Discussion in 'On prayer itself' started by Sam, Apr 1, 2021.

  1. Dolours

    Dolours Guest

    Thanks to the lockdown, I had forgotten about the novena this year. I had prayed the chaplet earlier in the day but I only remembered the novena when I saw this thread on Good Friday night. Many thanks to Sam for the reminder. Confession and Communion might not be possible: Hope the Lord makes allowances for those of us who won't be able to manage it.
    Beth B, Julia, Rose and 1 other person like this.
  2. garabandal

    garabandal Powers

    Nov 30, 2008
    I haven't been able to get confession since before March last year - I would love to do a general confession - have handed all over to God to arrange.

    God does make allowances as long as we have the intention of getting to confession as soon as we can.
    Julia, Rose, AED and 2 others like this.
  3. Sam

    Sam Powers

    Nov 17, 2015
    Seventh Day
    Thursday in the Octave of Easter

    Today bring to Me the Souls who especially venerate and glorify My Mercy*, and immerse them in My mercy. These souls sorrowed most over my Passion and entered most deeply into My spirit. They are living images of My Compassionate Heart. These souls will shine with a special brightness in the next life. Not one of them will go into the fire of hell. I shall particularly defend each one of them at the hour of death.

    Most Merciful Jesus, whose Heart is Love Itself, receive into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart the souls of those who particularly extol and venerate the greatness of Your mercy. These souls are mighty with the very power of God Himself. In the midst of all afflictions and adversities they go forward, confident of Your mercy; and united to You, O Jesus, they carry all mankind on their shoulders. These souls will not be judged severely, but Your mercy will embrace them as they depart from this life.

    Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon the souls who glorify and venerate Your greatest attribute, that of Your fathomless mercy, and who are enclosed in the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. These souls are a living Gospel; their hands are full of deeds of mercy, and their hearts, overflowing with joy, sing a canticle of mercy to You, O Most High! I beg You O God:

    Show them Your mercy according to the hope and trust they have placed in You. Let there be accomplished in them the promise of Jesus, who said to them that during their life, but especially at the hour of death, the souls who will venerate this fathomless mercy of His, He, Himself, will defend as His glory. Amen.

    *The text leads one to conclude that in the first prayer directed to Jesus, Who is the Redeemer, it is "victim" souls and contemplatives that are being prayed for; those persons, that is, that voluntarily offered themselves to God for the salvation of their neighbor (see Col 1:24; 2 Cor 4:12). This explains their close union with the Savior and the extraordinary efficacy that their invisible activity has for others. In the second prayer, directed to the Father from whom comes "every worthwhile gift and every genuine benefit,"we recommend the "active" souls, who promote devotion to The Divine Mercy and exercise with it all the other works that lend themselves to the spiritual and material uplifting of their brethren.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2021
    Stia and Julia like this.
  4. Julia

    Julia Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

    Jan 13, 2015
    Berkshire, UK
    Sam likes this.
  5. Sam

    Sam Powers

    Nov 17, 2015
    Eighth Day
    Friday in the Octave of Easter

    "Today bring to Me the Souls who are in the prison of Purgatory, and immerse them in the abyss of My mercy. Let the torrents of My Blood cool down their scorching flames. All these souls are greatly loved by Me. They are making retribution to My justice. It is in your power to bring them relief. Draw all the indulgences from the treasury of My Church and offer them on their behalf. Oh, if you only knew the torments they suffer, you would continually offer for them the alms of the spirit and pay off their debt to My justice."

    Most Merciful Jesus, You Yourself have said that You desire mercy; so I bring into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart the souls in Purgatory, souls who are very dear to You, and yet, who must make retribution to Your justice. May the streams of Blood and Water which gushed forth from Your Heart put out the flames of Purgatory, that there, too, the power of Your mercy may be celebrated.

    Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon the souls suffering in Purgatory, who are enfolded in the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. I beg You, by the sorrowful Passion of Jesus Your Son, and by all the bitterness with which His most sacred Soul was flooded: Manifest Your mercy to the souls who are under Your just scrutiny. Look upon them in no other way but only through the Wounds of Jesus, Your dearly beloved Son; for we firmly believe that there is no limit to Your goodness and compassion. Amen.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2021
  6. Julia

    Julia Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

    Jan 13, 2015
    Berkshire, UK
    Mary's child, Beth B and Sam like this.
  7. Sam

    Sam Powers

    Nov 17, 2015
    Ninth Day
    Saturday in the Octave of Easter

    "Today bring to Me the Souls who have become Lukewarm, and immerse them in the abyss of My mercy. These souls wound My Heart most painfully. My soul suffered the most dreadful loathing in the Garden of Olives because of lukewarm souls. They were the reason I cried out: 'Father, take this cup away from Me, if it be Your will.' For them, the last hope of salvation is to run to My mercy."

    Most compassionate Jesus, You are Compassion Itself. I bring lukewarm souls into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart. In this fire of Your pure love, let these tepid souls who, like corpses, filled You with such deep loathing, be once again set aflame. O Most Compassionate Jesus, exercise the omnipotence of Your mercy and draw them into the very ardor of Your love, and bestow upon them the gift of holy love, for nothing is beyond Your power.

    Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon lukewarm souls who are nonetheless enfolded in the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. Father of Mercy, I beg You by the bitter Passion of Your Son and by His three-hour agony on the Cross: Let them, too, glorify the abyss of Your mercy. Amen.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2021
  8. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

    Feb 15, 2015
    He is Mercy..He understands!
    Sam, Rose and Dolours like this.
  9. Sam

    Sam Powers

    Nov 17, 2015
    What to Do on Divine Mercy Sunday?

    Are you discouraged that you will not be able to receive the special graces of Divine Mercy Sunday promised directly by our Lord through St. Faustina in the 1930s?

    Don’t be.

    Even though churches are closed and you cannot go to Confession and receive Holy Communion, you can receive these special graces this Sunday, April 19, Divine Mercy Sunday. And we’re going to tell you how.

    Let’s begin by reading what is arguably the most important passage in St. Faustina’s Diary, when Jesus tells St. Faustina:

    I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and shelter for all souls, and especially for poor sinners. On that day the very depths of My tender mercy are open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the Fount of My Mercy. The soul that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment. On that day all the divine floodgates through which graces flow are opened. Let no soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its sins be as scarlet (699).

    There it is: Jesus promises that the soul that’s been to Confession and receives Holy Communion will be completely wiped away of the two stains that are on our soul. Those stains are sin and the punishment due to sin. The special grace promised by our Lord for Divine Mercy Sunday is nothing less than the equivalent of a complete renewal of baptismal grace in the soul.

    But how can you receive this complete forgiveness of sins and remission of all punishment? After all, churches are closed and Confession and Communion are not available.

    There is, however, still a way to receive this grace.

    Do these three things on Divine Mercy Sunday with the intention to turn away from sin in your life:

    1. Make an Act of Contrition
    Since you are unable to get to Confession, make an Act of Contrition, instead. As the Catechism of the Catholic Church states, “Among the penitent's acts contrition occupies first place. Contrition is 'sorrow of the soul and detestation for the sin committed, together with the resolution not to sin again'" (1451).

    You thereby will be completely forgiven of all sins, even “mortal sins if it includes the firm resolution to have recourse to sacramental confession as soon as possible” (Catechism, 1452).

    1. Make a Spiritual Communion
    Since churches are closed and you cannot receive Holy Communion, make a Spiritual Communion instead, asking God to come into your heart as if you received Him sacramentally — Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. For instance, you can say this:

    Act of Spiritual Communion

    My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Blessed Sacrament.
    I love You above all things and I desire You in my soul.
    Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally,
    come at least spiritually into my heart.
    As though You were already there,
    I embrace You and unite myself to You;
    permit not that I should ever be separated from You.

    Again, do this act of trust with the intent to return to the sacrament of Holy Communion as soon as possible.

    1. Say a prayer like this:
    Lord Jesus Christ, You promised St. Faustina that the soul that has been to Confession [I’m unable, but I made an Act of Contrition] and the soul that receives Holy Communion [I’m unable, but I made a Spiritual Communion] will receive the complete forgiveness of all sins and punishment. Please, Lord Jesus Christ, give me this grace.

    Finally, please remember that this extraordinary promise of Divine Mercy Sunday is for everyone. Tell your non-Catholic friends about it. Everyone can ask Jesus to forgive their sins. Everyone can make a Spiritual Communion. And everyone can ask for this grace to completely wipe their slate clean of not only all sin, but all punishment due to sin. Normally, the punishment is not remitted unless one has absolute perfect contrition. And unlike a plenary indulgence, there is no requirement of having perfect detachment from sin. In other words, as long as we have a desire for this grace and intention to amend our lives, we can be completely cleansed with grace similar to our original Baptism. It is a way to really start over in our spiritual life!

    That is why Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, the director of the Association of Marian Helpers, has stated: “I promise you, it will be the most important thing you ever do in your entire lifeIn fact, it could mean the difference in your salvation. And Jesus told St. Faustina, Divine Mercy is mankind’s last hope of salvation [see Diary, 998]. Please don’t let this grace pass you by.”

    Watch Fr. Chris' video, "What To Do on Divine Mercy Sunday (April 19)?":

    What to Do on Divine Mercy Sunday? | The Divine Mercy
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2021
    Ananchal, Beth B and Julia like this.
  10. Sam

    Sam Powers

    Nov 17, 2015
    Mercy Sunday's Special Graces, Plenary Indulgence: Are They the Same?

    A Mr. Dwyer asked: What is the difference between that special graces promised by Jesus for devout communicants on Divine Mercy Sunday, and the plenary indulgence for Divine Mercy Sunday devotions that was instituted several years ago by St. Pope John Paul II? Are they the same thing? Or are they different?

    Simply put: They are NOT the same thing!

    The main difference, of course, is that an "indulgence" is something offered to the faithful by the Church, as the keeper of the keys of the kingdom, with authority to "bind and loose" (see Mt 16:17-19). The special graces of Divine Mercy Sunday, on the other hand, were promised directly by our Lord, through a prophetic revelation given to St. Faustina (see Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, 699). The Church has not officially ruled that this particular promise was an authentic supernatural revelation (and no Catholic is required to believe it as a matter of faith), but the Church has discerned, in various ways, that there is nothing that violates Catholic doctrine in this promise.

    Briefly, here are the other main differences between the "special graces" promised by Jesus for Divine Mercy Sunday, and the plenary indulgence offered by the Church for special devotions to the Divine Mercy on Mercy Sunday:

    1) To receive special graces that our Lord promised for Divine Mercy Sunday, the only condition is to receive Holy Communion worthily on Divine Mercy Sunday (or the Vigil celebration) by making a good Confession beforehand and staying in the state of grace and trusting in His Divine Mercy. Any plenary indulgence granted by the Church, on the other hand, involves the fulfilment of a number of conditions, including prayer for the Holy Father's intentions, Confession and Holy Eucharist, and the carrying out of the special indulgenced work (in this case: participating in public devotions to the Divine Mercy on Divine Mercy Sunday itself).

    2) The special graces promised by our Lord for Divine Mercy Sunday can be received by a soul in a state of grace, but with imperfect love for God, and imperfect contrition for sin-as long as the soul merely trusts in the mercy of God, and clings to Him because of His promised benefits. A plenary indulgence, however, can only be obtained through the performance of an indulgenced work as an expression of pure love for God. If the intentions of one's indulgenced work are not pure (say, the work is done in part out of fear of hell or purgatory, and loathing for oneself - or the desire to impress one's friends and relatives! - rather than purely out of love for God) then the indulgence obtained will be only partial, not plenary.

    3) The special graces that our Lord promised for Mercy Sunday can only be received for oneself, through the devout reception of Holy Communion on Mercy Sunday (as stated in #1 above). A plenary indulgence, however, can be offered for oneself, or for souls suffering in purgatory.

    4) The most special grace promised by our Lord for Mercy Sunday is nothing less than the equivalent of a complete renewal of baptismal grace in the soul: "complete forgiveness (remission) of sins and punishment." Such a measure of grace can only be received otherwise through baptism itself, or through making a sacramental confession as an act of perfect contrition for sin, out of pure love for God.

    As you can see, this is no easy topic. However, you can find a more in-depth treatment of this same subject in the John Paul II Institute of Divine Mercy section of this same website, in the document entitled "Understanding Divine Mercy Sunday."

    Robert Stackpole, STD, is director of the John Paul II Institute of Divine Mercy, an apostolate of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception. His latest book is Divine Mercy: A Guide from Genesis to Benedict XVI (Marian Press). Got a question? E-mail him at questions@thedivinemercy.org.

    Mercy Sunday's Special Graces, Plenary Indulgence: Are They the Same? | The Divine Mercy
    Julia and Dolours like this.
  11. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

    Feb 15, 2015
    Thank you Sam for posting all of the Divine Mercy novena prayers this year! I hope you receive many blessings from heaven for your reminders for all of our benefit!

    Happy Divine Mercy Sunday to everyone at MOG...and those of the whole world.
    For the sake of His sorrowful passion, have mercy on us and the whole world!
    Sam, maryn, Mary's child and 2 others like this.
  12. Donna259

    Donna259 Powers

    Jul 14, 2018
    God Bless you Sam for doing this. Happy Divine Mercy Sunday! God is sooooo good and MERCIFUL.
    Sam, Dolours and Beth B like this.
  13. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

    Feb 15, 2015
    This post will be a blessing to anyone who cannot get to confession or receive communion!
    Sam, Mary's child and Donna259 like this.
  14. Mary's child

    Mary's child Powers

    Jan 12, 2017
    Thank you Sam for the daily Divine Mercy Novena prayers.
    May we all be blessed in the fathomless Mercy of our Lord.
    Ananchal, Beth B and Sam like this.
  15. ClareG

    ClareG Angels

    Feb 13, 2022
    Northern Ireland
    Divine Mercy Novena starts today.

    "On the cross, the fount of mercy was opened up wide by the spear for each and every soul - I have not excluded any of them" (Diary 1182).

    Sam, Julia, AED and 2 others like this.
  16. Beth B

    Beth B Beth Marie

    Feb 15, 2015
    Thank you!
    ClareG and Julia like this.
  17. miker

    miker Powers

    Mar 4, 2013
    New York
    Thank you for reminder. More than ever, Divine Mercy is needed. I pray all take advantage
    ClareG, Beth B and Julia like this.
  18. ellen

    ellen Ellen

    Nov 19, 2017

    Thanks for posting Sam.
    ClareG and Beth B like this.
  19. Julia

    Julia Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

    Jan 13, 2015
    Berkshire, UK
    Petitions for day 1 of the Novena in preparation for Divine Mercy Sunday. Let all who seek assistance in their temporal and spiritual needs turn to Jesus and trust Him with everything. Jesus, I surrender myself to You. Take care of everything.

    First Day
    "Today bring to Me all mankind, especially all sinners,

    and immerse them in the ocean of My mercy. In this way you will console Me in the bitter grief into which the loss of souls plunges Me."

    Most Merciful Jesus, whose very nature it is to have compassion on us and to forgive us, do not look upon our sins but upon our trust which we place in Your infinite goodness. Receive us all into the abode of Your Most Compassionate Heart, and never let us escape from It. We beg this of You by Your love which unites You to the Father and the Holy Spirit.

    Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon all mankind and especially upon poor sinners, all enfolded in the Most Compassionate Heart of Jesus. For the sake of His sorrowful Passion show us Your mercy, that we may praise the omnipotence of Your mercy for ever and ever. Amen.
    ClareG, Beth B and Rose like this.
  20. Julia

    Julia Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

    Jan 13, 2015
    Berkshire, UK
    In anticipation for day 2 with the beautiful video posted by ClareG

    Petition for day 2 of the Novena in preparation for Divine Mercy Sunday.

    Second day.
    "Today bring to Me the Souls of Priests and Religious,
    and immerse them in My unfathomable mercy. It was they who gave me strength to endure My bitter Passion. Through them as through channels My mercy flows out upon mankind."

    Most Merciful Jesus, from whom comes all that is good, increase Your grace in men and women consecrated to Your service,* that they may perform worthy works of mercy; and that all who see them may glorify the Father of Mercy who is in heaven.

    Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon the company of chosen ones in Your vineyard -- upon the souls of priests and religious; and endow them with the strength of Your blessing. For the love of the Heart of Your Son in which they are enfolded, impart to them Your power and light, that they may be able to guide others in the way of salvation and with one voice sing praise to Your boundless mercy for ages without end. Amen.
    Rosalia66, Sam, ClareG and 1 other person like this.

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