There are kooks on either side of the divide. However, I am surprised at the self-restraint of most on Trump's side. The radical Left has been picking fights (beating, sometimes killing, burning down city blocks) for quite some time. If I weren't a Christian I might've made some folks "see stars" by now.
Well, don't put your faith in man kind. The only King I have is Jesus . . .there is a huge spiritual war going on. We know the tribulations are here, so we are more spiritually prepared. We are the remnant and our prayers are so important right now.
Fox news just reported that the young woman who was shot is alive, and fighting for her life in the hospital. Prayers.
And people are finding pictures of the guys with the beard and horns proving that they are antifa...
I’m sure there is a lot of coordination going on but this is bigger than the people that think they are managing it.
They just had a retired Police chief on Fox that said they are worried that terrorists infiltrated into the group and planted bombs in the building. I did see one screenshot of a man going through a window with a backpack. They will have to do a thorough sweep of the building once it's cleared. Yesterday Iran said they were going to bomb the Capitol today. So, more going on than we are aware . . .time to go get my rosary.
I'm getting a (wry / chagrined) kick out of the "journalists" on PBS who are all big-eyed or doe-eyed, going on with This is America. We must unite. Americans don't behave this way. The National Guard is being called in. We must have a smooth transition of power... When all during the terrible summer of 2020 (Leftist / Antifa/ BLM riots, city blocks burned to the ground, calling the National Guard in made POTUS "Hitler" again, vicious beatings, actual murders)...not a single complaint from these people. The two-faced, forked-tongued thing is chilling to behold.
So depressed watching the BBC's coverage. It's saturation coverage - not of the rally, oh no, but of the incidents at the Capitol. My husband, who is not as pro-Trump as I am, noticed that the demonstrators were peaceful, no shouting, violence at all. Yet the BBC was having none of it - everyone was 'terrified'. No mention of 'mostly peaceful' here. Utterly disgraceful. I feel ashamed of the entire MSM swamp and our UK contribution to the gaslighting. I watched Trump speaking and he was certainly not talking about attacking anyone physically. He was robbed of a fair election so why shouldn't he refuse to concede? I've prayed for weeks and I know others have. And this is where we are. "Suck it up, losers, we are in control and we decide you lost, so get used to it." Fairness and democracy mean for nothing. 80 million people voted for a man with dementia, the highest vote for any presidential candidate, ever, and he didn't even have to campaign. "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil" (Is 5:20)
I don't think so. Someone on Newsmax said that people recognise him as a regular at Trump rallies. They even know what State he's from. It may be Nevada but I could be wrong about that.