My husband just sent an email to our state representative to submit a bill to end the state gas tax. It's not much, but at least it would do something to help the situation. You wonder what the breaking point will be with gas prices before it affects people's ability to pay bills and put food on the table.
Boy Jo, much respect for your husband trying to find a solution. It would help. Sadly, the talk I’m hearing is a no end to the oil price hikes. This is totally unnecessary! We have enough oil in the USA for all of our needs. For Biden to refuse to open up our own pipe lines to save our economy is treason! This is absolutely not defensible. He has a plan and it’s not about helping the economy….it’s part of the global reset.
My daughter and I ordered a chicken run today and 12 chickens that are expected to start laying in the next few weeks. We are sharing the cost and she will look after them. We have a garden more or less ready to start planting early potatoes, onions and cabbage. We plan to plant other veg later on. After that it's a case of trusting in the Lord.
It's good to remember this. My daughter had plans to start building her own pottery studio. She had secured a government grant for fitting it out and had to jump through hoops to get it but now with soaring costs it doesn't look likely. This was her dream and I feel her disappointment. I guess many dreams are biting the dust now especially the dreams and lives of the Ukrainian people. It's a sad time.
It’s hard for those with faith, but it’s made worse with the worry for loved ones without faith. Trusting in Gods Divine Mercy for our souls. I just wish the warning if true, comes soon.
Sadly, I think we’re in for a world of hurt Maryrose…. I’m sorry for your daughter, but rejoice if she has faith. My children have successful careers, but are poor in spirit…no faith….yet.
It is , but things would be far worse if God was not stepping in... ...and He is, with Both Big Feet. Stamping away. We can hear them.
I saw an old man in his 80's this last few mornings on a crutch doing the Stations of the Cross round the Cathedral. Quite a big walk. He genuflected very painfully and slowly at each station. I thought if he delights me so much to watch him doing this, then how much more must he please the heart of God. We may take sorrow from the big things around us But we can also take great joy and comfort from the small ones. I am sure God does too
DO NOT USE CHARCOAL THAT IS SOLD AS "BRIQUETTES" OR OTHERWISE MARKETED FOR COOKING USE! These items are made with extra chemicals to encourage a long, slow burn, etc. Instead, go to your local pharmacy or outdoors supply store and ask for it there. You'll find it frequently sold in poison control kits -- in fact, at the drug store ask for it by that name -- activated charcoal for a poison control kit. This type of charcoal (in powdered form) is made safely and can be safely consumed by humans. You'll find the baking soda alternative much less expensive. In case you didn't know: Charcoal is made by indirectly heating wood or other carbon-based fuel in an oxygen-free environment to the point where the oxygen, hydrogen, and other elements in the fuel are "evaporated", leaving behind only the carbon. (I'm told that coconut shells make excellent charcoal.) One way to do this at home is to take small pieces of wood, seal them up in a clean unused paint can, seal the lid, then drive a nail through the lid to make a hole. Stick the can in a fire for a few hours -- you may see a small flame coming out of the nail hole as the "wood gas" ignites. After a few hours, take it out of the fire and let it cool before opening the can. You'll find the pieces of wood have been turned into charcoal. If you do this, use only wood from trees, not wood from pallets or building scraps. Those types of wood frequently are treated with chemicals to deter mold or insects, and these chemicals are not destroyed or removed by the heat. I cannot recommend this next part as I cannot vouch for it creating a safe product. You can take the pieces of charcoal from the paint can, and soak them in some "battery acid" (sulfuric acid). Lay out in a safe place until dry, then return them to the paint can and the fire for another few hours. This "activates" the charcoal by increasing the surface area of the charcoal, increasing number of carbon atoms that are available to latch onto different impurities. Like I say, I can't recommend this because I don't know how you can be sure all of the acid has been removed/boiled away/neutralized. This MAY be useful if you're planning on making some sort of home water filtration system
You are correct Beth. And gas here is not quite 2$ a litre yet which is almost 8$ a Canadian gallon And our government is nuts. They have bills they want to pass which would take away our pensions if unvaxed .
Anyone notice more and more of the atheist people around them are starting to say things like something is goin on the world is changing etc,a guy iv worked with for 7years who never showed an ou ce of interest in the faith is starting to ask questions, people are beginning to worry and we must pray for them,I can t imagine trying to deal with what comming only relying on myself,if I didn't have mu faith I'd fall in a heap on the floor
A lot of 'certainties' are biting the dust. When this dust settles, the real certainties might become more apparent for those who have been deceived or distracted by the former, with the help of God.
Yes, many people are worried and don't understand. I read the Words of Jesus in one of the book of mystics (I think it is the book of Fr Michelini) that there is no way to understand what is going on unless you accept that what we see in the natural world is the result of the battle between good and evil. It's the basics of our faith really, but tragically I don't hear it often in the Church. With people who question things, it would be time to try to gently evangelize them, talking about the Church eschatologically and mystically. I've been thinking that I should buy a bunch of my favorite mystical books to be able to hand them out to people who are open to this in these times, but so far, I'm stuck on which ones to buy in bulk. Maybe others have suggestions?