AED if i havent mentioned yet (not sure if i replied lol) you and your family are in my prayers during your present struggle!!!
Thank you Agnes. I am grateful for the prayers.We will be all right. Just have to watch our pennies for the next few months. But God is so good to us. Anyone of these things by itself we could have absorbed but all of it coming at once really set us back. It was a reminder to me how very much we need to be grateful and thank Him for how tranquil our lives usually are.
You are so welcome and i have been through those trying times myself but i did learn to trust God more during those times and He has never dissapointed me. And i know He will help you
I am very grateful today. My wife drove through a tornado this afternoon with her school bus on her route. She said she had no idea what happened it all happened so fast. Nobody was hurt apparently but lots of property damage and an incredibly unusual event for this area.
Don how scary. Surely her Guardian angel and all the children's angels were keeping watch. Thanks be to God.
The boss was a no show, he did not come into work. I mentioned on another thread your prayers probably killed the poor man. I will be careful in future not to leave a minute before time. I guess it was just a shot across the bow.
I feel I am a fairly flexible manager of 9 employees, but I know well that once you give one or more employee's leeway, it becomes the norm and it trickles down. It makes other workers who are more conservative upset, because they see others take advantage of situations. It puts a manager in a awkward position and trying to please everyone's "minor" rules infractions only opens the door for more and more tiny infractions and soon you have lost the ability to manage. People management is the hardest part of any job. 30 years of managing the operations is a breeze compared to managing people
Well I was called into the office after all this morning. Sigh. It looks like I am loosing my job in the New Year for being, 'Absent off site'. At least there will be a disciplinary hearing but I have not much hope. I don;t think actually what I am being sacked for is actually why they are doing it. It is more nor less a resutl of a mix up, but they have the bit between their teeth and I don;t think I can cahnge their minds now.
Thank you Carol. It is a tester. It came right out of the blue. Thank God to have Faith. But God always, always has a plan, even if we cannot see it. You know I have always been more than a little embarrassed reading other peoples prayer requests. I have been leading such a happy life. Now I have a little Cross of my own to bear, I know I am in great company.
Thank you so much for your prayers. Prayers for others are a hundred times more powerful than prayers for ourselves , because it is selfless. Like being carried on Eagle's Wing's ; I can actually feel it. Prayers right back at you.