The Taliban is killing people in Afghanistan they find with copies of the Bible on their mobile phones, a Christian non-profit denounced on Tuesday. the Taliban is using “spies and informants” to persecute the Christian minority in the country. “We’re hearing from reliable sources that the Taliban demand people’s phones, and if they find a downloaded Bible on your device, they will kill you immediately,”
If I were a relative of any serviceman who died or was injured or fought out there, I would be asking questions of my Government about what it was all for. What did it accomplish? What did they give their lives for? This, rather than asking questions about the Taliban. I would also be asking searching questions about whether or not Joe Biden is fully in control of his mental faculties and the urgent need for him to be Impeached.
Wasn't that long ago that a group of men called the Shankill butchers did the exact same thing to poor unfortunate catholics in my country... Evil never sleeps my friend. They actually wrote a book about them.
Biden needs impeached, but there is no competent leader in line to replace him. Someone else is calling the shots for him anyhow.
MSNBC Calls Christians the American Taliban Because They’re Pro-Life on Abortion The persecution is ramping up folks….pray!
Our veterans are having a rough go of it and veteran help lines have been very busy with those seeking support.
I spoke to one yesterday. Yes, they are demoralizing. Our poor soldiers….serving under these feckless politicians.
All this makes me think of Saint Joan of Arc and of how she led by God waged war against the English. She made certain strict demands of the troops. She demanded for instance that all the Camp Followers, the prostitutes be dropped and that the soldiers stopped cursing and swearing (a big, big fault of the English) and that they be given an excellent Chaplaincy service access to the Mass and Confession. Basic moral behaviour and adherence to the Rules of War. You see this in Scripture to with the armies of Israel seeking support from God by obeying His Laws. Also in the Crusades, the same thing. Wars are terrible curses. I notice during Mass how often the Church calls on us to pray for the Blessings of Peace.
It is said that the first victim of war is the truth. This is so true. One big lie we are being told at the moment , for instance is that the Taliban is not the Taliban anymore, that they have changed. But the Taliban has not changed at all , the Taliban is still the Taliban. The only thing that is changed is that they have just won a great victory and people need to make this easier to swallow. Hence we told that they have somehow changed. When of course they haven't. Why should they? They've won.
I like and believe that God will Judge soldiers and Fighters very differently than the rest of us. They lead such different lives. I recall when I was young I never expected in a million years to live more than two or three years. I was 19 years old when I started and I fought for , I suppose six or seven years. I nearly died, very,very, nearly died so may times I can't recall them all. Sometimes lately I recall events, really nasty things I even completely forgot about. Its hard to describe hard in fighting to people who have never done it. But as for winning a war or loosing it, I would be old fashioned. I really do believe in Honour and Duty. You do what you can for your country when you can, where you can and how you can. That is enough reward. But this never removes us from Moral Duty. Our Duty towards God. It is for God and country . God first, country second. Country always ,always second. An old Republican told me one time, 'When Love for your country becomes replaced for hatred for your enemy it is time to hang up your rifle'. So true. That was my huge mistake. I hated too much . But then again how do you kill people without hatred in heart? I mean really? I could never do it. I am not quite sure how anyone can. I never could. War is very,very ambivalent. It changes something within you if you do it long enough. Part of you always remains a fighter , a soldier and part of your heart always remains with those who fought alongside you and never came home. It hardens you and toughens you to the the very soul. But maybe that is not such a bad thing. I find the young often such snowflakes these days.
I don't know about this other religious culture argument Padraig. My understanding is that the US has been in Afghanistan a long time, going back at least to the late 70s, and they funded the creation of the Taliban back then as a means to deal with the Soviets there at the time, as Hillary admitted herself in past interviews - so the US created this group before the attacks on US soil in 2001. Another important angle that never comes up in the press is that the Taliban control the opium production and there are many reports that production and revenues have gone up wildly since the US has been involved - they are said to be causing addictions in places like Iran for example. Much evil has a hold on that nation and it's more involved than just saying the US is pulling out now after going over to get Ben Laden and leaving a mess. The recent images of the people trying to flee are just awful, I can't imagine living in those terrifying circumstances,. We have to pray for that nation to release the grip of evil on it.
Wow…I’m not on Twitter… There were a lot of good, interesting political tweets after the Assange tweets.
I don't know Andree. Sometimes when I regard such total, total evil it numbs the mind. My only consolation is that I not a part of it nor ever have been. In Afghanistan , for instance the growth and harvest in the produce of the Poppy. But then again in the USA Big Pharm was making huge profits from narcotising huge swaths of America. Poor farmers in Afghanistan were much more less blameworthy. I am a total sinner, I know this, but a lot of things that I see at present, the pure evil of it makes my mouth drop open..
The CIA, for instance, where and I presume still are up to their necks in profiteering and dealing in drugs, sold to in many cases to their own US citizens... from Afghanistan and South America... How is this for the good of the USA.... or anyone else on the planet? Can you persuade me that all this huge amount of money is not going back directly to Langley and not to members of the CIA and not to individual members and to supporters in the Swamp? Of course not. The Clinton's, for instance were up to their eyeballs in it..
poor soldiers like yourself suffer lifelong because of war….and they are so under appreciated. Society does not appreciate our war veterans like they should. None of them should want for any medical need or care in any way regardless if it was war related. And soooo much more. I don’t have the same regard currently for our top military brass in the US. Many have personal financial interest/ contracts above national interest. Biden and this gang lost Afghanistan and left thousands of Americans behind. WHO DOES THAT TO THEIR CITIZENS?
I believe that it is true that many who were thought to be securing American interest were only securing their own financial interest. I think we will be learning more about this in the fallout that will come post Afghanistan. The trust of our political system is gone and the recent polls are showing it. We still have over three more years of this feckless, corrupt regime. Not sure we can hold on that long. God have mercy. To those who voted for Biden…”How badly do you hate Trumps tweets now ?”