Magdalene and Medugorje

Discussion in 'Welcome to New Members' started by padraig, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    Welcome Magdalene from Golden , Colorado and Medugorje who I think is Norman Holland the visionary from England who used to be on the forum.:)
  2. PotatoSack

    PotatoSack Powers

    Jul 29, 2010
    welcome to you both. It would be great if Medugorje is Norman...who hasn't posted in so long. His posts were always very interesting!
  3. mothersuperior7

    mothersuperior7 Powers

    Mar 11, 2012
    Welcome you both! Padraig! You have SUCH a good memory!
  4. medjugorje norman

    medjugorje norman New Member

    Dec 3, 2012
    Hello padraiq,yes it is me norman holland ,I'm very sorry that I haven't been able to be in touch with yourselves for so long now ,I have been suffering from terrible persecution ,and only recently i underwent an operation ,were I was very lucky to come out alive from hospital,i underwent an operation under local annisthetic ,were i was able to eat and drink up to the morning of the operation ,the operation should have lasted only between 30 to 45 minutes ,nearly 2 hours later ,the surgeon ran into difficulties and had to send for another surgeon ,for advice,this other surgeon when he came ,then told the surgeon doing the operation ,to do another operation after finnishing this operation ,this time under a general annisthetic ,it was a good job that i was fully awake and overheard the conversations between the two of them ,because I dred to think what would have happened to me ,if the other operation went ahead ,with eating that very morning if I underwent that op ,anything in my stomach (ie food and drink ) would have come up and destroyed my lungs ,also during the operation i had ,I was never free from pain ,and further injections had to be given to me several times ,things are happening in our hospitals in the uk ,were many people are dieing ,something deliberate is going on ,many people are now finding out .
  5. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I am glad you are back Norman and hope you are feeling better. I notice lots of people seem to be underattack at the moment.
  6. padraig

    padraig Powers

    Sep 5, 2007
    Belfast, Ireland
    I don't suppose you have any insights as to if anything is due to happen later this month?:rolleyes:
  7. awaitwithjoy

    awaitwithjoy Guest

    I agree, many people are getting sick everywhere. I am very aware of many. I hope you did not injected with a contaminated source of bacteria that is occuring ...
    Everyone might want to look into the National terror alert response system, Homeland security.
    I just started receiving the alerts but as of todays reports:unsure: , it looks bad.
  8. heyshepard

    heyshepard Archangels

    Oct 26, 2011
    Awaitwithjoy I went to the alert sight but couldn't find anything. It said no terror alert at this time.
  9. mothersuperior7

    mothersuperior7 Powers

    Mar 11, 2012

    Oh Norman. That is terrifying. I'm so sorry you went through that. I hope you are much healthier now and able to get around. That second surgeon sounded like a wise man. THAT is a blessing!
  10. medjugorje norman

    medjugorje norman New Member

    Dec 3, 2012
    In regards to the post i made earlier ,no padraiq ,I am not well , the surgeon who was sent for , if he had had his way , he could have been responsible for something serious happening to me ,he knew and also the surgeon who operated on me knew that I had eaten that same morning , to go from local annisthetic and then to general annisthetic is absolutely dangerous , also a couple of weeks ago my aunty went into that same hospital ,she then came out dishcharged in a far worse condition than when she went in ,unfortunately for her ,she died at home ,it was her funeral and burial last week ,her family are convinced something is not right going on in that hospital , and they feel ,and I know their right also ,its done to save money ,ie prescription costs (repeat prescriptions and saving on the old age pensions being paid out on a weekly basis ,in year 2005 ,they turned off the machine that fed antibiotics to my mother , she died soon afterwards ,I also found out after my mother passed away ,that the words d n r had been written in my mothers notes ,d n r meaning do not resusitate ,yet I was her son and next of kin ,no one asked me and my mother never gave them permission , in regards to any indications of things happenning , their are things happenning all the time now ,both near and far , they are planning a third world war ,but before that occurs ,keep your eyes on the middle east and especially Jerusalem ,these are pointers for other events taking place ,their will be a shortage of food ,in the uk ,we have had terrible floods ,because very few people are praying ,these floods will get much much worse ,ourlord as said that he will visit the islands one by one ,we need to get our act together and fast ,in regards to prayer ,i was shown in year 1998 the united kingdom flooded dramatically from southern england right up to lower Scotland ,due entirely to months of rainfall being put down in only a few hours ,when this flooded entire large areas of the uk ,due to a massive earthquake on the canary islands ,part of that island will slide into the sea together with the fiery volcano on that island ,causing two huge tidal waves to come to us and Europe and also to america,we need to pray that these tidal waves are lessoned ,our lord as said ,they can be mitigated through prayer ,but not put off entirely ,the reason this tidal wave will come is because of abortion and because. Of the way we lead our lives generally ,their are many things I could say ,but plese remember me in your prayers , its nice to be back with you all , and padraiq thanks for the welcome ,on everything that I have received , I let certain priests know what ive received ,
  11. awaitwithjoy

    awaitwithjoy Guest


    AS far as the National Alert response system...
    I played around with it and here is what I have discovered so far as how to tap into more information.

    At the top of the page you will see ( Live web alert) Click on this and more information will appear. you scroll down you will see the Preparedness Guide and fact sheets Chemical and biologicial

    There will also be a link/bar that is flashing colors ie, yellow, red etc. that is currently reading US elevated and another one...did not write it down.
    I know Austin Tx, is preparing the event of terrorist attacks

    Here is one site I think I have already posted this..but it has new information and is ongoing here in the USA. I do know of people in my own town as well that have been hospitilized for bacterial and fungal infections that were very serious and they ended up in ICU here..some are still battling the infections.

    There are many protocols that I am aware of as far as prevention but I will post some today that I have discovered to be all around the most common in most protocols for these fungal and bacterial infections occuring..this is not in full.

    These are to be taken daily: Supplements
    co q 10, good quality
    Vit. C 500-1,000 daily with zinc sublingual
    turmeric, get fresh and put into capsules and take it this way Mountain or Banyan botanicals,
    B complex
    Vit A
    Vit E
    Grapeseed extract
    CAprolyic acid
    MSM for inflammation and colon issues too.
    Collodial silver is good , but use it sparingly unless you are sick then increase this for a month.

    oregano fresh ,or get enteric coated and take daily
    fresh garlic is best but one can also take Kyolic pill form
    flax seed oil and cottage cheese
    turmeric..but best taken daily fresh..foods do not contain enough
    Apple juice, cranberry juice..these must be pure, not flavored and add stevia or xylitol, these assist in taking out the bacteria.

    No sugar
    dairy is limited today unless it has live cultures, it can be slow boiled to kill pathogens though
    cheese contains a lot of bad bacteria...limit this...
    no mushrooms unless they are medicinal..look these up
    No yeast products,breads..contain too many mycotoxins today.

    Everything must be washed..even rice.
    If you cannot clean it well or cook thouroughly then do not eat it.
    Distilled water is the safest, but one must include trace minerals.

    Suggested cleaners for fresh foods:
    vinegar and salt
    peroxide in water soak too

    Once you begin to read about what is happening you will slowly understand that we cannot escape nor are we immune to getting sick , for most they are already infected and are unaware until we are very ill.
    Hope this helps.
  12. awaitwithjoy

    awaitwithjoy Guest


    read Bret Pierce postulate

    alkav6 from

    fresh aloe vera leaves are best..scrape the inside and eat a small amounto the gel daily

    essiac tea from Resperin CAnada..does it all

    Myrrh, about these too, cleans liver, blood as we need to target all these areas daily
    there is more...but these are excellent to add, miraculous stuff
    heyshepard likes this.
  13. heyshepard

    heyshepard Archangels

    Oct 26, 2011
    Awaitwithjoy, Thank you very much with all your help! I will look into all the info you gave above.

    God bless you!
    awaitwithjoy likes this.
  14. awaitwithjoy

    awaitwithjoy Guest

    You are welcome...turmeric first and always daily this is one of the King of herbs! some will argue oregano...both are good.
    If you opt for Essiac must contain sorrel sheep ROOTS to be the most effective.
    I have been studying for 3 years hours on me I do not know why the doctors are of little help, they rely on positive is no good for most people.
    Celiac disease is very crippling indeed..strict diet, no gluten or dairy. I often wonder if it is more that that..I think it is the food myself, they do not inspect all fungus and bacteria..just a few..there are many and as of this makes sense to me these foods are contaminated anyway so it leads to gastro problems, cell problems, on and on..if you get sick, getting well is a major uphill battle.
    Again I cannot stress enough about foods and vectors..bugs..all of them.
    One bite can ruin your life forever, they carry the diseases.

    Hold on to your hats...I do have an emergency protocol

    One is sip in water....just a trace if you are stranded and get sick or people around you are sick and you have access etc

    But the answer is Urine...yes, your own urine to drink in trace amounts if you get sick and cannot get medicine or about urine therapy now..we never know with all this going on.. it can save a life.
    Tribes have used it for multi-purposes..this is not new information at all.

    If we end up in refugee camps and people are sick..urine is key!

    I am not joking.
  15. medjugorje norman

    medjugorje norman New Member

    Dec 3, 2012
    In regards to whats happening in the uk ,people haven't got infections going into hospital,their getting them whilst their in hospital ,quite a lot of the time ,and in some newspapers it as been revealled that patients have caught infections off surgeons gloves ,then their is the liverpool pathway ,in the uk ,were now even babies are put on the liverpool pathway to end their lives by doctors ,these are babies born with disabilities ,it only needs two signatures from doctors ,for people and babies to be put on the liverpool pathway , also it was said in one newspaper ,that this was being done without the consent of parents or next of kin , fr Bing mentions in the ministry he goes around the world giving talks ,and talks about depopulation and how its done , he mentions about genetically modified foods , were cancer causing ingredients are given in the food chain in regards certain food, this can then affect people ,up to 10 years later on , god is whatching everything that is going on ,at the stage we are at now , it wont be long before god says enough is enough , at medjugorje recently further indications have been given in regards the first two secrets of medjugorje ,that they are threats to both medjugorje and the parisheners of the parish , I was told this many years ago ,and the third secret is the permanant sign ,which will be seen from all over medjugorje and the surrounding area , I was shown that in year 1998 in a vision together with the month , i told sister briege mckenna in a letter to her ,and she then sent me a letter saying that the holy spirit would play a part in my daily life ,the visions and apparitions then incressed dramatically from that moment onwards , I can tell you we arent far away now from the really big events happening , certain events could happen in the sky quite soon ,but the most important thing is to be ready ,and be prepared .
  16. awaitwithjoy

    awaitwithjoy Guest

    My friend just told me that lives in the Uk there are floods..she mentioned Wales and also I just logged on and see that N. England was effected too. Must go back and read more about this...
  17. Vade Retro Satana

    Vade Retro Satana New Member

    Sep 20, 2012

    Vitamin D3, Cod liver oil, natural astaxanthin and turmeric is what I am giving my family daily. Collodial silver when we do get sick!! Raw, unpasterized is the way to go on all dairy products (research Dr. Weston Price). Organic foods are the best to feed your family.
    awaitwithjoy likes this.
  18. mothersuperior7

    mothersuperior7 Powers

    Mar 11, 2012
    Sipping with Hydrogen Peroxide should only be done with the 33% kind, not the dollar store kind. Someone told me that that used it.
  19. awaitwithjoy

    awaitwithjoy Guest

    This is rather alarming to depopulate in that manner of those born with disabilities, wow I was unaware.
    General anesthisia can contain bacteria and epiderals sp too..there is much we do not know and they are learning too late as well.
    But do know, many people are very sick globally even before they enter the hospital too, I have been in contact with people all over the world daily, more and more are surfacing, parasites through the air, ground, pets, foods, everything we touch we come in contact with something..alarmingly so.

    Anti-biotics and medicine for a lot of people does not is not effective..they are resisitant.
    I agree god is watching and is aware, we must be brought to our knees..many are lukewarm..I understand for I was too, I pray he forgives me, for now I feel partly responsible for the chastisements, what do I do now? It is a terrible feeling and load to carry far worse than being sick.
    What prayers do I need besides the rosary,
    I have been reading the warning second coming and here..also Kelly Bowring's book.
    How can I help the pagans and also my oldest children and a few family members that do not believe my sister and me? How can I fast forward and get them to believe? Time is short and I feel compelled to help.
  20. awaitwithjoy

    awaitwithjoy Guest

    Yes, I agree grade peroxide 3% to ingest, but on an emergency basis, I will take any..form.

    One must look up how to make 3% from 35% food grade peroxide.
    I buy mine already ready to go and has a long shelf life.

    Yes, the grocery store kind has stuff in it..they say..but I have met a few people who took it with no problems that..of course they do not know of..
    Bret Pierce drinks it daily in his tea..he is very knowledgable about cancer and disease.

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