I have a feeling that a number of souls that see themselves within the fires of Divine Justice of the illumination, seeing all the evil they do, the ramifications of that evil, as well as all the good that they can do and do not do will think that they cannot live as God commands. We need to be there for everyone and remind them of God's infinite love. Although my fear is that some will become worse than before and actually blame God for their perceived injustice due to their ignorance of Divine Justice. This is just one of the reasons why Our Mother has been calling every one of us for the past 41 years in Medjugorje to: Prayer Fasting The Bible Mass Confession When the day of the illumination comes, life will not be the same ever again. We all need to be watchful and in the state of grace. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, please be merciful to me a sinner.
We need to emphasize what's been sorely lost within much of the Church - and that is: Teachings of Grave Sins along with God's conditional Mercy [/QUOTE]
Agree on many after the Warning will have to help educate and remind them of God's love, but I also can't help to be reminded of the many who will believe it was an explainable event. Here I feel like the words of Jesus to the apostles will ring true for many trying to help others: Luke 10: [1] And after these things the Lord appointed also other seventy-two: and he sent them two and two before his face into every city and place whither he himself was to come. [2] And he said to them: The harvest indeed is great, but the labourers are few. Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he send labourers into his harvest. [3] Go: Behold I send you as lambs among wolves. [4] Carry neither purse, nor scrip, nor shoes; and salute no man by the way. [5] Into whatsoever house you enter, first say: Peace be to this house. [6] And if the son of peace be there, your peace shall rest upon him; but if not, it shall return to you. [7] And in the same house, remain, eating and drinking such things as they have: for the labourer is worthy of his hire. Remove not from house to house. [8] And into what city soever you enter, and they receive you, eat such things as are set before you. [9] And heal the sick that are therein, and say to them: The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you. [10] But into whatsoever city you enter, and they receive you not, going forth into the streets thereof, say: [11] Even the very dust of your city that cleaveth to us, we wipe off against you. Yet know this, that the kingdom of God is at hand. [12] I say to you, it shall be more tolerable at that day for Sodom, than for that city. [13] Woe to thee, Corozain, woe to thee, Bethsaida. For if in Tyre and Sidon had been wrought the mighty works that have been wrought in you, they would have done penance long ago, sitting in sackcloth and ashes. [14] But it shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the judgment, than for you. [15] And thou, Capharnaum, which art exalted unto heaven, thou shalt be thrust down to hell. [16] He that heareth you, heareth me; and he that despiseth you, despiseth me; and he that despiseth me, despiseth him that sent me. [17] And the seventy-two returned with joy, saying: Lord, the devils also are subject to us in thy name. [18] And he said to them: I saw Satan like lightning falling from heaven. [19] Behold, I have given you power to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and upon all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall hurt you. [20] But yet rejoice not in this, that spirits are subject unto you; but rejoice in this, that your names are written in heaven.
I don’t know if this has been posted but this is a very good take on how to prepare for the warning, before and after. God Bless!
It doesn't matter what terms they use to describe it. In their hearts will be the spirit of the Antichrist, in that they will shout every single possible explanation for this event except the one that is true: that this was sent by G_D our Father through His Son Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit to everyone, that they might repent and be saved. Some possible many Antichrist-inspired narratives: Some form of mass-hypnosis or mass-psychosis or mass-hallucination; even though there has NEVER been a documented case of ANY of these events occurring in history. This will be the narrative maintained by the generic government lackeys urging the population to "remain calm". (To quote from the movie, "2012": Jackson Curtis : "The guy's an actor! He's reading a script! When they tell you not to panic... that's when you run!" Or to put it it another way, as the camera shows flames are destroying multiple buildings behind the reporter, "These are mostly peaceful protests.") Some previously-unknown effect induced by the recent mass-coronal ejection (MCE) from the sun. This is the narrative pushed by Neil deGrasse Tyson et. al., who have a stake in maintaining a scientific-rational view of the universe. Never mind that there was no MCE recorded before or during this event, or that none of the other MCEs ever recorded have ever produced such an effect. This event was real, and was sent as a message to us by the Ascended Masters to prepare us for their arrival. This will actually have two forks, one that simply talks about their arrival to lead humanity to the truth, and one that talks about their arrival in order to take with them those who are prepared for ascension. The first fork is from the modern-day pagans who promote crystal healing, meditation, enneagrams, and all other New Age heresies. The "Ascended Masters", if they DO show up, will simply be demons, who will be more than happy to mark their followers on the right hand or the forehead with their Mark. All those who willingly and freely accept this mark are marked for damnation. They now belong to Satan. The second fork is also from the modern-day pagans but will be picked up by those committed Bible-Believing Christians who, while preaching against these new-age heresies, will nevertheless preach that the time of the Rapture is nigh, and it is time for all the unsaved to accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior in order to be taken up to heaven. (Note that very, very, VERY few of these preachers teach the necessity of Baptism in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit as necessary for salvation, or the equally important acts of repentance and amendment of life this baptism is to engender. Then I will declare to them solemnly, ‘I never knew you. Depart from me, you evildoers.’ Matt 7:23 Then there will be the response of many of our bishops and priests, those who do not believe or those who have the hearts of hirelings confronting the wolves. Most of these will have the attitudes of "Don't panic, remain calm. The end of the world won't be for HUNDREDS of years, if then. Plenty of time to prepare." It will therefore be incumbent upon those of us who are the faithful remnant to join with those priests and bishops who will actually confront the reality of the situation, and who will preach and encourage us to prepare for our Judgement by prayer and frequent reception of the sacraments of Reconciliation (Confession) and the Holy Eucharist. (Note that some seers have said that after the Warning there will be long lines at the confessionals both for Catholics and for those who now want to become full members of the Roman Catholic Church. All the more reason to prepare now for that time. If the Warning is associated with the Sign that will be present at Garabandal, accept that this may be the time when the majority of Muslims will convert.)
I read an article by the German scientist Dieter Broers in Portuguese relating strong solar flares to psychic alterations and hallucinations https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ot...sil/explosoes-afetam-consciencia-1.321358?amp I think it is very likely that they will try to use this explanation for the phenomenon.
The Devil knows what is coming and will have prepared himself accordingly. If our Clergy had the same confidence in true Prophecy the demons do we might be in a better place. The demons see what we only know by Faith.
Because of their great intelligence, satan and his minions can infer or guesstimate what is likely to happen in the future. They cannot know or see it clearly though because they are no longer privy to the beatific vision. The future belongs to God the Father alone. This should be a great comfort to us and is part of the protection given us for as long as we are in Christ. In the armor of our faith in Him, we can know more than the evil one. We can know and have what he lost. This is not to belittle evil’s great power, but rather to appreciate the tremendous gift we have been offered to be within the Most Holy Trinity. Peace. Ed
Here is the problem with the people who try and explain it away. "Before I come as the Just Judge, I am coming first as the King of Mercy. Before the day of justice arrives, there will be given to people a sign in the heavens of this sort: All light in the heavens will be extinguished, and there will be great darkness over the whole earth. Then the sign of the cross will be seen in the sky, and from the openings where the hands and the feet of the Savior were nailed will come forth great lights which will light up the earth for a period of time. This will take place shortly before the last day" This is what I believe is described as the Warning given to St. Faustina. The cross is there. There will be no denying it. No demon pretending to be an ascended master ever was linked to the cross. EVER. The demons fear the cross and the cross is the sign of the Church and Christians everywhere.
Demons are not shown the future but can understand prophesy as we all can. In addition they have superb angelic intelligence to make estimates. So we have in Scripture Satan falls to Earth in great wrath knowing he has only a short time left. He understands this through his own intelligence and understanding of Scripture and Prophecy
BE AWAKE by Being Obedient! - - Pope Peter in 2 Peter 3: 10 The day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare. 11 Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives 12 as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. 13 But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells. 14 So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him. 15 Bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him. 16 He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction. 17 Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position. 18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen. +
Conchita from Garabandal said the same thing, we need to live good lives. Same thing was said at Fatima, if memory serves me correctly.
Romans 5:1 Therefore, since we are justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Through him we have obtained to this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in our hope of sharing the glory of God. 3 More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, 4 and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, 5 and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. If the Warning materializes in the near future, it will certainly be an incomparable blessing, this grace in which each of us will stand. First, I will be humbled because in my humanness I assume each examination of conscience over the years has been incomplete. Imagine being offered the genuine gift of complete humility! What hope! What love! The fact will be revealed to my very depths: God loves me in spite of me! What freedom revealed is the fact that many will unfortunately return to their vomit So very sad. 2 Peter 2: 21 For it would have been better for them never to have known the way of righteousness than after knowing it to turn back from the holy commandment delivered to them. 22 It has happened to them according to the true proverb, The dog turns back to his own vomit, and the sow is washed only to wallow in the mire. Lord, make me a more effective witness to your Gospel!
Mario, one question (perhaps a common one) lit: Will those who've died before the "Warning" be at more (trying to think of the best term) "risk" re: Salvation - come Judgement Day?
I don't really know the answer to your question. But I had a friend who was my French teacher in high school and became a friend afterwards. She was born in 1898 in Louisiana and was taught by nuns. They taught her that we are judged by our lights. In other words, God judges us according to the graces we have been given and the place we are in at the time. I have never forgotten that.
I was taught this as well. God deals with us very individually which is why it is so dangerous to judge the actions of others. We just don't know what wounds they carry but God does.
Certainly the Lord's thoroughness in revealing the state of my soul in the Warning will be a huge plus, for I'll know the details of those thoughts and actions which require repentance, and yet, rejoice in the manner of God's blessings. Warning or not, God has always supplied enough grace to me to direct my steps heavenward! Still, I'm due for a lot of shuddering! O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!
One thing someone pointed out to me years ago is that Satan, not knowing when the End Times will be, has prepared an Antichrist (and probably several) at all times and ages to step in when the time comes.
I must pray about this so deep. When I discover something new like this I love to pray over it and the Holy Spirit relates it to a piece of Scripture to confirm it.