Mary's Child

Discussion in 'Welcome to New Members' started by padraig, Mar 26, 2013.

  1. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Welcome back to the forum Elizabeth. You were unlucky you are now our 599 member. If you had been our 600th you would have got a Mercedes Limousine and a week in the Bahamas.:)

    I am only joking , I hope the 600th does not take me to court for this.:D
  2. Jimmyiz

    Jimmyiz Guest

    Welcome back Elizabeth
  3. mothersuperior7

    mothersuperior7 Powers

    Mar 11, 2012

    :ROFLMAO: You crack me up Padraig! Welcome Elizabeth, where are you from?
  4. welcome back mary's child:)
  5. Adoremus

    Adoremus Powers

    Feb 11, 2013
    Yaaay, welcome back!
  6. Mary's Child

    Mary's Child Guest

    Thank you for the welcome back everyone. Padraig... the limousine would have had to be sold for I don't drive. Well, drive people around the bend maybe. Am very good at that.

    I am sitting on the edge of London MS7

    thanks again, :)
  7. awaitwithjoy

    awaitwithjoy Guest

    Welcome Back ,Marys Child !
  8. Mary's Child

    Mary's Child Guest

    Thank you very much await with joy. :)
  9. awaitwithjoy

    awaitwithjoy Guest

    :p:D I have a new friend that will join me starting today going to adoration, praying the rosary, and maybe the stations of the cross. She is not a Catholic but all the same..just a wonderful person.
    This is good news indeed. Glad you are back, what a great start for today.
  10. Mary's Child

    Mary's Child Guest

    That is fantastic news! I have six candidate being received into full communion with The Roman Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil on Saturday night. When I stand there each year, watching them being baptized, confirmed and especially receiving the Blessed Sacrament. I think my heart is going to simply burst. It is such a privilege to be a part of this. Well done you, little evangelist for Jesus. (y)
  11. awaitwithjoy

    awaitwithjoy Guest

    Little I am! I could never accomplish that my friend...may you receive many graces. always..

    I think it will be her, to assist me instead..she is such a joy to be around and loves life, the Lord and my children...:)
  12. Mary's Child

    Mary's Child Guest

    Awww, that is how it works Await with joy, and I bet you will be surprised to know that you have so much more to give than you realize. I can see that. :)

    All I do is pass on what I have been taught. I watch Christ do the rest. He gives me a birds eye view of what He is doing with His souls. I watch them grow in their knowledge and their awareness of his love for them and them responding in return.

    God allows me to witness them blossoming. What a privilege!

    There have been times that I would walk up the hill so sad, (daughter is autistic, it is a very sad condition) I might actually have been crying in the afternoon and pulled myself together. Then after RCIA I have wanted to skip down the road like a child. Divine Grace ... He is perfect. :love:
    awaitwithjoy likes this.
  13. Adoremus

    Adoremus Powers

    Feb 11, 2013
    Wow! Maybe she's not a Catholic now, but if she perseveres in those wonderful devotions I guarantee you that she soon will become one!
    Mary's Child and awaitwithjoy like this.
  14. awaitwithjoy

    awaitwithjoy Guest

    You never know what will prevail, but just being with a person of this character with such zeal and passion to learn everything about different religions and the upmost respect for amazing in itself.
    She has been wanting to visit our church, she will be impressed with its beauty for sure, but my heart wants to attend the church that is closer to home that has this new priest that is charismatic sp and younger. I grew up in St. Marys, school, church and all, also they have deaf mass there, but I really love this new priest in town, I can attend both:)
    Well, off to adoration in a happy today! Have a wonderful Blessed day!
    Mary's Child likes this.
  15. sunburst

    sunburst Powers

    Apr 30, 2012
    I'm glad your'e back!!! you were an inspiration to me.
    RoryRory likes this.
  16. awaitwithjoy

    awaitwithjoy Guest

    Marys child,
    Your daughter is in my prayers, you are not alone. Does she like to attend mass? There is a child at my church that is autistic and she is determined to sit on the front row, she uses sign language to communicate and loves the music. Every child is different indeed.
  17. HOPE

    HOPE Guest

    Welcome back, Dear Friend!!! You were sorely missed, we are all looking forward to your posts again:):):)
  18. Mary's Child

    Mary's Child Guest

    Thank you very much Hope. You are a sweetheart. :) x
    HOPE likes this.
  19. Mary's Child

    Mary's Child Guest

    Thank you very much Hope. You are a sweetheart. :) x
    HOPE likes this.
  20. HOPE

    HOPE Guest

    You're welcome, your'e welcome!

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