The quote definitely exists that it would be difficult to reach Garabandal for the miracle and that FEW PEOPLE WOULD BE PRESENT. I think it is NOT clear if this was due to a virus or war or geological disturbances or some other factor. I believe this was in a locution received by Conchita from Our Lord. Glenn can certainly provide the evidence. The lady in the video below (in Spanish) was a witness of the events and confirms this was clearly stated at the time.
Hi grimisocks, I agree that we don't know exactly why many won't be in Garabandal for the Miracle but I have wondered about what you have stated in your post also. I remember watching the following video awhile ago now and I remember Tom Fahy speaking of some of the circumstances a little bit. Glenn recently re-posted this video on his main Garabandal thread. You might want to take a look at it and see if it helps you a bit. Here it is -
perhaps because the communist revolutionaries will be destroying the Christian Churches in Spain and other countries in Europe, or else the Mohammedan invaders who will do so.
Glenn has said this in post #2931 ,remember Padre Pio said the Miracle would be paid for by the blood of Europe.
fyi: many have asked how to calculate the date of the chastisement: here is one example: St. Bridget of Sweden remarks: "When the feast of St. Mark shall fall on Easter (April 25, 2038), the feast of St. Anthony on Pentecost (June 13, 2038) and that of St. John the Baptist on the feast of Corpus Christi (June 24, 2038), the whole world shall cry, Woe!" 19(Spring of 2038) 1/ The Christian Trumpet by Fr. Gaudentius Rossi Pellegrino p 23
Tom was a very good friend who studied Garabandal for many years and built The House of Sanctification in the town. He was very knowledgeable, a good Catholic, and very honest. We miss him!
Hi Carol, my name is Danielle . Thanks for setting up this inquiry thread. I like studying about Marian apparitions and scriptural correlations .Tho you are not asking much in dialogue I have some opinions to share. I believe the events of Garabandal are Supernaturally Ordered by God. Therefore, in my opinion -true and all will happen according to the plan of God. I believe we , in our human nature sometimes assume God is saying one thing when He actually means another. Sort of like the Joey Lomangino will gain sight and witness the miracle??? : )
There are preternatural being elsewhere. They are not human . They are derived from the Supernatural Order of God in that they were created by Him. They are those who left their former estate and designation . They are not benevolent. Today they choose a new name for themselves - Alien, Extraterrestrial. New name , same agenda. All fallen angels , with the same Nephilim agenda in mind for the human race. I state this because of the time we are in and what is going on is about this agenda.
Hi Sam, if I may .....I kind of understand this whole having to be in the Pines thing differently than maybe you or others. I say maybe , I haven’t spoken to many people about Garabandal. Garabandal- “ Place of the Dead”. When I pondered this , the name first stood out to me and the meaning. Second, the Pines.... It came to me- it is not so much a place but a state. For me it means; Being in the place of the dead , in the Pines=pining for the Lord. The Warning and Miracle will be global, IMHO. I know many will die and the agenda is already underway . We are entering that Valley of the shadow of death concerning the "vaccines". Mark 13:14So when you see the abomination of desolationa standing where it should not be (let the reader understand), then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. 15Let no one on the housetop go back inside to retrieve anything from his house. 16And let no one in the field return for his cloak. I have learned to let go of things I thought I knew. With that , here is how I understand the verses here in Mark. The abomination of desolation is multifaceted. Kind of like an onion.... it has multiple layers -but peeling away we get to the final crux of it all. Stages does not mean what I once thought was wrong , but that , now the full meaning has come to fruition . The abomination of desolation is something which makes man desolate . I believe the not really vaccines -"vaccines" are the ticket for satan to do so. "Those who are in Judea"= (In praise of God ), "flee to the mountains" is concerning Mount Zion of Rev,14. It is not so much a place on earth as it is the Zenith of the faith. 'Zion' means Indication Marker or SIGN. The Sign was given to us - Isaiah 7:3 14Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call Him Immanuel.…We all reach the Zenith of the faith MOUNT ZION through devotion to the Mother of God the Son . We become like Christ. It is accomplished through praising all God has done , which began in Mother Mary . She is Mount Zion. The Zenith of the faith came by her YES! This is the heights of the faith - THE HOUSE TOP of understanding Christ. We are not to go back inside where we were called from. To go back to the house means - to past sins and those things of the flesh. Not only that, those of us who see what is going on with the pseudo church- known as the Harlot, were told to come out of her and Babylon. The Harlot body rejects Christ's Sole Divinity. It has compromised. She is one with the Beast she rides upon- THE KINGDOMS OF MEN run by Babylon! Babylon is what the whole world is in a state of. This has to do with Kabbalah- The Babylonian Talmud. Being Hebrew I have a bit of a different perspective. I know who is at the top of the pinnacle of satan. The Harlot body consist of all denominations. But the Biggest one is Queen over them- concerning size , power and reach. Hence, Mother of all Harlots . Clearly , harlotry is not exclusive to her is my point. She simply has more people of her . Christians like myself and you, get what is going on. The true church is being separated from the weeds. So please take no offense , I am not calling the faithful Universal Orthodox church a Harlot. I hope you can all distinguish yourselves from that. I am simply pointing out the obvious issue that scripture too addresses from early on with the wolves that we were told would rise up among us to this End of the Age , revealed in detail in the Book of Revelation. 16And let no one in the field return for his cloak. This simply means in the field of service for the Lord. Clergy ,who will not serve the Magisterium of Jorge will be divested of titles- as Bishop, Cardinal , priest or simply the title Catholic. Don't worry about it. Stay in praise of the Lord. Stay on the roof top you are above all in the house and cling to the Mother of Christ, because the Lord is with her. Christ is preparing us for a most remarkable season foretold by Mother Mary . " The certain peace" granted, was foretold to us in her message of Fatima . It is in scripture. I have shared it elsewhere, maybe it will be better received by those who are more advanced in learning due to their devotion to the Mother of God the Son? But you may already know about it so forgive me if I am preaching to the choir, you already know the song then right? Lol! Anyways it is revealed by Christ- " The tribulation of those days, if not shortened no one would survive. But for the SAKE of the ELECT those days will be shortened". I am paraphrasing but He did say that. Well ,the prophet Isaiah reveals not only the events and chaos but the outcome regarding " That Certain Time of Peace". Continued.......
Ok I've got my scuba gear on we are going deep. Something Catholics are known for...... WHO WILL REMAIN STANDING..... Rev.6:16-17 The Sixth Seal: Terror …16And they said to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of the One seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb. 17For the great day of Their wrath has come, and who is able to withstand it? The sixth seal is the ONSET of Christ making a New heaven and a New Earth. The ONSET, not the finished work. Isaiah 26: 20Go, my people, enter your rooms and shut your doors behind you. Hide yourselves a little while until the wrath has passed.21For behold, the LORD is coming out of His dwelling to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity. The earth will reveal her bloodshed and will no longer conceal her slain.… ( The sixth seal has come to be known as the 3 Days of Darkness, foretold by many Catholic seers.) Isaiah 18: A Message to Cush …5For before the harvest, when the blossom is gone and the flower becomes a ripening grape, He will cut off the shoots with a pruning knife and remove and discard the branches. 6They will all be left to the mountain birds of prey, and to the beasts of the land. The birds will feed on them in summer, and all the wild animals in winter. 7At that time gifts will be brought to the LORD of Hosts—from a people tall and smooth-skinned, from a people widely feared, from a powerful nation of strange speech, whose land is divided by rivers—to Mount Zion, the place of the Name of the LORD of Hosts.… ( This includes Ethiopia who will to have people preserved for the new season coming. Posted it to show the aftermath and clean up.) Isaiah 65: 6“See, it stands written before me: I will not keep silent but will pay back in full; I will pay it back into their laps— 7both your sins and the sins of your ancestors,” says the Lord. “Because they burned sacrifices on the mountains and defied me on the hills, I will measure into their laps the full payment for their former deeds.” ( Verses 6-8 refers to the Kabbalah Jews and their sorcery against Christianity and the corruption of the nations.) 8This is what the Lord says: “As when juice is still found in a cluster of grapes and people say, ‘Don’t destroy it, there is still a blessing in it,’ so will I do in behalf of my servants; -( "For the sake of the Elect those days will be shortened" The days of destruction will be shortened not all will be destroyed but much!) I will not destroy them all. 9I will bring forth descendants from Jacob, ( The remenant among Jews called from the Lineage of Jacob not Esau will be preserved as well as from Judah- those in praise of God out of Gentile nations.) and from Judah those who will possess my mountains; my chosen people will inherit them, and there will my servants live. ( The chosen consist of those out of both Jew and Gentile nations. You have an inheritance in the Land of Canaan . God will fulfill the promise to Abraham.) 10Sharon will become a pasture for flocks, and the Valley of Achor a resting place for herds, for my people who seek me. 11“But as for you who forsake the Lord and forget my holy mountain, who spread a table for Fortune and fill bowls of mixed wine for Destiny, ( A table for fortune has to do with magic and mixed wine has to do with human sacrifice- Blood Libel which in Kabbalah magic they mix the blood of the Goy in their wine.) 12I will destine you for the sword, and all of you will fall in the slaughter; for I called but you did not answer, I spoke but you did not listen. You did evil in my sight and chose what displeases me.” 13Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord says: “My servants will eat, but you will go hungry; my servants will drink, but you will go thirsty; my servants will rejoice, but you will be put to shame. 14My servants will sing out of the joy of their hearts, but you will cry out from anguish of heart and wail in brokenness of spirit. 15You will leave your name for my chosen ones to use in their curses; the Sovereign Lord will put you to death, but to his servants he will give another name. 16Whoever invokes a blessing in the land will do so by the one true God; whoever takes an oath in the land will swear by the one true God. For the past troubles will be forgotten and hidden from my eyes. New Heavens and a New Earth 17“See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind. 18But be glad and rejoice forever in what I will create, for I will create Jerusalem to be a delight and its people a joy. 19I will rejoice over Jerusalem and take delight in my people; the sound of weeping and of crying will be heard in it no more. 20“Never again will there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, or an old man who does not live out his years; the one who dies at a hundred will be thought a mere child; (Please take note of the lines in Verse 20. The wording indicates not a time where death is no more like in the completed work. But a time of long life. Live out his years? An infant will not live but a few days ? That would be pointing to- in and outside of the womb. NO ABORTION! NO EARLY DEATH! This is that certain peace granted to the world for the SAKE OF THE ELECT . You will be considered young at one hundred. If you were to die before that , if you fail to reach one hundred, you are considered accursed! READ IT AGAIN IF IT IS NOT SINKING IN, I had to LOL! Verse continued....) the one who fails to reach a hundred will be considered accursed. 21They will build houses and dwell in them; they will plant vineyards and eat their fruit. 22No longer will they build houses and others live in them, or plant and others eat. For as the days of a tree, so will be the days of my people; (The lines here in verse 22 say :His people's days will be the days of a tree. What tree? Think...... It is funny to me that man has named a Tree after one who has lived the longest in the bible. The way I understand this is -Methuselah . I believe since we are considered young at 100 and accursed if you do not reach 100 , God is using a measure of standard to say young at 100 and accursed if you do not at least reach that. I'm thinking , since He is making all things NEW, we are heading back to Eden. So I believe the days of a tree is -Methuselah . I believe after this Tribulation event the Elect who remain standing through THE GLOBAL TRIBULATION and the sixth seal, you have STOOD for the faith through it all! (You have stayed in the PINES for the Lord a safe place to be in the Wilderness - HOPE YOU GET THAT?) Not all the wicked are slain at this point. They go into the earth and have the Mark of the Beast . I believe the Elects final battle after all this certain peace ,will be with Nephilim and the fallen angels. Some will be slain in this battle and a portion will be snatched up- raptured at the final stand off and return of the Lord. The "people" who gave and take the Mark of the Beast will go into the Earth (that they built for war) , at the sixth seal. A War is coming too. Those in the bunkers and caverns who gave and took the Mark of the Beast will dwell in the earth and will be remembered as a curse. ) VERSE 22 continued..... my chosen ones will long enjoy the work of their hands. ( See none of this is after the resurrection because we are not given and taken in marriage ,don't have children and we have rest from all our work. This Isaiah prophecy is something BEFORE all that and is something given for the Elects sake by the Lord. We will have long lives like Methuselah.) 23They will not labor in vain, nor will they bear children doomed to misfortune; ( SEE CHILDREN BORE) for they will be a people blessed by the Lord, they and their descendants with them. 24Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear. 25The wolf and the lamb will feed together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox, and dust will be the serpent’s food. They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain,” says the Lord. Now whether you believe what this prophet has said that is up to you. But you cannot deny that this Isaiah prophecy is BEFORE the second coming and the Resurrection. Remember what we are told : Matthew 22:30 At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven. THEREFORE HAVE NO CHILDREN. BUT DURING THIS PERIOD OF CERTAIN PEACE - " And the world will granted a certain time of peace"- Mother Mary, we have children. Clearly, Isaiah is talking about something else. If you do not believe in the Nephilim and Fallen angel thing, well...... who do you think the Elects final battle is with BEFORE THE LORD'S SECOND COMING? God Bless you all, I am truly thankful for you fighting Christians of the Catholic Assembly! Victory be ours! Israel- God Prevail ! " In the End My Immaculate Heart will Triumph and the world will be granted a certain time of peace". Mother Mary- Fatima.
Well if you think about it , I mean after reading about the actual meaning of Joey’s name in here, there was more to that message than meets the eye, no? And since Joey is in heaven , in actuality too , he has new eyes and is alive FOR REAL in perfection and is a saint . Therefore will see the miracle . When people don’t believe the apparition I point all that out. Another argument I have addressed is the issue of the girls walking backwards while in ecstasy. Priest have said that it is the devil’s work to invert things or make things backwards. I argued, the girls were looking up to heaven. It is befitting to turn your back on the world while focusing on heaven. I’m glad MOG forums has this topic for discussion. Good for you !
The Miracle has not happened yet. O'Ye of little faith! Lol! I think that is how that saying goes....But really don't count your chickens before they hatch, or go digging up corpses before their time or something to that effect. I digress , the Miracle hasn't happened yet.
Really? Well, if the apparition be a lie how can the Confessing of the Incarnation be present? 1 John 4 indicates that the one who can confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh , he is of God. This is how we test the spirit in men or apparitions. To Confess Jesus has come in the flesh, is to say Jesus is God Incarnate . Tho devils can say He is the Holy One of God, they refuse to call Him God because He became flesh. Believers know the Triune God revealed as three separate distinct beings but are ONE -represent three Divine ways in which the One True God of Israel reveals Himself. God left His throne and stooped down to us in His Mercy and became a man. Full of Grace and Wisdom . To bestow His Grace - which is what -to stoop down means ....The Authority ingratiated us with His presence- became like the subordinate to teach us how to please God. Hence , one of His titles- Son of Man. To be born of a Woman like man. So really, if Mother Mary taught them the Rosary which has the Confessing of the Incarnation in it, how could events at Garabandal not be Supernaturally ordained? If we cannot trust that John showed us a way to not be deceived by lying spirits , what is his teaching on testing the spirit for? I believe what was said of Joey was a riddle from heaven. I believe Joey became a saint and will see the miracle from heaven. And I believe the thread you have in here about it. But we are all entitled to our opinions , that is mine. God Bless.
Skepticism allows for a healthy debate and weighing everything in the balance. This is not a faith issue but rather a Theological discussion. Whether a skeptic or not, faith in Christ should always be practiced , because at the end of the day that is the only thing that will save us anyways. This is simply engaging and actually does keep us focused on those things of heaven. What is the bottom line of the Apparitions of Garabandal? With that ....." Satan cannot cast out satan, if satan's kingdom be divided against itself it cannot stand". Satan cannot forgive satan .
The failure of evil is always of great success for the Faithful and True. The falling away makes way for that which is healthy. For example- I have a tropical tree in my house that I took in for the winter. I noticed is was full of aphids and spider mites as it stood in my house. I had to spray it down to kill the bugs. Most of the tree died because the infestation was so bad. But in that death and falling away, some branches that were strong remained and did not die. They endured! While all the rest fell away. The bugs dead, new shoots sprouted and even flowers began to bud and burst forth after the treatment. The death of the bugs and the many, made way for the most strongest most beautiful leaves and blossoms. The Tree is full of bugs and parasites . It is time for the pruner to get His bug killer and pruning shears out! Only the strong will remain and survive! They are the few but are the most resilient and beautiful. All that has happened with Vatican II simply showed who is approved and who is unapproved. The decades of it has simply shown , who in that time could withstand the onslaught of the enemy. Now the full work of the parasites is apparent and the damage done, now the redemptive clean up begins. It's not going to be pretty. Only the BRIGHTEST and THE BEST will survive! Against the ugly is when beauty is truly apparent. It is always darkest before the dawn. God is making way for a new and brighter day for His Elect. Those who have leaned on their Beloved were never consumed by the Vatican II fire.