Is there a hidden “cure” for modern diseases and cancer?

Discussion in 'Questions and Answers' started by BrianK, Jun 6, 2022.

  1. Mario

    Mario Powers

    Sep 8, 2007
    Pulaski, NY
    So true, Brian. "What can I take to feel better?" is more frequently asked than "What changes do I need to make to help myself get better?"

    Safe in the Father's Arms!
    BrianK and HeavenlyHosts like this.
  2. BrianK

    BrianK Powers Staff Member

    Jul 20, 2021
    Exactly. Even a lot of “depression” for which doctors are only too happy to prescribe antidepressants is spiritual in nature, not “chemical.”

    Many refuse to accept the duties in their state in life as the manifestation of God’s Will for their sanctification, and refuse to accept that suffering and the cross comes to all human life, in different times and to varying degrees. Or they are living in ways that rightly cause extreme guilt and shame.

    So they’re “depressed” and they want a prescription for a “happy pill” to make them “feel better,” which in many cases is no more than a chemical lobotomy.
    HeavenlyHosts likes this.
  3. BrianK

    BrianK Powers Staff Member

    Jul 20, 2021
    Yes, redemptive suffering can be freely chosen and accepted, and often takes the form of illnesses that prematurely take the life of certain saints. Fortunately these saints are not the ones seeking “cures” for disease that is indirectly or directly a result of a sinful lifestyle.
    HeavenlyHosts and AED like this.
  4. Mmary

    Mmary Principalities

    Dec 31, 2020
    True!! I experienced a profound (and unexpected) healing of depression, after a sincere confession of long-standing unforgiveness. This happened after years of fruitless therapy, including anti-depressants, which kept the unforgiveness cloaked in currently acceptable concepts, such as early childhood trauma and ptsd. I withdrew (a dozen years ago) from the anti-depressants because I found they only masked my issues and caused other ones. I withdrew slowly, because they do have significant withdrawal effects. I finally sought the guidance of a wise and gentle spiritual director, who clarified the state of my soul. I obeyed his directives. Our Lord healed me through the sacraments!! I am still in awe, and am on strict internal guard against relapses into judgement and resentment.
    This may not be the case for everyone, but I believe that if one is out of order with God’s commandments, a person is prone to psychological disorder. I do realize that there are many who suffer depression without fault, and it is a very difficult cross to bear.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2022
    Jo M, HeavenlyHosts, Sam and 3 others like this.
  5. Carol55

    Carol55 Ave Maria

    Mar 18, 2016
    Long Island, New York
    I just keep offering my sufferings to God and I don't pretend to have any answers as to why things happen the way that they do. God is in charge, Jesus I trust in You. It brings me peace.+

    And I pray for faith, hope and charity for everyone.+
    Jo M, Booklady, HeavenlyHosts and 3 others like this.
  6. Katfalls

    Katfalls Powers

    Jan 12, 2015
    Brian your post resonated with me. I have always been overweight my whole life. Everyone is so different! I have many health issues which compound the problem including hypothyroid. I have always worked so hard to keep the weight off, I own the record for rejoining weight watchers that didn't work. I bought an elliptical a few years ago did due diligence on it every day . . . It only gave me stronger muscles. Two years ago I found a statue of the Infant of Prague, it was damaged so I repaired and restored it and I told Jesus I was happy that the infant came to our home and put him on my desk. Last Jan. I prayed that the infant would guide me to a healthier life. Then a friend told me about a lifestyle change that totally turned her life around and she lost 50 lbs. That is what I had to lose. So I started this program, you can find it online, it's free. "Eat Like A Bear". They have a website and FB page. It's basically low carb, keto, with intermittent fasting. Since I am diabetic I talked to my Dr. about it and she was down on it. I started anyway. Since Jan. I have dropped 31 lbs and last week went off my diabetic pills! A1C went from 7.9 in Jan to 5.7. I feel GREAT! Have so much energy, back pain gone, feet pain gone. There are thousands of people on the FB page who encourage and help each other. I wish I had known about this 50 years ago. I want to lose another 20 lbs to goal. My loss is slower than most because I am almost 73. I can walk downtown and back, over a mile, no problem. It has been easy, I have a four hour window of eating and a cup of home made bone broth before bed. Some folks eat one meal a day, some two smaller meals. It has taught me how to fast and Im sure that will help me in the future! I keep carbs around twenty a day, don't count calories. I'm thanking my little Infant every day for watching out for me. And I got through covid on this. Oh, my doc is a believer in the program now . . .
    Rain, Jo M, Mario and 9 others like this.
  7. Krizevac

    Krizevac Archangels

    Mar 19, 2013
    I'm going to take a look at this. Thanks!
    Jo M and HeavenlyHosts like this.
  8. Andy3

    Andy3 Powers

    Sep 12, 2013
    I just saw something the other day that they are doing cancer tests using monoclonial antibodies and so far the successes around reduction in size and remission has been near 100%.
  9. BrianK

    BrianK Powers Staff Member

    Jul 20, 2021
    I lost 85 pounds this way. I preached it to my patients for years. I have no idea how many listened. Unfortunately I had extreme health problems from fall of 2020 to spring 2021 and gained 40 of that back due to inactivity from recovery from gallbladder surgery then complications, congestive heart failure then pacemaker placement and finally a bout with Covid.

    I’m on my way back down now but I still have a long way to go.
    Jo M, Mario, Katfalls and 2 others like this.
  10. BrianK

    BrianK Powers Staff Member

    Jul 20, 2021
    At what price?

    Monoclonal antibodies are grown in “humanized mice.”

    Humanized mice are produced by implanting organs or tissues from live birth abortions. From babies.

    I used to take an injectable monoclonal antibody that reduces cholesterol. It’s reserved for those who can’t take statins. It worked.

    But then I learned how monoclonal antibodies are produced and immediately stopped it.

    I’d rather die of heart disease / stroke than benefit from a medication derived from live aborted babies.
    DeGaulle, Jo M, HeavenlyHosts and 2 others like this.
  11. AED

    AED Powers

    Mar 23, 2016
    Yes Carol. This is my path as well. Unite to the sufferings of Jesus and let Him direct my way.
    Jo M, HeavenlyHosts, BrianK and 2 others like this.
  12. AED

    AED Powers

    Mar 23, 2016
    Wow Katfalls. This is impressive. I will check it out.
  13. HeavenlyHosts

    HeavenlyHosts Powers

    Dec 30, 2016
    So much of modern medicine uses live birth abortion tissue. It also uses what they call immortal tissue, from abortion decades ago. It's all the same, spiritually. Brian is right, it's Frankenstein medicine.
    Jo M, Sam, AED and 1 other person like this.
  14. Booklady

    Booklady La Dolorosa

    Sep 13, 2011
    I highly recommend this video by Dr. Gabor Mate, which deals with this topic, it is very short. Dr.Mate is best known for his work in addictive behavior and specifically childhood trauma.

    BrianK likes this.
  15. Luiflower

    Luiflower Archangels

    Aug 31, 2020

    I was doing temporary work at a hospital a few years ago; they were implementing a new smart system. It is along story; I will try and make it short.

    I took my position next to a bay and waited, I observed a patient who appeared to be in distress and spoke to the nurse, they checked on the patient, who was also given a bed bath. I felt very restless and tried to urge them to begin vital signs transmission, I felt strongly they needed to start with that patient, but I was not a member of the team, they were very busy. About 2 hrs later the staff doing the round hit the red button, emergency resuscitation on the patient commenced for about 1 hour. The machine that was stood there all the time was deployed, all signs returned red. The patient did not make it, heart failure. The family came and grieved. So much sorrow.

    About two weeks later I had a dream, I was watching the ward from very high and saw myself, it was a replay of the events that happened, this time I saw the people who were passing by the bay. The patient was on the first bed about a meter from the corridor. In the dream I watched as the various staff walked up and down past the patient. I saw the badges\name labels worn by Doctors, Consultants, Specialist and other staff on their uniforms. As they were passing by the patient bed, I saw the ID Badge get magnified/ flashed.

    Then a gentle voice asked, why did you sense the lady was in trouble and they did not. I just thought maybe they were too busy, as if reading my thoughts said neither the machines will alter the situation – meaning death, pain, sorrow.
    He said something else there is, no heart, organs, bones, limbs etc cannot be restored – ‘Man\humans, have to go “”ahead”” of the machine” and be higher, man also as machine’. I understood.

    Then certain scriptures came into my mind.

    I have thought about this incident very often- much of what happens in our world is to make man “be Lower, very low” so low and far away from righteousness. Indeed, the most advanced item is weaponry, destruction.
    Booklady, Sam, Jo M and 5 others like this.

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