The event of the Warning begins with the letter "A. "

Discussion in 'GARABANDAL LIBRARY' started by local, Oct 7, 2015.

  1. LittleVoice: 2. The intermediate (second) one in spirit (during a judgement) mentioned in Gospel.

    Are you saying that the Christ's "interim coming" in the spirit is limited to the time of the Warning (your "judgement")? Because after the Warning is the period of chastisement or purification which of course is NOT some continuation of your particular "interim" coming of Christ. That period of judgement and purification itself will be followed by the actual interim coming (oft referred to as the 2nd coming, confusing things a bit for some people) Era of the Divine Will with the special reigning in our will via a very special Presence of the Eucharist/Eucharistic Age. Otherwise you have introduced another "2nd coming"(which would make 4 of them!) taking place only during the short time of the Warning which then has to end for the time of chastisement to take place.

    The Warning is an event that fulfills the time of Mercy before the time of Judgement as told to St. Faustina. The Warning is a final act of Mercy. After that it's only judgement until all is purified in order for the New Era to come to a "renewed earth with recreated people" by the Spirit. Christ cannot come to reign in such a spiritual reign UNTIL all is purified according to His Father's Divine Will and man's own will is conformed to the Divine Will.
    lynnfiat likes this.
  2. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014
    Christ will come in the flesh at his second coming at the end of the world for the general judgement of the whole world. This is what Father Gobbi is speaking of. Before Christ’s second coming the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers.Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 675.
    Thus, the "intermediate" is not the Second Coming.
  3. Byron

    Byron Powers

    Apr 27, 2016
    The intermediate coming (second coming), arrives with the Warning through the illumination of conscience - a mini judgment. But the era of peace may come without a chastisement only if the entire world converts after the Warning. It's not that confusing.
    Carol55 and LittleVoice like this.
  4. Byron

    Byron Powers

    Apr 27, 2016
    I'm sorry Fatima, but Fr Gobbi's intermediate coming that he speaks of is not of flesh. It is a Eucharistic reign of such extreme that all Christian Churches will unite. It is the Second Pentecost. And in reality, before the end of the world, when He does arrive in flesh like the first time, it can be considered the second. By the Holy Spirit, He will come twice. In the Flesh, He will come twice.
    Seagrace and Serena like this.
  5. Well then you have Christ reigning with the Divine Will in the hearts of a lot of disreputable people all during the time after the Warning, during the time of the AC, leading up to the Era of Divine Will. That's impossible. What then is the use of the prayer to the Holy Spirit to come and not only renew the face of the earth but to also re-create man in a purification of both in order for the Divine Will to be able to exist in such a new world???? This is why the preternatural gifts will increase in those who have been tested and are the "solid ones" during the chastisement. The Divine Will must have a purified world with purified persons in order to fulfill the Our Father of "His Will being done on earth AS it is in heaven" during this time.

    The Warning is the prophesied Event that grants the greatest gift of Mercy (before the time of justice as told to St. Faustina) to all who receive It with Its Truth. From that time on there is only the time of justice which will purify and bring an end to this era. Our Lady is currently on a mission to bring people to conversion and repentance NOW because as she warns, people will likely to be too hardened in their sinful hearts to accept even that unfathomable Mercy offered at the time of the Warning. If it is known by the Father that the event of the Warning in and of itself would convert all He would not be sending His Mother to prepare only those who will listen....and she would not be weeping tears for those who will be lost otherwise.
    Fatima likes this.
  6. P.S. BTW, some people have already been allowed to experience the Warning, individually, in order to help others to prepare for its seriousness. You can't say then that all of those times when God has permitted this, in particular cases, were "several" of His "intermediate" comings in the same sense as intended for the real Intermediate reign, for a period of time, not in the flesh, but in our wills.
  7. Byron

    Byron Powers

    Apr 27, 2016
    Free will exists today and will continue to exist even after the Warning. That era of peace I believe you speak of, as of Divine Will, may bring a whole new world, but it won't completely eradicate sin.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2017
    Carol55 and LittleVoice like this.
  8. Byron

    Byron Powers

    Apr 27, 2016
    I know my own sister experienced it. But the Warning will have everyone experience it in the entire world at the exact time. There is the difference.
    Carol55 and Serena like this.
  9. Byron

    Byron Powers

    Apr 27, 2016
    The "Heaven on Earth" may be that all finally realize the significance of the Mass. All people will know that the Eucharist is truly Him. But it won't mean everyone will follow Him.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2017
    Carol55 and LittleVoice like this.
  10. Except for those in the world who have been allowed to experience it how many "interim comings", since these singular events would necessitate the same type of "coming", are people allowing for? THE or real interim coming is to contain the time period of the Era of the Divine Will. The Warning does not do that since it will be followed by the time of justice only, not as yet the Era of the Divine Will which will follow that period of purification. Again, the Warning is an event that completes the Time of Mercy which we are already experiencing via the Divine Mercy Devotion in preparation for the Warning. It is NOT an Era in which the Divine Will will live in the wills of those who have merited entering into this Era.

    It is an Era better than the original garden since Satan will, for a period of time, not be roaming about. After the purification those entering into the New Era will have been tested as those who have been martyred and who will experience the first resurrection in order for them to live as well in this New Era. Those, though, who are born into this Era will have to be tested and will not have the memory of the former world of sin and its consequences so they will have to create their own reality with what they are taught and their own therefore defective free wills, and adding to that the tempter being released towards the end before the final Coming.
    Fatima likes this.
  11. Then those would not have been purified in order to enter into this Era for such will be "living Hosts" for the Divine Will. The Divine Will must live in each will in order for God's Will "to be done on earth AS it is in heaven". One cannot think of this New Era using what they know about our current defective era since it will have been completely purified and re-created by the Holy Spirit....a difficult time for sure.
  12. Byron

    Byron Powers

    Apr 27, 2016
    Well that's a good question. Will Conchita of Garabandal experience the Warning again?

    I think by your interpretation of the "Divine Will," you don't believe the world has a chance to avoid the Chastisement. Well, I pray that the world through the Holy Spirit enters a mild purification. I'm hoping for that.
    Mary's child likes this.
  13. Yes, me too! That is the mission for our show us the way that such events can be mitigated. How many are listening?
    Mary's child likes this.
  14. lynnfiat

    lynnfiat Fiat Voluntas Tua

    Aug 12, 2014
    Knoxville, TN
    I was just reading Fr. Joseph Iannuzzi's book, "Antichrist and the End Times" and he quotes from several mystics, Saints and Blessed's regarding the chastisement. We do not know when this will be (or if it will be), but I do not believe it can be avoided now and apparently neither does Fr. Joe. To describe just a few:

    St. Hildegard foresaw a comet event before the Era of Peace: "Before the comet comes (an asteroid? begins with the letter "A"), many nations, the good excepted, will be scourged by want and famine...the comet will force much out of the ocean and flood many countries....all coastal cities will live in fear and many of them will be destroyed by tidal waves and most living creatures will be killed...."

    Blessed Anna-Marie Taigi: God will send two punishments; one will be in the form of wars, revolutions and other evils; it shall originate on earth. The other will be sent from Heaven." (After I read this I was reminded of something I was told many years ago; I was asking Our Lord one day during Adoration if a chastisement did come, would it come from Him or from man. He replied, "Both! They will look to the heavens as there will be no where else to turn." - this was said very sternly!)

    And then this from Akita, Japan: "...if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one has never seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead." "The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops. ...the Church will be full of those who accept compromises." (I was also told once, "As the veil in the Temple was rent in two, so will My Church be.")

    From Blessed Elizabeeth Canori-Mora: "...All of a sudden there burst out such a terrible and violent wind, that its noise sounded like the roars of furious lions. The sound of the furious hurricane was heard over the whole earth."

    There are more, but I think this would be enough for anyone to believe in what may come - and possibly soon.
    Lord, have mercy on us! Mary, our Mother, pray for us!
    Seagrace, Fatima and AED like this.
  15. Byron

    Byron Powers

    Apr 27, 2016
    "If men do not repent..." - I pray they do. Still hoping that the Warning will make a big difference.
  16. Carol55

    Carol55 Ave Maria

    Mar 18, 2016
    Long Island, New York
    The one above alleged from St.Hildegard I believe is not accurate. Another member who has studied her prophecies very well stated that this is something that is floating around on the internet and recopied several times but is made up.
    Sam likes this.
  17. Fatima

    Fatima Powers

    May 23, 2014
    The chastisement can not be omitted now, it can only be lessened. It is clear the world is multiple times worse than it was at the time of the flood and many prophecies attest to this as well as the obvious to our own awareness of global sin.
    Byron, the Catholic Church clearly teaches that the Second Coming of Christ is at the end of the world in the "final trial". There will be an intermediate period, after the great purification, of Christ in a whole new Eucharistic Reign in the Era of the Divine Will, but this is not the Second Coming.
    Sam, earthtoangels and lynnfiat like this.
  18. lynnfiat

    lynnfiat Fiat Voluntas Tua

    Aug 12, 2014
    Knoxville, TN
    Thank you for letting me know this. Fr. Joseph has it in his book so I assumed it was correct. A happy, blessed Christmas!
    Carol55 likes this.
  19. Carol55

    Carol55 Ave Maria

    Mar 18, 2016
    Long Island, New York
    Lynne, Thank you, I wish the same for you a very blessed Christmas,

    I found the information I was thinking of, .

    So, more then likely it is not from St. Hildegard but it still may be prophetic. I am glad I found the page. I hope this is helpful.
    lynnfiat likes this.
  20. Another source for that alleged Comet prophecy of St. Hildegard's. (in fact, if you google "St. Hildegard prophecy about Comet" there is a whole slew of Catholic sources including Spirit Daily):

    St. Hildegard's 12th C. Prophecy

    "the comet comes..."

    (A 3 Days of Darkness Prophetic Warning)

    Source: "The Prophets and Our Times", by Fr. Culleton, pp. 139-140, 1941 Imprimatur

    About the Author

    The Rev. Father R. Gerard Culleton was a priest and author of the twentieth century. His The Reign of Antichrist serves as a definitive sourcebook on the titular topic of the Antichrist, containing many prophesies and covering both biblical and saintly aspects. Father Culleton's work was originally published in 1951 by the Academy Duplicating Service, California. It was also printed by TAN in 1974.

    So much about old prophecies could be in need of original sources. Otherwise it's about everyone's personal limited sources.
    lynnfiat likes this.

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