Sanctus, offering your suffering is always a beautiful act of love. Today you can adore Jesus Christ the King of the Universe for the benefit of the entire world. What a pleasing gift to the Father! I'm keeping you in prayer.
Sanctus Is something keeping you from doing the deliverance prayers with Monsignor Rossetti? Why not try as it may help a lot or even deliver you from this trial. I will keep you in my prayers.
I hope so HH. I am going through horrible darkness and don't know whether it is coming from God or the evil one. I have been going through this since the start of 2020 This is Msgr Rossetti’s site. Sign up to have his next prayer session linked to your email and computer. We can pray for you but we can’t do the work for you.
Thanks HH. I registered. I received a blessing from a Priest today at my local church. Was at Mass tonight also but feeling under attack and something telling me I am damned
Thanks miker. I'm sorry that this issue seems to be going for so long. I am going to book for medjugorje for next year soon. Hoping to go for 2 weeks again this time
Never a need to be sorry! It’s a cross you carry and I’m sure all here on MOG want to support you. I pray you get to Medjugorie soon and rest on arms of our Lady!
I can't seem to figure out my vocation. A few years ago I felt I was being called to the priesthood but it didn't materialise. I hope that God isn't angry with me over this.I'll keep praying and reaching out to Jesus
You are in a hard place right now. The desolation St Ignatius speaks of perhaps. He advises in such situations to stick to our prayer schedule. Not to veer from our ordinary plans. Once you are out of the dark Valley it will be easier to discern. Keep reaching out to Jesus.
Feeling very abandoned and that I am a bad person and that God is angry with me. I've been to confession and confessed everything but still feel God is punishing me. I wish God would help me out of this darkness. I would be tremendously grateful if He did