I would simply like to add that if you were to present the above to your daughter, it would be understood as a preference not an ultimatum. Obviously, it is not your home, but theirs.
I gave them a green scapular at Easter (!)... maybe I'll bring another one for them and conveniently leave it there
Oh my... thank you for your insights. Prayers for your daughter and her husband. YES we need the graces of sacramental marriages!!!
St Monica is such a wonderful example. I love the story of her sitting one day crying because her son St Augustine still had not converted. The Bishop St Ambrose came up to her and siad to her, 'The child of these tears cannot be lost!' The same could surely be said of yourself and all good Catholic Mothers.
WHAT a journey you (both!) have been on... praise and thank the LORD for her return (!) & for using you as His instrument in bringing you sister back to the Faith. That is so hopeful to know. I've been (trying to) maintaining as good a relationship as possible while 'planting seeds' all the time. ( I do pray and trust Our Lady will, with Her Holy Spouse, bring our loved ones back in His Providential time...)
When I read that Scripture quote (what a God-incidence that you had it at your wedding too! Wonderful!), was the *same* as you--- I gleaned exactly that, that the obedience to the truth is necessary to love one another (not the other way around). Not a coincidence you were called to this passage, and inspired to share such. Thank you...
Actually, that also came to my mind--- my daughter taking it as an insult for me to even request such; of this I am pretty certain, regardless of how I present it. My family believes I'm pretty fanatical about the Faith, and there is already that 'tinge of bitterness' between her compliance to "my beliefs" in the past and the way she chooses to live. She feels I'm not respecting *her* choices, as an adult (though not even yet 22!) and therefore must not be supportive of her and her boyfriend. Tinges of bitterness....
Who cares? The bitterness is her problem, not yours. I'm not trying to make light of the situation, but it goes without saying.
She is very young JMEP, there is always the possibility that this relationship may not last. Boyfriends and girlfriends will come and go, but you and your husband will be there as living examples of the Faith.
Gonna have to jump in with my own two pennies worth ..Ive always respected my parents thoughts and rules even if they were wrong its what I think we are supposed to do ....My seven children know this and also know I expect the same from them.. the bottom line is its called respect my eldest three have future in laws attached with them now they also know the score
I've been through this. The hard line did not work. It alienated my son. It took awhile to repair the breach. My priest counseled me to use love and stop the pressure. He told me it was an act of charity to go and be with him and his girlfriend/ fiancee who were getting a legal ceremony. I had peace about it. My prayers continue but I don't say much these days. I guess I am letting God and Our Lady do the heavy lifting.