Our rosary cenacle broke up after a few years and we revived it about four years ago. Just a few months ago, we added back the MMP prayer : Come Holy Spirit, Come by means of the powerful intercession Of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Your well beloved spouse. I think the Holy Spirit was indeed the spirit behind this. These cenacles are going to be used for the glory of God! I’m blessed to belong.
AN....I got that sign at mass 20 years after out first group broke up....! I literally heard God speak to me during mass to start it back up. A friend that was in our first group was at that mass. When mass was over, I approached her and asked if she was interested too. Her eyes filled with tears because she wanted too so badly. We all know it was God calling us back into the cenacle of His beloved mother. I believe that members will have a special spiritual protection in the days ahead. We meet weekly and love it.
It was kind of comical how this “word” occurred. I heard His request and thought to myself, is this your imagination....? So I asked the Holy Spirit, “ If You are serious requesting that I talk with Diane after mass today, then repeat your request.” And so He did...loud and clear. Before mass, the thought had never even entered my mind, but obviously I wasn’t about to ignore the request of God. After I asked my friend about getting it started back up, she said I can’t believe you just asked me this. She said that she was cleaning up and found our old Gobbi books from our previous cenacle of over twenty years and was going to throw them away. Well here we are... Come Holy Spirit Come by means of the Immaculate heart of Mary....your well beloved spouse!
I will pray for this. I also have asked God in the past to move some people out of my life, or keep them at bay, and He has.
Dawn, if you have the means, please consider a security camera....and use the signs they provide to advertise that you have one...or more! They are a serious deterrent. I’ve just installed a few and they will give you peace of mind. Just a thought....
I love reading good news about answered prayers.. Especially at this time of year. Christmas presents from Heaven.