Wonderful. Sigh. If only...but it does teach us to appreciate that which we have lost. As my cousin said to me today, there are so few going to Church these days , would it really have hurt so very much to leave them open?
This period in our Churches history reminds me of this evening, when the Hosts are taken from the Tabernacle to rest in the Altar of Repose. A whole is left in our hearts for the Resurrected Lord to enter. Perhaps the Lord is doing the same at the moment in Church. Filling us with a Holy Hunger, which a reborn Church will fill. Absence make the heart grow fonder. It will seem so strange when we go back to mass again. It seems like a million years ago since I was at mass. I feel like part of me is dying, like a flower withering.
I find great peace in accepting it as the Will of God. It is part of the Chastisement, a part even more severe than the virus itself. I heard a National Park Ranger this morning on the radio. It is such a gorgeous day outside. I had planned to go camping at Easter but now everything's closed. I felt such a pang of jealousy towards the Ranger. He's there and I'm not kinda thing. It makes an effort to conform to the Will of God. But I suppose if it did not take an effort it would not be worth doing. Visiting the Hospital Wards was so touching last night, all the Doctors and nurses saying thank you for leaving up notes. So much to be thankful for. Still have a job. Still have great good health. No one belonging to me ill or dead. Deepening prayer life. Counting blessings helps so much.
I am always bereft on Good Friday when there is no more Blessed Sacrament until the Easter Vigil. It is very comforting when The Vigil is celebrated in Asia finally. 12 hours ahead of us. This Lent and Triduum seem just as bereft but longer somehow.
I had a wonderful day yesterday! I managed to get to Confession, as well as the Stations of the Cross, Celebration of the Passion of Our Lord and Veneration of the Cross. There weren't many of us in attendance, so we were able to maintain a safe distance. I hadn't received the Holy Eucharist in weeks so I was beyond happy! Looking forward to the Easter Vigil tonight.
https://www.wvlt.tv/content/news/Ke...ing-in-person-church-services--569584941.html Kentucky troopers record license plate info on people attending in person church services LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WLKY) Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear announced an executive order against churches holding in-person services. To enforce this order, the governor warned Kentuckians that their license plate numbers would be recorded by police if they attended in person church services Easter weekend. The governor said license plate information will be sent to health departments and health officials will come to that person's house, ordering them to self-quarantine for 14 days. “We absolutely cannot bring people together in one building like that. That's how the coronavirus spreads, and that's how people die,” Beshear said.
It is now a crime to attend public Mass. If this virus and restrictions clear we are being conditioned to accept the abolition of the Mass. Americans love freedom. This will not be an easy fight for the evil one. Prayer attains all. Our fight is not primarily one against politicians but spiritual forces.
What is absolutely mind boggling is we can gather together in grocery stores and Home Depot and Walmart in droves and no one bats an eye. Of course there is social distancing, yellow caution tape and people counting people in and out but the stores are absolutely full. Since the stimulus came out today I noticed the parking lots of Walmart were packed. Some people I am sure are shopping for food but I saw quite a few TV's coming out in carts. I was going to pick up some stuff for an elderly neighbor but decided against it when I saw the amount of people there. Church bad shopping good Our society is nuts!
does anyone know what the Church's attitude was at the time of the Spanish Flu pandemic? I think the Pope was Saint Pius X
The only thing I have heard so far is that Philadelphia was so hard hit that the Bishop of that city closed all the churches and allowed them to be used as hospitals. Two thousand nuns nursed the sick. (During Spanish flu)
Great news! My parish is allowing Masses again beginning next weekend. Maximum of 50 people, so we have to sign up. Praise God!
Great news!!! We are reopening on May 25. Right behind you Yes, we must sign up as well. Please God it will all work out. Let us know how it works out.