. It is the only way all bishops, of the time, will comply with our Lady's of Fatima's request. It will come, it must come in order for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart and her era of peace promised is fulfilled.
There is another very telling article on NCR by a woman who received a "healing" by a family in Brazil. They incorporated beliefs in Catholic saints with indigenous beliefs. You'll find it on there. "How an Amazon Pagan rite..."