Will our current jobs be viable after the financial crash?

Discussion in 'Questions and Answers' started by josephite, Aug 28, 2015.

  1. Kclark

    Kclark Principalities

    Jul 12, 2014
    Josephite as a nurse I too had to work long hour weekends ubale to attend mass (at times I just got home too late). Being a nurse and helping others is God's work... Nursing is certainly not for everyone and if you are called to help others (and it sounds that those patients at your hospital really need your help) Hang in there! Believe me if you just trust where you are and ask God to lead you he will!
    josephite likes this.
  2. PotatoSack

    PotatoSack Powers

    Jul 29, 2010
    As someone who has struggled to find work that will pay the rent I would never quit a job. I figure if God wants me to leave a job he will simply shut that door. He has certainly done that before! I recommend you hang in there and get to mass on your day off. I too envy the people who can get to daily Mass but right now that door has not been opened for me. As far as finding time to prep, can you take some vacation time? I have been taking a few days vacation time each month to do what I need to do. If you think about it, you really need maybe 4 days to get a list together and shop either on amazon or your local stores. If you worked on prepping for 8 hours a day for 3 or 4 days you could probably get it done.
    josephite and picadillo like this.
  3. Lumena

    Lumena Guest

    Hi Josephite, what you have added here does explain why you are at the end of your tether. I was working full time in the Public Health System fairly recently. It was an understaffed workplace due to the lack of public / Government funding and /or poor management.. The pace was so frenetic, it was horrendous. I didn't seem to have time to eat lunch, have a tea break or go to the bathroom during work hours.I had to spend most of every weekend in bed, recovering from the 40 hour week. Well, I was only there 2 months when my physical health broke down. I went to a Medical specialist. He examined me and said I needed to go to the Hospital. (I was having a flare of an auto immune disease I suffer from, which comes out of remission in times of severe stress.) I never returned to that workplace again. So I hear what you are saying. The money is good, but the personal cost is high.
    josephite and Beth B like this.
  4. Bonaventure

    Bonaventure Guest

    Hi Josephite:
    I too am a nurse in my 50's.....I was just like you, exhausted at hospital work, never getting a moment to eat, bathroom, and more and more stressful patient loads with less and less nurses. Long 12 hour shifts and you never saw the light of day....I left hospital nursing and tried other types of nursing. I did visiting nursing, doctor's offices and finally school nursing. I am happier as a school nurse but it is busy too but nothing like, hanging blood and morphine pumps, etc....I would go home and hope I didn't kill someone in err because of the work load, lack of staff and pressures.... God bless you in your discernment. Talk to a priest....can you do that? I will pray for you
    josephite and Beth B like this.
  5. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

    Feb 15, 2015
    I could not agree more....can your children help with expenses?
    josephite likes this.
  6. Amazing Grace

    Amazing Grace Principalities

    Aug 27, 2015
    Michigan USA
    UGH This will be interesting as I am
    an elected official. :(
    josephite likes this.
  7. kathy k

    kathy k Guest

    Now, that is truly an amazing grace! In the past, God has placed His people within the government of those who hold us captive for specific purpose. (And we are already in captivity of a wicked culture). I pray for all on this forum, but I will double up on prayers for you!
    josephite, hope and Amazing Grace like this.
  8. MMM

    MMM Guest

    There seems to be future careers in "crisis acting" from what I see on the news almost weekly now!!:LOL::ROFLMAO:;) Of course selling your soul for 30 pieces of silver is in the contract. And that's no conspiracy. ;)
    josephite likes this.
  9. Denise P

    Denise P Archangels

    Jul 19, 2015
    As an international flight attendant I often wonder where I'll be during the Warning or Tribulation. I know I'll be where God wants me to be-- but my blessed candles etc. are at home. My daughter did look in my suitcase one time and asked if I was going vampire hunting when she saw the Crucifix and holy water!!
  10. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    "If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple. Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple ... So likewise, whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple." (Luke 14:26-27, 33)

    If you have already left all , in your hearts, for the sake of Christ...

    then the World no longer has any hold on you.

    josephite likes this.
  11. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Do not fear persecution, welcome it, for the nails that go through your hand , have gone through His.

    josephite, Bonaventure and Patty like this.
  12. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    Nov 30, 2008
    josephite likes this.
  13. Julia

    Julia Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

    Jan 13, 2015
    Berkshire, UK
    God builds and preserves, satan destroys.

    The Video of what happened to the Christian Church says it all.
    josephite likes this.
  14. josephite

    josephite Powers

    Oct 30, 2012
    Thank you all, for your concern and prayers.

    I'm getting back to everyone in case someone has wondered what has happened with me on the work front.

    I am a person that procrastinates and deliberates over practically every scenario in my life (sometimes not a good trait), but I take all things to God and like some compulsive worry wart I'm sure I annoy God to frustration [if possible]

    So therefore God in His marvelous wisdom, has for many years taken the reigns from my hands and alleviated me from making decisions and He makes them for me!

    My husband had his Hip replacement surgery brought forward to the 19th August, so work allowed me to take 3 days off work as 'family and carers leave' and then 3 days off as 'annual leave'.

    Our youngest daughter and her fiance and our youngest son who all live at Armidale and attend uni there, came home to see dad, but they were all sick with a very severe influenza so I was not only looking after my husband (who had suffered complications during surgery and was unable to take any weight on his right leg for six weeks, as a smaller prosthesis had to be used and there is now a concern that the bone would not regrow where it should if there was even a micro movement in this right hip, a bit scary), so I was looking after my sick children as well.

    While they were at home (for just over a week) Michael and I did not catch the Flu but 3 days after they returned to Armidale, I came down with this very severe flu which lasted for the last 4 weeks, so I had to take all my sick leave and then the remainder of my annual leave as well.

    Two weeks ago my second eldest daughter Amy and her husband and 2 children and with another on the way have relocated to our home until they find accommodation and as the school holidays started last week my eldest daughter Angela and her three children have come to visit (her husband is working and couldn’t come) so now I am still looking after Michael, have my pregnant and very tired daughter Amy and her two children and husband here and also have Angela and her three children here, it is wonderful!. Yet the washing and cooking is becoming overwhelming and I am not well which is driving me mad but I am offering all the mayhem to God.

    I am due to return to work on 30th September; however I have had the most painful headaches for three days which seems to be yet another sign from God that He wants me to take a break from work at least, so I decided I should ask work for leave without pay for a three month period, and I did this yesterday but still I do not know whether this will be accepted or not, I need to pray and also leave this in Gods Hands.

    The Lord has shown me, in many ways over these weeks, that He doesn’t want me at work at the moment.

    See!!! He took it the whole worry out of my hands! Praise God.

    I do not know what lies ahead for mankind, I know most of my children think I’m crazy even my 13 year old grandson, they have cottoned on, especially as I have explained what may happen.

    However I have been able to get to at least one weekday confession and mass every week as well as Sunday mass during this time (and my Husband has been coming with me, to Sunday Mass!!) also I’ve had more time to pray but soooooo many distractions, which have made prayer time very difficult. I have longed for this time and didn’t’ think I would find it so difficult to get to prayer, but when I do, I’m in heaven.

    Today is Friday and the time is 1020pm here in Australia.

    No down turn on the stock market front in Australia! and there very well may be no stock market change tomorrow in the US; but not working is what the Lord has organised for me.

    I have prepped a little and I await, like we all do.

    God bless us all.

    Dearest Mother Mary, be a mother to us all and cover us in your mantle. Amen.
    hope, Patty and kathy k like this.
  15. Andy3

    Andy3 Powers

    Sep 12, 2013
    As the manager of a large Trust and Investment Management department, I won't have to quit, any collapse will do that for me on its own.
    josephite, Fatima and Patty like this.
  16. Patty

    Patty Archangels

    May 31, 2012
    When I came to work two days ago there was a memo on the board that all three shifts would only be working 4 days this week due to a drop in business with China and Asia. On Tuesday they will have a company meeting and explain how we will be going forward. Does not sound good.
    josephite likes this.
  17. FatimaPilgrim

    FatimaPilgrim Powers

    Aug 7, 2013
    Noticeable downtown in my industry this week, it's like things came to a screeching halt which is unusual for this time of year
    josephite and Patty like this.
  18. Infant Jesus of Prague

    Infant Jesus of Prague The More you Honor Me The More I will Bless Thee

    Feb 24, 2015
    Talked to a friend who works for a us gov contractor. No payments will be made to any contractors until "maybe" 2nd week of October. this was 2 hours ago
    josephite likes this.

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