The Warning ,then Chastisement: it's a combination, but... I think God desires us to pray with expectant Faith that the Warning produces the desired result of mass saving repentance, rather than assume the worst because prophecies indicate otherwise. Our hearts must reflect the Maternal, Immaculate Heart of Our Lady, which gazes upon each and every one of her children with love. Yes, certain prophecies indicate certain punishment, but every prophecy has an inherently conditional element to it. Pray, pray, pray!
Mitigation at least, but the wording, "it will wipe out a great part of humanity", suggests chastisement to me, strongly.
Yes, every true prophecy has a conditional element, because the purpose of Heaven telling us about upcoming catastrophes is to wake us up into praying and atoning for souls (others and our own), that the need for punishment may be averted. That's why I'm very leery of any purported apparitions that tell of upcoming punishments simply for the purpose of saying "get ready" or "here's what's coming soon." Heaven doesn't come down to satisfy our curiosity or let us know we'll be fine while all those other bad people will be punished soon. Vague expressions of "get ready" are meaningless. We don't need to be ready for God's punishments. May the time of God's wrath find us already on our knees begging for mercy for ourselves and others, that as many be converted and spared as possible. Our goal here always is to save souls, for the love of God.
Yes, mitigation, always mitigation! Be grieved at the rejection and mockery of God (think of the work, "Piss Christ"). O Lord, let Your Grace soften the heart of that "artist" that his vainglory might be transformed into thanksgiving at the depths of Your unfathomable Mercy. (Yet assuming the Lord's Mercy is such an affront!) Repent, repent! The heavenly Host tremble before Your Glorious Majesty and marvel when You forgive. Who is like unto the Lord. There is none! O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!
Yes I keep reminding myself of that. Also "where sin abounds there does grace much more abound"---in this Judas tragedy unfolding before us we have shining lights. Stars that have not fallen. The African and Hungarian bishops. Cardinals Burke and Mueller and Sara. Bishop Strickland and Arch. Chaput. And so many others. The persecuted bishops in Puerto Rico and Argentina. The lightgets brighter as the dark grows darker.
Absolutely!! So many prophecy chasers treat the subject like fortune telling. Catholic prophecy is never a crystal ball matter. Disasters can be averted by prayer and fasting. There's a prophecy that at the end of the 20th century fire will fall from the sky and wipe out a large portion of mankind. This didn't happen, so many people think it's simply been delayed. However, Sr Lucia confirmed that the entrustment of the world (including Russia) by John Paul II in 1984 was accepted by heaven and averted a third world war. I think we can hope that this horror is behind us, but of course this doesn't mean that it's all sunlit uplands from now on. No. Mankind has not changed, and if things go on as they are, I can't see things ending well at all.
And those are the higher up shining lights... There are scores of very orthodox young priests quietly sowing seeds of change in their parishes. I've seen it in almost every parish around me. When a young priest comes in, changes start happening. These young ones love God and the Faith, and want a return to tradition. They bring in beautiful traditional art and music, Latin, pious customs like processions, Adoration, and Holy Face devotion... They give out their personal numbers for sacramental emergencies... My brother is one of these young ones about to enter the seminary. He is on fire with his Faith, and I can tell you absolutely none of the wishy-washy stuff of the last few decades has any effect on him. He wants the old-school stuff. He wants to be a saint! Mary's heart is in process of triumph. It's coming. In Medjugorje, she has been asking us to pray for our priests for many years, and says that the priests are the bridge to the Triumph of her Immaculate Heart. It's happening. In a couple decades, I think we'll all be astonished at what our Church will look like.
I believe you are right. The young priests are on fire for the real Church. They have a muscular faith and a zeal to be real shepherds.
Great video, thank you. Such a mystery why Sister has been hidden away, and monitored so closely. Makes you wonder what they are afraid of. God has permitted Sr.Agnes to live to an advanced age, there may be more to come from Sister in the near future.
Yes. Very inconvenient. Rome it seems in the persona of some of her church men dislike truth so much they wish to to stifle it, repress it, lose it deep in the Vatican archives. I am awed by Heaven's mercy to us. Our Lady came at Fatima with a shattering truth and an antidote to the horror she foretold. But " not for our times" and the children who received the message were dismissed as " prophets of doom". So Our Blessed Lady came again to Akita and delivered the same message. Approved by Bishop Ito and sealed with miracles and signs. And yet the same machinery went into operation to quell it and call it into question. Garabandal in between these two visitations has been subjected to all manner of obfuscation and still not approved. The message there was the same. What more can God do? We are now in an age of "my truth" not THE Truth. It becomes harder and harder for faith to grow. Hearts are so hard.