One Thing

Discussion in 'Questions and Answers' started by Ananchal, Aug 26, 2022.

  1. djmoforegon

    djmoforegon Powers

    Feb 24, 2016
    My one thing would be to sit with Our Lord in Adoration as often as you are able but Our Lord would be so happy for once a week. You are already performing an act of great faith to sit with Jesus and He will reward you with a more intimate knowledge of how much you mean to Him. Pour your heart out to Him and then just listen. If you are having a difficult time concentrating, then bring along something like The Way of Divine Love or what Frankly suggested, the Imitation of Christ, or some other book written by some saint who had an extraordinary relationship with Christ. The possibility of such a deep relationship with Jesus will give you something to shoot for, in fact, it will become the most important goal for you to attain.
  2. Frankly

    Frankly Archangels

    Feb 8, 2019
    Mary and all Saints.. point to Jesus as being one's primary 'GOTO'

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