This is interesting... Maui Police Chief John Pelletier was also incident commander for the 2017 Las Vegas shooting. He is the first non-Hawaiian to hold this position.
This summer we've had serious fires in Quebec and elsewhere across Canada, Greece (Rhodes) Maui and Oregon too now? And I just saw this on yahoo It seems important to remind readers of the Graces and protection that come from meditating on The Passion of Jesus Who promised Luisa Picarretta that He would spare towns where one soul prayed The 24 Hours of the Passion. We should all meditate His Passion more often.
Well with all this rain, we'll never get fires in Ireland. I just noticed in passing, maybe I am wrong, the investigation into the fires seems to be very low grade, down the totem pole. Very low key, very easy to keep the lid on if anything slipped out. It looks like a cover up waiting to happen. That the authorities had to be seen to do something and that this was the very least that they could get away with. But for the unbeliever Government becomes their God. To question those who Govern becomes a kind of blasphemy. Those who do so are insane right wing conspiracy theorists. It is the same within the Church. They have replaced the Pope with the Pope as an Idol and any one who dares to ask questions is the same thing. But God gave us all a mind in order that we might use it and a heart in order that it might beat. The way things are in the world at the moment, it has become so evil and corrupt I would question anything that moved and even things that didn't. Evil people are capable of doing evil things. Why this should surprise people baffles me. One thing we can be sure of, those in charge hate the, 'Little People', that is those who don't share the power and wealth of themselves. They want to radically reduce the human population and those who are left they want to utilise as slaves. That's the bottom line. That's what Globalism is all about and that is what the Laboratory made Covid virus was created for. Hawaii strikes me as yet another small scale test run, the same as Canada or the Netherlands.
People within and without the Church are so right to keep on asking questions at the moment. There is just no such thing as asking too many questions considering the Hugh Diabolical evil, both within and without the Church we all face. Jesus never discouraged people asking honest questions; in fact He encouraged it and always, always answered them.
A nice man. I have to say the only real answer I have ever found to problems in my own life is, Christ, Christ, Christ. If anyone asked me about problems in their own lives, I would point them to Jesus. It's so easy to blame other people and other things, but the finger of blame must point , in the first place at ourselves. We must convict ourselves first.
Certainly it looks like he is about to become rich and famous. Thank God it never happened to me. So many temptations. He is at the start of a very long and difficult journey I think.
Apparently, they never found the shooter. Lord have mercy. We will need much courage. Stay in the state of grace everyone.