Thanks be to God that it isn’t more serious. Coincidentally, my friend who is just 26 years old was diagnosed a few weeks ago with deep vein thrombosis. He was on a vacation in London when he noticed some pain in his leg and afterwards his leg swollen pretty badly down from his knee. When he visited A&E he was quickly diagnosed with DVT, but even after all possible tests in one of the most advanced hospital in the world, they just couldn’t figure out what was the cause of it. He had overcome some respiratory illness 2 weeks before the incident (possibly Covid), which may have contributed to it, but no clear answer was given… well, I have my suspicions as during vaccination campaign he got 2 shots of AstraZeneca (which we know can be problematic in in regards to clotting problems) and also had a booster (I think Pfizer) afterwards. Now he is on blood thinners and can’t stay in one position for a longer period of time, or put prolonged physical strain on his leg because it will start swelling and hurting… pretty scary stuff when I think about all those unknown longterm effects of the vax and its possible damage on the cardiovacular system Please, say a prayer for him if you read this.
also if he traveled by plane to London, that could also be a trigger, that's why doctors tell you that you should also move your body, stand up and walk during the flight, because sitting for a long time can cause clotting in the body, usually in the legs...
They say this prayers in Our Lady of Assumption, Newcastle and the entire congregation seem to know it by heart. It is very wise and beautiful.