I can't help but speculate that a convergence of malign interests may be at work and it would seem to me that the weakening of western economies, who's political administration's have been captured by this nonsense, serves only to strengthen our enemies hand and it also serves ruthless globalist technocrats to find fraudulent virtuous disguises for their sinister totalitarian world governance agenda (the lockdowns being a case in point ie save granny). Here is a really good read from an Australian geologist and professor emeritus at the University of Melbourne. The biggest public policy disaster in a lifetime https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/the-biggest-public-policy-disaster-in-a-lifetime/ THE 27th COP event was preceded by shrill predictions of forthcoming disasters from speculated catastrophic climate change. Here are a few cold hard facts: No one has ever proved that human emissions of carbon dioxide drive global warming. For more than two decades I have been asking scientists for this proof. If proven, it would also have to be shown that natural carbon dioxide emissions, 97 per cent of the annual total, don’t drive global warming. This also has never been done. Furthermore, if had been proven that human emissions of carbon dioxide drive global warming, there would be endless citation of the dozen or so seminal scientific papers demonstrating this proof. Instead, there is obfuscation and deafening silence... (see link)
If I go down to buncrana beach where I spent my summers, some 11 or 12 miles away, it still looks the same as it did 50 years ago. ...as do all the other Donegal beaches we frequented down the years. There have been and always will be short term weather fluctuations. If you never build new reservoirs, you're going to get water shortages in summer. If you never update the swerage system, it will clog up in winter. Etc. Etc. Etc. They're going to use the climate narrative in the same way they used covid. To further their satanic agenda of population and societal control.
Is there a climate change? I think so. Man-made? Certainly not. There are enough arguments to counter the proponents of man-made climate change. Many of them have already been mentioned here. Climate is only a statistical recording of weather data. I would not dispute the fact that the weather in some regions of the world has changed and is changing. This is also the case in my region. But this has always been the case, monks wrote it down meticulously centuries ago. The fact that weather extremes have become more frequent in recent years is recorded by climate statistics and corresponds to my perception. These are signs of the times that man cannot change with emission reduction, but with prayer and conversion. There are certainly many attempts in secret in the field of geoengineering, but I think that God does not allow the forces of nature to be taken out of his hands. God allows many things that man fabricates, but only as far as he wants it. Man has no idea of the complexity of the interrelationships in nature. Some think they have a clue, but they cannot estimate the consequences of their attempts at all (HAARP or Gates and his ´Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment` etc.). My father told in his lifetime that in my area Eucharistic processions were held when the farmers waited for rain. And he also said that the rain always came soon after that.
These are loans for properties in many cases multi millions and up. They don't give those to anybody especially when you are talking about large condo units, hotels etc. If the coasts were going to rise, you would see a banking crises that would far surpass the great recession of 2008. So many banks and insurance companies would fall when all their loans on coastline properties would be in default. Not to mention, so many of these properties don't carry insurance given the high costs due to potential hurricanes and typhoons. I know of a person recently who lost all their property in the recent hurricane in Florida. She had no insurance for flood since the costs were so high each year and the odds of a storm like that were very low. She lost all of her $5 million home and a hotel and marina she owned, she is only getting back half the value from Fema since new building codes changed in 2015 and anything prior built to that date would not be fully covered.
Add more concentration of CO2 and plants thrive!! The whole CO2 is a poisonous greenhouse gas is total BS. It can't be more opposite. Also the supposed link of higher CO2 and higher global temps is BS. The inconvenient truth showing a link failed to identify that CO2 levels rise AFTER the earth warms not before.
So there was no grandfather clause for those built prior to 2015.... That's interesting. Our home insurance changed drastically a coupla years ago, a take it or leave it scenario. They no longer insure for the replacement value of the home, only market value. It's way cheaper to buy here than to build. And there is a sliding scale for other issues. If you lose your roof, for example, they won't insure for straight out replacement anymore; depreciation is now factored in. So, if the roof is 10yrs old, you may get 50% of the replacement cost. Last year, we were offered insurance for "sanitization due to infectious disease" or something like that.....creepy With the price of insurance, it's pretty ridiculous. I think it's all a rip myself, and they are using climate change and covid to justify it. imho, we are actually living through a "controlled collapse" of the economy.
Those proposing all these environmental changes, in the guise of saving the planet, might well be interfering with the planet's own cyclic efforts to regulate itself. Higher CO2 levels imply increased plant growth, surely desirable in an era of record human population and of desertification of grassland (now more likely to be caused by inadequate grazing rather than the traditional explanation of over-grazing, it seems).