Thanks Garabandal & Mary Rose. I'm going up on Sunday and will pray for all the intentions of everyone on the forum. Shame I will miss Fr. Alar, would love to hear him speak in person.
I had an intresting confession in Knock. I talked to the priest about Pope Francis. I told him he is off my radar after his latest pronouncements. He didn't know how to take it. I said his announcements on blessing gay couples was completely wrong and how was it going to end for those people. We had a bit argy bargy and he told me that Francis had an unfortunate trait of speaking off the cuff and that nothing had been decided etc. We parted OK and I said the rosary for him as I felt he was on the crosshairs. Later in the Bascilica I went into the little chapel behind the altar. It's right beside the sacristy. The door opened and I overheard a conversation. A priest who was to say Mass was saying to someone 'I had woman in this morning and she gave out about the Pope saying we could bless gay couples. Every time the Pope talks off the cuff he causes trouble'. He sounded really bothered and the other person asked him if he felt discouraged. I thought he is talking about me. I ran out of the chapel. He said the Mass and gave a good sermon on the evils in our country being caused by turning our backs on God. I kept out of his line of sight but when he was doing the anointing of the sick I went to him and he blessed me and smiled. I think we should use every opportunity in confession to make our views known. I prayed for all your intentions.
Thank you for your prayers maryrose. Our priests have been placed in a terrible position, but I do think it was good to have an honest discussion with the priest about Pope Francis. That must have been an awkward moment overhearing that conversation.
It's good to talk with our priests about all this. But I also feel so sad for our good priests. They are discouraged, getting the brunt of the laity's dismay, and trying to walk a careful line avoiding scandal. We must pray more and more for them! The pope is their father in a special way...and they must really be suffering.
We are all suffering. It trickles down. You are right that we must pray more for our priests. Thank you so much for your prayers.
This is what Our Lady of Quito was warning us about,"Lacking a Prelate and Father to guide them with paternal love, gentleness, strength, wisdom and prudence, many priests will lose their spirit, placing their souls in great danger." Revelation 13:7 : It was allowed to make war against the saints and conquer them...