Dedicated Garabandal Resource

Discussion in 'GARABANDAL LIBRARY' started by padraig, Mar 21, 2013.

  1. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

    Ban lifted on priests going up to Garabandal.

    "A bishop will come along who will not believe at first, but will receive a sign and allow priests to go up to Garabandal for the Miracle."

    — Conchita in a 1962 letter to Fr. Jose Ramon Garcia de la Riva

    In 1987, Bishop del Val officially lifted restrictions on priests going up to Garabandal and gave the pastor of Garabandal at the time, Father Juan Gonzalez Gomez, authority to allow visiting priests to celebrate Mass in the village church.
  2. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

  3. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

  4. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

  5. Glenn

    Glenn Guest


    Now here's why the people pushed hard for a new ruling, the conversion of Bishop Dal Val.In 1982 ,the Bishop was very ill, and during his stay in the hospital, Mary Loli came to visit him. The details of what happened are very secretive (because he was at the time still Bishop, and Garabandal was still not approved, and he didn't want to reveal in writing what happened so he could not be reprimanded ). When Loli went to see him, he said that her visit with him was a great comfort. It brought back many beautiful memories about the times that he himself witnessed her ecstasies as well as the other three girls but it was only after she gave him a KISSED Crucifix by Our Blessed Mother that she had with her that he made a complete recovery. After having completed the operation on the Bishop in 1982, Dr. Tunon went to see him in his hospital room during the recovery period. "I was sitting on the edge of the bed when he said to me, 'I, Juan Antonio del Val Gallo, believe in Garabandal. But as bishop I can't say that.'"

    In 1982, Bishop del Val was diagnosed with prostate cancer and underwent an operation in Santander performed by Dr. Andres Garcia de Tunon, a believer in Garabandal (it seems the Bishop could never get away from Garabandalistas). While he was recuperating in the hospital, he received a visit from Mari Loli, one of the visionaries of Garabandal, who had been driven there in the car of a French priest, Father de Baillencourt and his secretary, Christina Bocabeille.

    Loli was alone when she entered the Bishop’s room and during her visit she asked him if he had anything kissed by the Blessed Virgin at Garabandal. When he said no, Loli gave him her last crucifix. The ever cautious Bishop responded: “I’ll take it because it comes from you.” (Loli was on cordial terms with the Bishop.)
  6. Glenn

    Glenn Guest


    Q. Were the Garabandal Messages found to be theologically correct and in accordance to the teachings of the Catholic Church?
    A. I think yes. Theologically correct, yes. But one of the details bothers me like the one: "Many bishops and cardinals are walking the path of perdition" it seems to me to be a bit severe.

    And people wonder why the Bishop's won't approve the apparitions.
  7. David Wilson

    David Wilson Guest

    Greetings everyone,

    Just wanted to share a link confirming that the Vatican does know the date of the predicted Miracle.

    Here is the link:

    Here is the relevant passage of Fr. Ramon's Diary:

    "La fecha del aviso es desconocida, la del milagro la saben Conchita, el Obispado de Santander, y el Papa a traves de la congregacioin del Santo Oficio, Conchita lo declaro en Roma ante este organismo vaticano." ("The date of the warning is unknown, but Conchita, the Bishop, and the Pope know the date of the Miracle, as does the congregation of the Holy Office. Conchita declared it in Rome before this Vatican organization.")

    I consider this positive evidence in favor of the authenticity of Garabandal. If the date of the Miracle had passed and the Vatican knew the date, then I am sure they would have said something. The fact that they have not, strongly supports the authenticity of Garabandal in my opinion (and I say this as someone who is still on the fence).
  8. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

  9. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

  10. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

  11. Glenn

    Glenn Guest


    Albrecht Weber's book ( The Finger of God )contains this statement attributed to Conchita: "The pope will go to Russia, to Moscow. As soon as he returns to the Vatican, hostilities will break out in different parts of Europe." [The source for this information was also requested. Mr. Weber responded: "Conchita said this in a long conversation at her house on November 14,1965."]
    Carmel333 and Timothius722 like this.
  12. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

  13. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

    Why the late hour visitations from our Blessed Mother ?

    When the children were asked why the Virgin came at such late hours, they answered that the Virgin told them that it was at that time most of the sins of the world were committed and that they should do penance... And for them it was a penance, and not the smallest, to stay up until the Virgin came to visit them, late in the night, or very early in the morning. They performed this penance because the Virgin wanted it and also because they wanted to see her again.
 la Riva/delaRiva20.htm
  14. Glenn

    Glenn Guest


    Church’s Position

    The purpose of this website is to promote the Message of Our Lady of Mount Carmel given for the world (“para todos”) at Garabandal, Spain on October 18,1961 and June 18,1965.​
    Concerning the theological content of these messages, His Excellency Bishop Eugenio Beitia of Santander through the official nota of July 8,1965 declared:
    “We point out, however, that we have not found anything deserving of ecclesiastical censorship or condemnation either in the doctrine or in the spiritual recommendations that have been publicized as having been addressed to the faithful, for these contain an exhortation to prayer and sacrifice, to Eucharistic devotion, to veneration of Our Lady in traditional praiseworthy ways, and to holy fear of God offended by our sins. They simply repeat the common doctrine of the Church in these matters.”
    The apparitions at Garabandal concluded on November 13,1965 and remain under investigation by the Roman Catholic Church which has not pronounced a final position on the events.
    During this period of discernment, the Message of Garabandal remains open to promotion in obedience to lawful Church authority. Necessary facts pertaining to the origin and context of the Message may be circulated in order to provide the faithful with accurate and reliable information and to establish credibility.
    Visiting priests are permitted to say Holy Mass in the village Church of San Sebastian de Garabandal and to hear confessions.
    The Workers of Our Lady of Mount Carmel de Garabandal will accept the final position of the Roman Catholic Church on these matters when it is promulgated.
  15. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

    Fr.Francis A. Benac, S.J., Interviews Bishop Del Val.
    (summary of 2 Interviews from 1978 & 1979 )

    1. That Garabandal is not a closed issue.
    2. That the Bishop is willing to listen to testimony of the witnesses to the apparitions and that he has appointed the parish priest of Puentenansa and Garabandal to record those testimonies.
    3. That he always has been open, non-judgmental and willing to consider any new phenomena that may occur there.
    4. That he considers the happenings at Garabandal a difficult problem that has not yet been resolved.
    5. That he has never condemned Garabandal.
    6. That he admits it has been astounding how the messages of Garabandal have reached the four corners of the world, as was demonstrated by the presence of 200 delegates from 26 countries in all the five continents at the World Marian Congress on Garabandal.
    7. That he would have no objection should the Holy See, in collaboration with the Diocese of Santander, form a new Pontifical Commission to examine all the phenomena.
  16. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

    Blessed Pope John Paul II's Remains Moved to Chapel of St. Sebastian
  17. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

  18. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

    UPDATE 5-17-13 ( from Glenn's research )

    The Church Position on Garabandal
    The Church has a very strict and precise terminology for judging alleged apparitions (very few apparitions are officially approved). According to the norms of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, alleged apparitions are classified in one of three categories:

    Constat de supernaturalitate - It is certain that the events are of supernatural origin.
    Constat de non supernaturalitate - It is certain that the events are not of supernatural origin. Non-constat de supernaturalitate - It is not certain that the events are of supernatural origin.

    So where does Garabandal stand? In a clarificatory letter (English translation published in the EWTN website) dated June 8, 1993 written by Jose Vilaplana, Bishop of Santander (the local Diocese to which Garabandal belongs), the Bishop wrote the following:
    All the bishops of the diocese from 1961 through 1970 asserted that the supernatural character of the said apparitions, that took place around that time, could not be confirmed. [no constaba].
    Based on the above, Garabandal is classified in the 3rd category – it is not certain that the events are of supernatural origin. The Bishop did not say “it is certain that the events of Garabandal are not of supernatural origin”, which constitutes a condemnation of the apparition. Rather, based on the above note from the Bishop, the Church is not certain of the supernatural nature of the events – which means that the Church is leaving the door open for a possible positive declaration in the future, pending further investigation.
    In a letter written by Bishop Eugenio Beitia Aldazabal dated July 8, 1965, he clearly wrote that “we have found no grounds for ecclesiastical condemnation.” Bishop Jose Cirada Lachiondo, in a declaration published June 1970, wrote that the messages of Garabandal “do not contain anything contrary to traditional Church teaching on Faith and Morals”. The first commission which studied the Garabandal events, while stating that they found no phenomena which would authentic the supernatural nature of the events, clearly did not condemn the apparition and the messages, declaring that “we have not found anything deserving of ecclesiastical censure or condemnation either in the doctrine or in the spiritual recommendations that have been published as having been addressed to the faithful.”
    The bishop who called the second commission, Bishop del Val, upon retiring from office stated in an interview that the message of Garabandal was “important” and “theologically correct.”
    In light of the above, even though the Church has not given official approval yet, a Catholic may in good standing believe in the events at Garabandal. The local ordinaries have been very clear to avoid condemnation. In fact, the Bishops allow private pilgrimages to Garabandal – a typical practice when an alleged apparition has not yet been approved or condemned. Contrary to various negative reports on Garabandal, therefore, the fact is that the apparitions have never been officially condemned by the Church, particularly by several of the local bishops under whose jurisdiction the apparitions fall. Although the apparitions have not been officially approved, they have not been officially condemned either. This is particularly because most of the important parts of the message – the prophetic messages foretelling the Warning, the Miracle and the Chastisement – can only be validated or invalidated upon their actual occurrence. We will never know if the prophesied events are true or not – until they actually happen.
  19. Glenn

    Glenn Guest

    (Saint) Padre Pio affirms Garabandal to a PH.D in confession.
    Joachim Bouflet,PH.D. went to Padre Pio for confession in July of 1968. Padre Pio told him "Pray to the Madonna. Consecrate yourself to the Virgin of Carmel." "Yes, Padre, I pray to Our Lady of Mount Carmel. For that matter, I would like to become a Carmelite." He didn't comment on this but repeated with insistence, "Consecrate yourself to the Virgin of Carmel who appeared at Garabandal."
    "So it's true?"
    "Certo e vero!" ("Yes, it's true!")
  20. Glenn

    Glenn Guest


    The Blessed Virgin., in conversation with the young visionaries of Garabandal, mentioned the Holy Father on several occasions, and told them, "Pray, pray for the Pope" . It is an interesting fact that Pope Paul VI issued his encyclical "Mysterium Fidei" concerning "the weakening of devotion toward the Holy Eucharist" on September 3, 1965, only eleven weeks after Our Lady had complained, "Less and less importance is being given to the Eucharist."

    Early in 1966 Conchita was called to the Vatican. Gardinal Ottaviani, the pro-Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (Holy Office) had instructed Fr. Luna: "With or without the permission of the bishop, bring the young girls to me." During January 12-16 she was interviewed for 2 1/2 hours by the Cardinal and saw other members of the Congregation, afterwards she saw the Pope and gave him the date of the Great Miracle to come. She then paid a visit to Padre Pio, the famous stigmatist. Upon her return, at an audience in St. Peter's, the Holy Father came to her and announced joyfully in a clear voice, "Conchita, I, the Pope, bless you and with me the whole Church blesses you."

    In February 1968 Conchita was again summoned to Rome by Cardinal Francis Seper. The Vatican paid for this and she was lodged for 15 days at the home of Lugina, a personal friend of the Pope.

    After her meeting with Cardinal Seper, she was apparently received by the Holy Father but she told questioners, "I cannot say anything in this regard. "

    The November 7, 1968 bulletin of Peru's Legion Blanca under the imprimatur of Mgr. Alfonso Zapana Belliza, Bishop of Tacna, Peru, quotes the late Pope Paul VI as having said at a private audience these inspiring words: "Garabandal the most beautiful story of humanity since the birth of Jesus Christ! It is also the second sojourn of the most Holy Virgin on this earth, and we have no adequate words to express our gratitude."

    Pope Paul VI had all the while shown a very special interest in the apparitions. At an audience given to Fr. Jose Escalda, S.J., the latter mentioned there were many opponents of the apparitions even amongst his own people. His Holiness promptly rejoined: "It doesn't matter; tell these gentlemen that it is the Pope who has said that it is most important and most urgent to make these messages known to the world."

    On March 3, 1969, the Pope, replying to a letter ' sent to him by Mrs. N. Baco of the Anglo-French Centre, sent his Apostolic Blessing to her and to all "Garabandalists in England and Ireland."

    In June 1969, Pope Paul sent his personnal blessing to Difurora Mariana of Mexico, along with the gift of a crucifix for every member of the Garabandal Centre there, encouraging them to continue promoting the messages of Garabandal. On May 7, 1970, addressing a group of Garabandal pilgrims from St. Michael's. Garabandal Centre, Brockton, Mass., U.S.A., the Pope blessed their banner, saying, "Be in the Vanguard! Forward!" The following day L'Osservatore, the official Vatican newspaper, carried the news on the front page:

    In 1975, Jacinta, the visionary visited Rome in order to gain the Holy Year indulgence. The then Bishop of Santander, Bishop del Val, had given her a personal letter of introduction addressed to certain Cardinals of the Sacred Congregation. She was received with great kindness by Cardinal Ottaviani for 30 minutes. He told her, "Jacinta, I am with you, but we have to pray much and have much patience . . : it. is necessary to pray that the Church will become aware of the importance of Garabandal." .Cardinal Philippe who was presiding over a Bishops' Conference, left it in order to meet her and tell her, "I bless you in the name of the Madonna and I am fully with you. " She was also told, ' `It is very important that the four of you remain
    united. "

    It is therefore possible that Pope Paul VI had the Garabandal prophecies in mind when, after speaking of the notable events of the Holy Year, during a general audience on January 7, 1976, he added this comment:
    "Finally, certain secrets of the Divine Mercy in which are revealed the thrilling resources of the' Kingdom of God, are indication that we have reached a decisive and great hour. "

    In his book 'Garabandal The Village Speaks, Ramon Perez concludes: "At the end of 1980 we are still at the same point: Rome takes the affair very seriously but officially she declares that it is the Bishop of Santander who must decide."
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