I'm pretty sure "Year of Grace" is just the name of that calendar. Here it is in 2016 with the same name: https://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=AwrB8pwl5RtYGEgAz7g2nIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTIyY3M2YjNoBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZANiMmI3MGVlZTk1NWQ2MTFhM2YxYzdhNGMwYzhhMTNjYwRncG9zAzEEaXQDYmluZw--?.origin=&back=http://www.swagbucks.com/?t=i&q=the+year+of+grace+2016+calendar&w=1200&h=778&imgurl=www.mccrimmons.com/shop/calendars-1/year-of-grace-2016-laminated-notebook/library/images/LBLCALN16jpg.jpg&rurl=http://www.mccrimmons.com/shop/calendars-1/year-of-grace-2016-laminated-notebook/&size=505.4KB&name=<b>Year+of+Grace</b>+<b>2016</b>+(Laminated+Notebook)&p=the+year+of+grace+2016+calendar&oid=b2b70eee955d611a3f1c7a4c0c8a13cc&fr2=&fr=&tt=<b>Year+of+Grace</b>+<b>2016</b>+(Laminated+Notebook)&b=0&ni=162&no=1&ts=&vm=p&tab=organic&sigr=12hp2bofh&sigb=11vis59ll&sigi=139eq1r20&sigt=11l4pqtnl&sign=11l4pqtnl&.crumb=MKPJ9bF/qzI&hsimp=yhs-prodege_001&hspart=prodege&type=search_6&vm=p¶m1=12774792¶m2=4529028¶m4=1815327247 '] (Sorry, I'm not sure how to post a picture) If I recall correctly, the Ordo also says "End of the Year of Grace" at the end of the liturgical year. I think "year of grace" might just be a phrase for every year after the Resurrection or something.
My web search for the year of mercy threw up a whole page of links to that calendar. I couldn't find anything on the Vatican website. Isn't the Year of Mercy an extraordinary jubilee? If so, does that mean that it was exceptional and that next year won't have any particular dedication?
I would love for the next year to be declared the Year of Grace--it might mean we have a little more time yet. I just don't think that that calendar proves it. First, if Pope Francis declared it the Year of Grace, I would think there would be many articles talking about it. Second, I believe that calendar says "Year of Grace" every single year. In addition to the 2016 one I posted above, here it is in 2013: http://www.michiganchurchsupply.com/images/YG13SL.jpg and here it is in 2012: https://www.comcenter.com/product/L...rgical-Calendar-2012-Notebook-size-laminated/
It's true that the Year of Mercy was an extraordinary jubilee year, but I forget what that means. Jubilees are every 50 years, and "extraordinary" generally means "out of the ordinary," as in the extraordinary synod on marriage and the family that we had recently. It may just mean that this was a jubilee that didn't fall on the 50th year, and is therefore extraordinary. Now, why call it a jubilee? I'm not sure. However, I don't think that has any bearing on whether or not next year is dedicated to something. My post at the bottom of page 6 has a list of recent Years, and the Year of Consecrated Life overlapped with the Year of Mercy, and there were other Years in close proximity before it. I think it's really up to the Pope and whether or not he wants to call for one. Year of Grace would be nice. I would love for Pope Francis to call another Marian Year, especially with the 100th anniversary of Fatima. But it's possible he won't declare anything for next year.
I think it's extraordinary because it wasn't announced a long time in advance. Jubilees, apparently, happen at 25 or 50 year intervals. This is what Wikipedia says about them: In Jewish tradition the year of Jubilee was a time of joy, the year of remission or universal pardon. Leviticus 25:10 reads, "Thou shalt sanctify the fiftieth year, and shalt proclaim remission to all the inhabitants of thy land: for it is the year of jubilee." This year of mercy was announced to start on the 50th anniversary of the closing of Vatican 11. A Marian Year would be wonderful.
Maybe 2017 will be the year Holy Father will announce the 5th Marian Dogma. And all the graces and blessings waiting to pour on us from Heaven will arrive on the 23rd September 2017 when the stars in the sky over Mexico will be in the same formation as they were on the day the miraculous picture of Our Lady of Guadaloupe appeared, and still remains today. I believe that image perfectly depicts the 'Woman clothed with the sun' as described in the Book of Revelation. That is what I hope and pray for.
I am actually pretty upset. This past October 13th we just entered the Centenary of Fatima and I have hardly heard a word about it anywhere, even on the forum here... It is as if the Catholic world is blinded. The Church usually at least acknowledges Fatima. I have heard almost nothing so far. Our Lady is being ignored now even by the faithful
Have you read the beautiful article in Spirit Daily about the doves that followed the Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Fatima. I intend to make a copy of this article and send one with each Christmas Card this year, as you say to remind people of this special year.
I didn't read the Spirit Daily article, but I have heard that story (and seen the pictures). It truly is a miracle. The doves sat by the statue the entire time it was being moved and even came inside the church with it if I remember correctly. Thanks for bringing a smile to my face View attachment 5558 View attachment 5559
I read it is November 13th that the holy doors close which is only 1 week away. So get it while the gitin' is good. Thank you God our Father for this gift of Mercy...thank you...we praise your Goodness!